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Chapter 2144 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 2144 The Opportunity Comes
In a quiet office, Kazuo Shuangjing was working on a computer.

As the future successor of the consortium, Kazuo Shuangjing has a lot to learn and is very capable.

As he skillfully controlled the computer, Kazuo Futai's expression became increasingly gloomy.

Putting down the mouse in his hand, Kazuo Futai gently pressed the doorbell on his desk.

"Mr. Shuangjing, what can I do for you?" A man in a suit asked respectfully towards Kazuo Shuangjing.

Fusui Kazuo pointed to the computer in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Why did the computer operating system on my desk become the MiKe operating system?"

Kazuo Shuangjing's voice was not high-pitched, but it was resounding and had a hint of severity.

The subordinates who have followed Kazuo Suoi for many years know very well that although this young family heir looks extremely gentle and doesn't talk much, in fact, there is a kind of tyranny hidden in his character.

Once the answer dissatisfies him, he will eventually suffer very serious consequences.

"Sir, the reason why I am replacing it for you is because Juying Operating System has announced that it will be merged into MiKe Operating System. Their latest version is the latest MiKe III operating system."

The subordinate carefully reported: "In order to allow you to enjoy the best service, we have changed the operating system to what it is now."

"Please punish me sir."


Fusui Kazuo's expression kept changing. After pondering for a moment, he waved his hand towards his subordinates, signaling them to leave.

After the subordinate left, sweat began to form on his forehead.

Today's situation makes the subordinates a little scared.

He knew very well that if he said the wrong thing, he might face extremely serious consequences.

It is really a companion like a tiger.

Of course, Fusui Kazuo had no intention of paying attention to the feelings of his subordinates. When he looked at the logo of the MiKe operating system on the computer monitor, he really felt like a ray on his back.

MiKe Electronics is developing so fast!

If they continue to develop at their current pace, then...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Kazuo Shuangai picked up the phone, and soon a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Mr. Shuangjing, what are your plans?"

Shuangjing Kazuo said: "You have also seen the development of MiKu Electronics. I don't want it to continue to expand endlessly, so I hope you can come up with an effective plan to curb the development of MiKu Electronics. Rapid development."

"In a week, I hope to see this plan."

Kazuo Fusui didn't even ask whether his subordinates could complete the matter, nor did he pay attention to what the other party wanted to explain, and hung up the phone directly.

For a decision maker, some things just require a decision.As for how it is done, that is how the team you command handles it.

Picking up the tea next to him and taking a sip, Kazuo Shuangjing frowned subconsciously. The tea was a bit cold, which he didn't like very much.

Just when Kazuo Shuangjing was about to ask someone to change the water, the phone rang.

Kazuo Shuangjing picked up the phone and heard someone say respectfully: "Sir, Mr. Toros's secretary called and said that Mr. Toros hopes to speak to you."

Hearing this name, Kazuo Shuangjing frowned.

He had heard of this person's reputation a long time ago, and his attitude towards this person had always been clear, that is, to keep a respectful distance from him.

Because this person is not a good person at all.

He and his team were like vicious sharks. Once they smelled the slightest bit of blood, they would rush over madly.

"Take it over." But in the end, Shuangjing Kazuo still ordered in a deep voice.

Ten minutes later, Kazuo Shuangjing put down the phone, with a smile on his face.

Compared with Shuangjing Kazuo, Wen Zaisong's life was very embarrassing.

Although Taiyu Group seems to have improved a bit compared to before through a series of integrations, the previous stalls were too big, and it is not easy to clean up the mess.Since becoming the general manager, Wen Zaisong has felt that there is a huge burden on his shoulders.

Although he is very capable, many difficult things still make him feel helpless.

The company's debt was like a mountain, weighing him down.

These days, although the Taiyu Group has not collapsed, it is like a rickety ship that is in danger of sinking into the abyss at any time.

Looking at the newspaper in front of him, Wen Zaisong sighed.

He knew very well that the gap between Taiyu Group and Mike Electronics was getting wider and wider, and it was no longer possible to catch up.

"Boom boom boom!"

A gentle knock on the door broke Wen Zaisong's silence.

He opened the door and saw Park Yisheng with a smile on his face.

Wen Zaisong was a little confused about the smile on Park Yisheng's face.

Because, as Taiyu Group's predicament worsened day by day, Park Yisheng began to become extremely irritable.

Where did he get the confidence to laugh...

"Mr. Wen, the chairman would like you to come over."

Various thoughts flashed rapidly in Wen Zaisong's mind, and a trace of expectation arose in his heart.

Park Yisheng was brought up by him single-handedly. Although this person has some shortcomings in ability, his insight is still good.

For him to have such an attitude, it means there must be something good going on.

And it’s a good thing promoted by the chairman.

Could this be an opportunity?
With thoughts surging one by one, Wen Zaisong followed Park Yisheng to the chairman's office.

The chairman's hair has turned completely white, but he is in great spirits at this time.

When Wen Zaisong came in, he was looking at the sea outside the office through the window.When Wen Zaisong came in, the chairman smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, everything is like waves on the sea, ups and downs, even if it is a huge wave, even if it has the potential to overwhelm mountains and seas, it will eventually fall. "

Listening to the chairman's emotion, Wen Zaisong smiled and said: "Chairman, you are right, everything is not smooth sailing."

"When we get through this crisis, maybe our future will be even higher."

The chairman said: "After the cold winter, spring comes and flowers bloom."

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Wen, but don't worry, our good days are coming soon!"

Having said this, the chairman's eyes fell on Wen Zaisong's face and said: "A rare and good opportunity is coming!"

"Mr. Toros was looking for a partner, and we got Mr. Toros's attention."

"Once this is done, our benefits will be huge. By then, we will be able to have sufficient funds to take our business to the next level."

Hearing this name, Wen Zaisong frowned.

He looked at the worthy chairman and couldn't help but said: "Do you want to pursue a career in financial investment?"

"We already have investment companies."

The chairman looked at Wen Zaisong, who looked surprised, and said with a smile: "At this time, we are just returning to our business."

"Also, our cooperation this time is not just about finance, but also other aspects."

"Mr. Toros's opportunity is rare and it is our only opportunity, so no matter how hard we work, we must seize this opportunity."

"Otherwise, we will really be completely defeated!"

Although Wen Zaisong felt something was inappropriate from the chairman's words, he still nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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