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Chapter 2145 I want to meet Director Shen

Chapter 2145 I want to meet Director Shen

After rejecting Toros, Shen Lin had no regrets in his heart.

His attention has basically been focused on the official business of MiKe Electronics.

As the business of MiKe Electronics grows, more and more things require Shen Lin to make decisions.

Although the establishment of the business department gave Mr. Shen Lin a lot of worry, the busyness of various things still gave people a feeling of being piled up.

"Director Shen, you need to sign this document." Shi Congyun has now become a skilled secretary, able to organize various things in order for Shen Lin every day.

Shen Lin was also very satisfied with Shi Congyun's work.

After looking at the document for a few times, he found that it was an issue that had been finalized, so Shen Lin quickly signed his name.

"Dr. Shen, there is one more thing. Mr. Lu asked me to ask your permission." Shi Congyun put away the documents signed by Shen Lin and said in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Won't Lu Dongsheng tell me himself?" Shen Lin picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water, and asked casually.

Shi Congyun said: "Dr. Shen, this is about the football team."

"Our Mihu Football Club will play a match against Qianda Team tomorrow, and the match will take place in our Dongzhou."

"Mr. Lu would like to ask if you have time. Please come over and watch the game."

It was Shen Lin who proposed the company's establishment of a football team.

Although the level of the football team will be improved in the future, the establishment of a football team will still have a certain role in promoting the reputation of Mihu Electronics.

It's just that after he raised this matter, he handed over the matter of forming the football team to Lu Dongsheng.

Unexpectedly, my own team can already play games.

And the object of the competition turned out to be Team Qianda.

"I don't have any necessary activities tomorrow. If not, I'll go over and take a look." When Shen Lin said this, he said in a deep voice: "By the way, is Team Qianda here this time?"

"This time we are playing at home, but the Qianda team came here the day before yesterday, mainly to get familiar with the venue."

The secretary smiled and said: "By the way, Mr. Wang, the boss of Qianda Team, is also here."

Thinking of Mr. Wang, Shen Lin couldn't help but feel a little more interested.

He pondered for a moment and said: "If someone comes from afar, it won't look good if I don't receive him. How about this? You can help me ask Mr. Wang if he has time, and I'll treat him to a meal."

Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment. She had not worked with Shen Lin for a long time, but she also knew that those who could be invited to dinner by Director Shen were not ordinary people.

Is there anything different about Mr. Wang?
"Okay, I'll contact you right away."

As Shi Congyun left, Shen Lin thought about the scene of seeing Mr. Wang singing in later generations. He thought to himself, after dinner, should he take Mr. Wang to KTV to sing a few songs for entertainment?
While Shen Lin was thinking about Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang was talking about Shen Lin with his subordinates.

He was watching the training of his Qianda team, and sitting next to him was his best assistant, Mr. Ma.

"Lao Ma, what's your biggest feeling when you come to Dongzhou?" Mr. Wang asked, smoking a cigarette and sitting leisurely in the stands.

Mr. Ma is not tall and is wearing a Pierre Cardin suit. He looks chubby and looks like an inflated balloon, which is a bit funny.

When he heard Mr. Wang's question, he smiled and said: "Mr. Wang, I think this place is full of vitality, people's income is not low, and..."

In one breath, Mr. Ma expressed many of his impressions of Dongzhou.

Although these impressions were all good, Mr. Wang just smiled and shook his head after hearing this.

He pondered for a moment and said: "What I feel most deeply about Dongzhou is two words: rice shell."

As he spoke, he pointed towards MiKe City in the distance and said: "This is MiKe's, this is MiKe's electronics, and this is also..." Mr. Ma's expression immediately became serious after listening to Mr. Wang's words. got up.

"If you can make a place bear the mark of your own company, this company will be the target of our study!"

Ma has always been a proud and arrogant person, but he has no dissatisfaction with this point. He knows in his heart that what Mr. Ma said is true.

Dongzhou has too many imprints from MiKe Electronics.


"Lao Ma, how are you getting along with Mr. Lu? Does Director Shen have time to meet with me? I don't have any high requirements. I just hope that I can consult with Director Shen for half an hour."

Mr. Wang changed the subject, with a hint of urgency in his voice.

Mr. Ma was very clear about Mr. Wang's purpose of meeting Shen Lin. He pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Wang, Mr. Lu promised to help coordinate this matter."

"But he said that Director Shen's daily schedule is too full."

"Now that it's the Chinese New Year, Director Shen is also busy. If possible, he will arrange the meeting between you and Director Shen at a football match."

"It's just that we don't know yet whether Director Shen will come to the scene in person to watch this game."

Mr. Wang's expression looked much better now.

He patted Lao Ma on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Ma, the reason why I am so eager to see Shen Lin is because I really want to learn from him."

"We have to admit that Director Shen is the most courageous and visionary among us business people."

"Although our company is currently developing quite well, in fact, it is far behind MiKe Electronics."

"If we just want to be a rich man, then our current level is enough!"

"But if we want to move to the next level, we need to have a longer-term vision and planning."

"If Director Shen can give some guidance, we can avoid many detours!"

Mr. Ma had no objection to Mr. Wang's words.In his eyes, neither he nor Mr. Wang are on the same level as Director Shen.


Before Mr. Ma could speak, his PHS rang.

After quickly picking up the phone, I heard Lu Dongsheng say: "Mr. Ma, Director Shen asked me to ask you and Mr. Wang if you are free tonight?"

"If Mr. Wang has time, Director Shen would like to treat Mr. Wang to a meal tonight."

Mr. Ma hurriedly said: "Thank you Mr. Lu, I will call you back soon."

As he spoke, he turned to Mr. Wang and said, "Shen Lin invites you to dinner tonight. Do you have time?"

Although Mr. Wang had many years of experience, when he heard the news, he still couldn't help but ask: "Really? This is not the time to joke."

"Director Shen, does he really want to treat me to dinner?"

Looking at the excited Mr. Wang, Mr. Ma smiled and said, "It's true. The caller is Lu Dongsheng. He shouldn't be joking with you because of this matter."

After hearing this, Mr. Wang slowly calmed down. He walked back and forth for a few steps: "Old Ma, you keep an eye on the team. I'll think about it carefully. What questions should I ask when I meet Director Shen?"

"After all, this opportunity is so precious!"

While speaking, Mr. Wang left in a hurry, regardless of the obstruction of his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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