Chapter 2146
Ermei Restaurant.

In a small private room that could only accommodate five or six people, Shen Lin and Lu Dongsheng sat in the private room drinking tea early.

Lu Dongsheng was a little confused about Shen Lin's invitation to Qianda's boss for tea.

Because according to the size of MiKe Electronics, Qianda’s boss is at best comparable to a division of MiKe Electronics.

It can be said that it is enough for him, Lu Dongsheng, to receive him.

However, Director Shen, who often acted unconventionally, did not follow the routine. Not only did he invite him to dinner, but he also came to Ermei Hotel in advance to wait for him.

In Lu Dongsheng's view, this kind of behavior means that Director Shen is too polite to Qianda's boss.Fortunately, Lu Dongsheng admired Shen Lin so much that no matter what he did, there must be a reason for it.

"Dongsheng, how do you feel about coming back this time?" Shen Lin drank tea and asked Lu Dongsheng casually.

Lu Dongsheng said: "Brother, it's better to come back. Europa seems to be much more advanced than us, but I feel that I am still comfortable here."

"Brother, if I need to go out, can I wait until the first lunar month has passed before going out?"

Shen Lin looked at Lu Dongsheng who looked pleading, smiled and said, "Looking at how scared you are, do you know how many people are crying and clamoring to go abroad now?"

"Brother, I know. When I was in Europa, I met a few people who went to study abroad. They had everything here, but after they went out, many of them had to wash the dishes."

When Lu Dongsheng said this, he said with a trace of confusion in his words: "I don't understand. I can't learn anything new anymore. Why don't I come back quickly and apply what I have learned instead of staying there and wasting time."

Regarding this kind of question, Shen Lin did not answer directly, but smiled and said: "Everyone has his own ambitions. Let's not discuss this matter."

"Dong Sheng, since you don't want to go out, then let's find another person later."

Just as the two people were talking, Lu Dongsheng's PHS phone rang. He connected it and said to Shen Lin: "Dr. Shen, Mr. Wang and the others are here. You sit down and I will greet them."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Since I'm already here, let's go over together to greet him."

"I don't want people to say I'm arrogant."

Looking at Shen Lin standing up, Lu Dongsheng couldn't help but said: "Brother, this Wang always has some background. You... you can just wait here for him in advance. Now you have to go out and greet him personally..."

In Lu Dongsheng's opinion, given Shen Lin's status, it would be too much of a show of respect for him to greet Mr. Wang.

After all, there is a huge gap between Qianda and Mike Electronics in all aspects.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I just think Mr. Wang from Qianda is a capable person."

"You, don't underestimate the world's heroes."

"If nothing else, let's just say that people started investing heavily in football clubs before the company became big. You can tell that Mr. Wang is not a person who sits in a well and watches the sky."

Hearing Shen Lin's evaluation of Mr. Wang, Lu Dongsheng quickly remembered it in his heart.

After all, there are not many people who can get Shen Lin's attention.

There are even fewer people who are so valued by Shen Lin.

When the two people came to the door of the hotel, they saw Mr. Wang and his deputy Mr. Ma walking over.And Mr. Ma was holding a red box in his hand.

The two people were talking and were not too surprised when they saw Lu Dongsheng coming to greet them.

After all, Shen Lin was treating guests, and it was normal for Lu Dongsheng to greet him.

However, when they saw the person next to Lu Dongsheng, they were all stunned.

Especially Mr. Wang, who had an in-depth understanding of Shen Lin's situation before coming here, so he would naturally not forget Shen Lin's appearance.

Looking at Shen Lin with a smile on his face, he felt that his hands were shaking a little.

Director Shen actually came to greet me in person!

how can that be!

However, Shen Lin stood in front of him so realistically.

It seems that Shen Lin, who is too young but can repeatedly create business miracles, does have his own merits!Simply speaking, this kind of disrespectful, down-to-earth, and understanding attitude is not something that ordinary young people can notice! "Mr. Wang, welcome!" Seeing Mr. Wang approaching, Shen Lin greeted him with a smile.

Mr. Wang looked at Shen Lin's smile and couldn't help but said: "Director Shen, I am really flattered that you came to greet me in person. I...I..."

"Hahaha, Mr. Wang, when you come to Dongzhou, you are my guest, please come in and invite me!"

Mr. Ma couldn't say a word and just followed Mr. Wang into the private room, which was not too big.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Wang, there are only four of us, so I asked for a small room. The room is too big, which increases the sense of distance and makes it inconvenient for us to chat."

If this kind of words were said from other people's mouth, it would be like explaining how small the room was, but in Dongzhou, Shen Lin didn't need this.

What Shen Lin said is true.

Mr. Wang believed that with Shen Lin's financial strength, he could find any high-end and high-quality hotel in Dongzhou. No, no, no, let alone Dongzhou, even in Beijing, it would be a piece of cake.

At this moment, Mr. Wang admired Shen Lin's arrangement even more.Considering that Mr. Wang has been in the business world for many years, what kind of dining occasion has he never seen?On the contrary, this kind of small restaurant with simple folk customs and home-cooked food evoked the dearest things in his heart: sincerity and casualness.

"Director Shen, if you bring a big table, I will feel uncomfortable. What I like best is your way."

"Two or three friends, four or five dishes and a bottle of wine will make you enjoy the meal."

When Mr. Wang said this, he reached out and took the red box from Mr. Ma's hand and said, "Dr. Shen, this is the wild ginseng given to me by a friend. It should be a hundred years old."

"Of course you don't need it now, so please pass it on to your uncle and aunt. It can be regarded as a little thought from me as a junior."

A hundred-year-old wild ginseng, this gift from Mr. Wang is not light.

Shen Lin knew that as the boss of Qianda, Mr. Wang could not give him fake things.

He readily reached out to take it and said, "Then I would like to thank Mr. Wang for his kindness on behalf of my parents."

As the food and wine were served and the four of them drank several glasses of wine, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became lively.

Mr. Wang has a good drinking capacity. Although his face is red, he is still extremely sober.

After finishing the glass of wine, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I have always had a wish when I came here this time. I hope to get some guidance from Director Shen on company matters."

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Wang and said with a smile: "I don't dare to give you advice. Mr. Wang, it's okay if we discuss it together."

"What I said is right, just listen. If what I said is wrong, Mr. Wang just pretend that I didn't say it."

Mr. Wang said: "Dr. Shen is so humble. Who doesn't know that you have the ability to turn stone into gold? It's an honor for me to get your guidance."

"Director Shen, I would like to ask, does our Qianda need to transform?"

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Wang who looked expectant, pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Mr. Wang, why are you thinking about transformation?"

"As far as I know, your business is running smoothly now. It's very good!"

Mr. Wang said: "Director Shen, our company is good because it looks good in the eyes of others. In fact, our company has many problems."

"For example, the current houses we developed are not easy to sell. Most people can't afford them. Those who can afford them own houses, and..."

Mr. Wang gave many reasons in one breath.

Shen Lin put down the wine glass in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wang, these four aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation are related to a person's life. It can be said that these four businesses are definitely promising."

"Also, with the continuous development of our economy, the urbanization process will inevitably become faster and faster. What follows is that a large number of people will flow into the city in the next few years. By then, people will have a greater demand for housing. The demand will also become stronger and stronger.”

"I estimate that real estate will rise within ten years."

"As for what choice you make ten years from now, Mr. Wang, that is your business."

After listening to Shen Lin's analysis, Mr. Wang's eyes flashed with admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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