Chapter 2147: Meat to the Mouth
Regarding Shen Lin's judgment, Mr. Wang's eyes were full of admiration.

As an ambitious and thoughtful businessman, Mr. Wang naturally has plans for his future.

He also has a general judgment about the industry he is engaged in.

He thinks this industry has great potential!
Because with the development of economy, the population of cities is constantly increasing, and with the increase of urban population, the demand for houses will continue to increase.

When these increases come together, there are naturally vast business opportunities.

It's just that his judgment was not as accurate as Shen Lin's judgment.

Ten years from now?
Although I also have this inference, I am really not sure about the time.

Is this the difference between me and a business tycoon like Shen Lin?
As thoughts flashed one by one, Mr. Wang looked at Shen Lin with eyes full of admiration.

"Director Shen, what you said will enlighten me!" Mr. Wang looked at Shen Lin, his expression full of solemnity and said: "Director Shen, I propose to you a toast."

Shen Lin raised his glass and clinked it with Mr. Wang, and then said humbly: "Mr. Wang, what I said is just a family opinion."

"I don't know what's right or wrong. Mr. Wang, just listen to me."

“The final development of your company still depends on you.”

Mr. Wang smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I will definitely keep your advice in mind."

"It can be said that you have pointed out the direction for the development of our Qianda Company."

Speaking of this, Mr. Wang pondered for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Director Shen, I have something to do. I don't know if Director Shen has any idea of ​​participating." '

When Mr. Wang said this, he glanced at Shen Lin. Seeing Shen Lin's calm look, he continued: "Director Shen, since you are so optimistic about our industry, you have no intention of participating."

"I think it's because you are too busy, Mr. Shen, that's why you are like this."

"Our Qianda Company is now in need of funds to promote the construction of several real estate projects. I wonder if Director Shen wants to invest in these projects."

Shen Lin shook his head and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your kindness, but I'm not very interested in these, so I won't participate."

Shen Lin's words were very calm, but within this calmness, there was a trace of determination.

Mr. Wang was very disappointed after hearing this.

Although he is not as short of money as he said, once Shen Lin invests in their company, the influence of their Qianda Company will skyrocket.

If nothing else, the popularity will be greatly improved.

But Shen Lin actually refused.

Mr. Wang is disappointed, but he is not an ordinary person.

In an instant, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, since you are not interested in these projects, it is better to invest some funds in our Qianda Real Estate."

"I believe that as long as we have your investment, our company will not let you down."

“Double your investment within five years.”

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Wang who looked like he was hurrying to join, and smiled and said: "Thank you Mr. Wang for your attention. Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful, but I don't know how much I can invest?"

When Shen Lin thanked him for the first time, Mr. Wang felt disappointed. He felt that Shen Lin would definitely refuse this time.

But he didn't expect that what Shen Lin said in his words turned out to be that it was better to obey orders than to be respectful.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Taki said quickly: "Director Shen, our company's assets are now only about [-] million."

"As long as you, Director Shen, invest 3000 million, you can occupy 40.00% of the shares of our Qianda Company."

"Director Shen, I am not trying to please you. MiKe Electronics itself is an intangible asset."

"Your joining can bring us huge benefits and impact."

3000 million accounts for 40.00%!

This is a very good deal. When Qianda Company is at its most glorious in a few days, 3000 million will mean nothing.Shen Lin thought about Qianda Company in the future, waved his hand and said: "3000 million for 30.00% is fair. If it accounts for 40.00%, it would be a bit too much."

"Just follow what I said, 30.00%."

Mr. Ma stood aside. He was really caught off guard by the current changes.

But what surprised him even more was what happened now.

Mr. Wang wanted to give 40.00% of Qianda Company's shares, while Director Shen invested money, but only 30.00%.

If the conditions of the two people are exchanged, it seems to be reasonable.

But now, it gives people a feeling that they heard wrongly.

Mr. Wang hesitated for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: "Director Shen is so generous, so I would be disrespectful."

"But from now on, we at Qianda Company will only follow Mike Electronics' lead."

Once the business is negotiated, you will be your own person.

What's more, Shen Lin can now be called the second largest shareholder of Qianda Company.

So the next drinking session was even more lively.

Mr. Wang took advantage of the wine and said, "Dr. Shen, I am going to build this club well."

"Even if we can't keep up with the super clubs in Europa, we still have to reach the first-class level."

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Wang who looked like he had everything under control, smiled and said: "Mr. Wang, our club is just to increase the reputation of the company."

"You, you should invest money, you should watch the game, and as for the rest, ignore him."

Wang was always a smart person, and he felt something strange from Shen Lin's words.

Shen Lin is not optimistic about his own club.

But MiKe Electronics is the first company to create a football club. Even its own company is a club modeled after MiKe Electronics.

Is there any reason for this?

"Director Shen, I don't quite understand what you are saying?" After hesitating, Mr. Wang said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Wang who looked unconvinced and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, we don't need to argue about this matter here." '

"The facts will speak for themselves later."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment and said: "If Mr. Wang encounters anything angry in the future, just think about what I said today."

Mr. Wang was still not convinced, but he was still very obedient and put the matter aside temporarily according to Shen Lin's request.

Two hours later, Mr. Wang, who was full of wine and food, was sent to the car.

While watching MiKe Electronics' car quickly disappear on the road, Lu Dongsheng couldn't help but ask: "Director Shen, didn't you say that our MiKe Company will not enter real estate? Why have you changed your attention now? "

Shen Lin looked at Lu Dongsheng, smiled and said: "We at MiKe Electronics have not changed our direction, so we will not engage in real estate."

"We are not involved in the management of Qianda Company, we just receive dividends."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with emotion: "The meat has been delivered to our mouths. If we don't open our mouths, we will have no chance."

Lu Dongsheng hesitated and said: "Director Shen, can Qianda Company really make a difference in the future?"

"I think so. Dongsheng, if you want, you can ask Mr. Wang to invest."

"Maybe at some point, your value will soar!"

(End of this chapter)

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