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Chapter 2148 Mi Ke should have a bigger stage

Chapter 2148 Mi Ke should have a bigger stage
At this time, the newly completed Dongzhou Stadium was brightly lit!

The seats, which can accommodate 5 people, were even more packed.

Dongzhou Mihu Electronic Football Team faced Qianda Team at home. This is an extremely exciting event for many Dongzhou fans.

The people who come here basically support the Mihu Electronics Team.

After all, it is your own team.

At the best viewing stand in the stadium, there were already many people sitting there, basically all of them were prominent figures in Dongzhou.

They were sitting in their respective chairs, some chatting, some looking around, and some even observing the newly built stadium.

"Old Li, I really envy you Dongzhou. Such a big stadium was built as soon as possible. Gee, this speed is amazing!" Lu Daqing sat in an inconspicuous position and smiled at Li who was accompanying him. Qingbo said.

Lu Daqing came here mainly to talk to Shen Lin about earning foreign exchange next year.

This time he came over, but there was no pressure.

After all, MiKe Electronics’ foreign exchange earnings from exports this year have hit a new high, and it can be said that its results have shown a momentum of being far ahead.

As long as he and Shen Lin finalize the matter this time, Lu Daqing's work for next year will basically be settled.

When he came to Dongzhou, Lu Daqing naturally wanted to find his good friend Li Qingbo.

The two of them had a simple meal and then ran over to watch the football match.

Although Lu Daqing is not a fan, games between such rare clubs still attract his attention.

Li Qingbo is different from Lu Daqing in that he pays great attention to football games.

He glanced at the players on both sides who were about to take the field, and then said: "This football stadium is said to be built by our Dongzhou team, but it is actually paid for by MiKe Electronics."

"Of course, the current usage rights are also in the hands of MiKe Electronics."

Although Li Qingbo felt that this stadium was closely related to MiKe Electronics, he was still surprised by what Lu Daqing said just now.

"You said that this stadium was entirely funded by MiKe Electronics?"

"That's not true." Lu Daqing said with a smile: "Except for the land, it is basically all money provided by MiKe Electronics."

"I heard that it cost more than [-] million to build!"

"This is also MiKe Electronics. Other companies simply cannot win it."

There was a hint of pride in Li Qingbo's words. After all, he also contributed to the development of MiKe Electronics.

Lu Daqing pondered for a moment and said, "Some time ago, I heard a proposal."

"MiKe Electronics is not just MiKe Electronics of Dongzhou, it is the MiKe Electronics of our entire province."

"So the headquarters of MiKe Electronics should be moved directly from Dongzhou to the provincial capital."

"This will not only be conducive to the subsequent development of MiKe Electronics and provide more talents for MiKe Electronics, but will also play a huge role in promoting the development of the provincial capital."

Hearing this suggestion, Li Qingbo's expression suddenly became solemn and he said: "Lao Lu, has the higher-ups already made a statement on this proposal?"

"That's not true, but the provincial capital seems to be very tempted."

Li Qingbo said angrily: "MiKe Electronics developed from our Dongzhou."

"Today, many things in Dongzhou are closely related to MiKe Electronics."

"If the headquarters of Mihu Electronics is moved, the impact on Dongzhou will be huge."

"Not only me, but also other people in Dongzhou will never agree."

Lu Daqing looked at Li Qingbo who felt like his hair was exploding, and understood very well that his old classmate would have such a reaction.The main reason why Dongzhou is able to stand out from the crowd in all aspects is not because of MiKe Electronics.

Once MiKe Electronics moves away, the impact on Dongzhou will be almost immeasurable.But from another perspective, if MiKe Electronics is moved to the provincial capital, it will greatly increase the competitiveness of the provincial capital.

"Lao Li, this is just a proposal, and many people are opposed to it."

Lu Daqing said: "It hasn't been confirmed yet!"

"What's more, even if the superiors agree, Director Shen still has to agree."

"After all, MiKe Electronics is the property of Director Shen. If the time comes to move, Director Shen will directly say that for more convenience, it is better to move to the East China Sea. Will MiKe Electronics really want to move to the East China Sea? "

Li Qingbo regained his composure at this time. He smiled and said: "Lao Lu, I'm a little bit out of control, but we don't agree with anything about poaching."

Just as the two people were talking, they saw a figure sitting down not far in front of them.

At this moment, the broadcast came: "Dear viewers, there are still 10 minutes left, and the game is about to start."

"...This competition also received support from guests from all walks of life..."

As each name was mentioned on the radio, bursts of applause erupted.

"...Chairman Shen Lin, chairman of Mihu Electronics, and Mr. Wang, general manager of Qianda Group, also came to the stands to cheer for their players. Let us warmly..."

Before the words on the radio were finished, a wave of applause sounded like a roar.

Li Qingbo also applauded, and his eyes even looked at Shen Lin, who was not far in front of him.

Lu Daqing looked at the people applauding around him, and finally applauded too.

The applause lasted for a full minute.

After the applause subsided, Li Qingbo suddenly said: "Old Lu, if you were Shen Lin and were in Dongzhou now, would you leave?"

Lu Daqing pondered for a moment and said, "If I were to rely solely on my own feelings, I would naturally not leave."

"After all, MiKe Electronics has a solid foundation in Dongzhou."

"But the provincial capital also has its advantages. Apart from anything else, Dongzhou cannot compare with educational resources alone."

Just as the two people were talking, the team had already begun to enter the stadium.

This match between the two clubs was not only taken seriously by Dongzhou, but also attracted the attention of all parties, including several sports newspapers and magazines.

Shen Lin sat on the stage and watched the game while chatting with Mr. Wang and others sitting next to him.

For a while, I felt extremely comfortable.

When Shen Lin reached this point, he no longer cared about the outcome of this game. He focused on other things.

The game lasted for nearly two hours, and in the end, the Dongzhou Mihu Electronics team won three to two. This result is very satisfying.

Mr. Wang is also very satisfied with this result. Although he really wants his team to win, this time he came to Dongzhou and his conversation with Shen Lin, especially Shen Lin's joining, made him more and more concerned about his career. Have confidence.

In his opinion, losing this time is not a bad thing.

"Director Shen, we have to leave early tomorrow morning. After all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. After the Chinese New Year, I will come to see Director Shen again and ask for advice." Mr. Wang stood next to Shen Lin, looking reluctant. The appearance of giving up.

Shen Lin shook hands with Mr. Wang and said, "Mr. Wang, work is very important, and life cannot be relaxed!"

"Especially when it comes to children's education, we cannot relax."

"A career is temporary, but a child's education is lifelong."

When Mr. Wang heard this, he seemed to understand, but he was a little confused!

What happened to my child?
(End of this chapter)

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