Chapter 2151
Mihu large conference room!

Although it can't be said that there are noisy gongs and drums, and firecrackers are blasting, it is still festive with lights and colorful decorations.

The New Year is coming soon, and people who have worked hard for a year are full of expectations.

As waves of warm applause rang out, the two family members who came to express Spring Festival condolences had finished their speeches.

As the host of this condolences event, Shen Lin sat in his seat and solemnly said: "Thank you very much for the leadership's support for our MiKe Electronics. On this occasion of bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new, the leader took the time to attend in person despite his busy schedule. MiKe Electronics not only expresses condolences and affirmation to us, but also encourages and motivates us..."

Old Han played with the pen in his hand, silently thinking about how to talk to Shen Lin next.

At the current condolences meeting, everyone is talking about what everyone likes. What I want to talk to Shen Lin about after the meeting is the key to this visit to express condolences.

Although they had discussed it yesterday, he really didn't know if his conditions were sufficient to keep MiKe Electronics.

"I remember very clearly that eight years ago today, Mr. Cheng and I and others founded MiKe Electronics."

“It’s just that back then our MiKe Electronics only had one contracted village-level light bulb factory.”

"And our products at that time were also very scarce..."

"In the past eight years, we, MiKe Electronics, have grown from scratch, from one factory to more than a dozen business divisions, as well as home appliance chains and..."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Old Han felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

He could see every bit of what Shen Lin said. He understood very well that it was not easy for MiKe Electronics to be where it is today.

During this process, Shen Lin put in all kinds of hardships and efforts.

Just when he was in a daze, he heard Shen Lin continue: "...Our development cannot be separated from the joint efforts of everyone here, let alone the strong support of Dongzhou."

"So, we, MiKe Electronics, were rooted in Dongzhou before, are still rooted in Dongzhou now, and will also be rooted in Dongzhou in the future..."

"I believe that we, taking root in Dongzhou, will still have rapid development!"

After Shen Lin finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause from below.

For ordinary employees of MiKe Electronics, they certainly hope that their company’s headquarters can stay in Dongzhou.

Because they can't go anywhere else, staying in Dongzhou makes them feel that they have something to rely on.

Old Han and the white-haired middle-aged man sitting next to him quickly looked at each other, and both saw a hint of astonishment in the other's eyes.

They originally thought that they needed to have an in-depth communication with Shen Lin on this matter.

There were even a lot of entanglements over conditions, but they didn't expect that Shen Lin, a very smart guy, would take the initiative to make such a promise without waiting for them to say anything else. Such a result was really beyond their expectations. Unexpected.

Of course, this result is also a result that they like to see.

"Some time ago, some people said that there is still a big gap between Dongzhou and the provincial capital."

"If MiKe Electronics moves its head office there, there will be greater improvements in all aspects."

"I thought about it at the time, and I thought that if I wanted to move my head office, why wouldn't I choose Donghai, where we have our wafer fab."

"The fab has a huge office area with various discounts. Wouldn't it be more convenient if we moved there?"

"But during the construction of the wafer fab, I rejected this idea because I felt that our Mihu Electronics..."

Old Han put down the pen he was playing with in his hand completely, and his nervous heart suddenly felt relaxed like never before.

At the same time, a hint of admiration for Shen Lin arose in his heart.

This boss Shen is really hard to find fault with in his work.He is neither arrogant nor eager for quick success.

Not only did he answer the difficult questions of himself and others, but he also took the initiative to list a series of reasons.

And Shen Lin's speech this time will definitely spread. I believe that after this incident, no one will want MiKe Electronics to move.

After all, there are many places such as MiKe Electronics in Beijing and Donghai.And with the strength of MiKe Electronics, it is very popular wherever it goes.

In this case, why do people have to choose the provincial capital?

The applause thundered again and again. Old Han followed the applause and clapped even more vigorously, but this time, he clapped harder.

After the meeting, Shen Lin accompanied Lao Han and others to visit the electric bicycle production line of Mihu Electronics.

After watching the entire process of the production line, Old Han and the gray-haired middle-aged man looked at each other and said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, your speech today moved me very much."

“I think there are still some shortcomings in our support for MiKe Electronics.”

"Director Shen, if you think there is any gap, just raise it."

"As long as I can do it and work on-site today, I will never let Director Shen down."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Dongzhou has rescued and escorted the development of Mihu Electronics, tried its best, and provided the best support. I really can't find where these shortcomings are."

"How about we look for it slowly later?"

Seeing that Shen Lin did not put forward any conditions, Lao Han felt a little guilty in his heart.

He knew that at this time, Shen Lin could take the opportunity to make some demands, but now, Shen Lin didn't ask for anything.

With Shen Lin's intelligence, he was definitely able to see through the real purpose of his condolence trip at a glance. He calmly and clearly stated his position without revealing any trace, giving himself a reassurance.This is actually equivalent to giving Dongzhou a generous gift!

He was asked to put forward conditions, but he didn’t mention a word.You said, with such a company and such a leader, why don't you love him?
"Dr. Shen, since you didn't mention anything, I can only wish you a happy new year, peace and joy!"

Shen Lin also smiled and said: "Thank you very much for your blessings, and I also wish you a safe and sound new year..."

While Shen Lin, Lao Han and others were chatting, a fax was being quickly typed out from the fax machine in the office of President Mi Ke.

When the fax paper was picked up by the office staff, she glanced at it casually, and then a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Xiao Ling, what's wrong?" The companion asked in surprise when he saw Xiao Ling's appearance.

Xiaoling waved the fax in her hand and said: "There is news from our branch in Europa that our...our company has entered the Fortune Global [-]!"

"Top [-] companies!"

Upon hearing this, his companion rushed over quickly, grabbed the fax paper, and read it in surprise.

"That's right, we are in the 4th place among the top [-] companies released by Fortune this time. This... this is great. Let's report quickly."

To be able to become a secretary in Guoke Office, both academic qualifications and ability are very strong.

Naturally, they all know the evaluation of Fortune [-] companies.

They even sometimes speculate about how far behind their company is from the Fortune [-].

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, my company would become one of the top [-] companies.

Although the ranking is slightly lower, after all, this is the world's top [-] companies!
Surprised in her heart, Xiaoling, who recovered, took the fax paper and quickly walked towards Shi Congyun's office.

At this time, the good news should be told to Shen Lin and others as soon as possible.

After all, this is great news for MiKe Electronics.

Shi Congyun was not in the office at this time. She was following Shen Lin to receive New Year's greetings. Although Xiaoling was a little disappointed, she still sent the fax to the deputy director of logistics.

As Xiaoling and others reported the contents of the fax, the news that MiKe Electronics had become a Fortune [-] company had spread quickly.

In just half an hour, all the employees of MiKe Electronics in Dongzhou already knew.

(End of this chapter)

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