Chapter 2152 Five Hundred Strong

MiKe Electronics has entered the Fortune Global [-]!

This news was like a whirlwind, spreading throughout Dongzhou immediately.

The MiKe employees who heard the news were surprised and felt very normal at the same time.

After all, according to the strength of MiKe Electronics, it seems that it is not too difficult to enter the top [-] companies in the world.

After all, the strength of MiKe Electronics is there.

Because Shen Lin had reception duties, when the news came out, neither he nor Cheng Zhenyuan knew much about it.

The two of them were chatting with the leader who came to express condolences.

Because MiKe Electronics has made a solemn statement, the atmosphere between the two parties seems to be very good.

"Boss, phone number." The secretary of a middle-aged man with gray hair came over and handed over the phone in a low voice.

The middle-aged man glanced at the secretary, his expression somewhat unhappy.

Director Shen is here with me and waiting for others. There are so many things that people don't answer the phone for. Why are you giving me that phone call at this time?

However, the secretary's next words made him suppress the unhappiness in his heart instantly.

"Director Shen, let me take a call." As he spoke, the middle-aged man walked in another direction.

"Hey, I'm Lao Luo. I was just having a discussion with Mr. Shen from MiKe Electronics, so..."

Lao Han looked at Lao Luo who was leaving, smiled at Shen Lin and said, "Dr. Shen, we all can't help ourselves!"

"Ever since the PHS of your Mi Ke Electronics became popular, I feel like there is a rope tied to my body."

"No matter who is looking for me, they can find me at any time."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "With the development of science and technology, the future..."

Before Shen Lin finished speaking, the gray-haired Lao Luo ran towards Shen Lin.

"Dr. Shen, is your MiKe Electronics now one of the top [-] companies in the world?"

Hearing this question, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, and he said casually: "There should still be some gap between us and the top [-]."

"It's impossible. I just got a call from above, telling you that MiKe Electronics has entered the list of the world's top [-] companies."

At this point, Lao Luo said: "It's all been said above, it can't be false!"

A trace of doubt flashed across Shen Lin's face.

He said to Cheng Zhenyuan, who was standing next to him: "Mr. Cheng, have you heard the news?"

Cheng Zhenyuan also didn't know.

He had always stood by Shen Lin's side, so naturally he didn't know about this.

Just as the two people were talking, someone heard someone say: "Director Shen, I know the news."

"The office just received a fax saying that we are included in the Fortune Global [-] list."

"It's just that our ranking is not too high."

Shen Lin glanced at the speaker and found that the speaker was Shi Congyun. She said with a hint of guilt: "Director Shen, I was planning to wait until you finished the reception before reporting to you, but I didn't expect..."

"Little girl, what you said is true. Have you received this news?" Lao Luo came to Shi Congyun excitedly and asked.

Shi Congyun nodded quickly!
Lao Luo said: "Dr. Shen, it is basically confirmed now that MiKe Electronics has really entered the world's top [-] companies!" "Hahaha, our company has become one of the world's top [-] companies!"

Looking at Lao Luo who looked excited, Shen Lin smiled and said: "The fact that MiKe Electronics can enter this list is inseparable from everyone's support."

While he was talking, he took the fax handed over by Shi Congyun. After looking at it twice, he said casually: "There are only more than 400 people, and they are all coming to the end. It seems that we still have to work hard in the future."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Lao Luo and Lao Han couldn't help but look at each other.

Director Shen seems not too satisfied with such great achievements. It seems that the gap between us and Director Shen is really quite big!

"Director Shen, although our ranking is not high, I believe that over time, MiKe Electronics' ranking will definitely rise."

Lao Han said with a smile: "I see, we have to discuss it carefully later, firstly, how to use this opportunity to promote our Mihu Electronics."

"Secondly, Director Shen will be interviewed by reporters. Let's work out an answer to some questions that may arise."

Although Shen Lin was not worried about this, since he said it, he could only nod in agreement.

Just as Lao Han expected, when it was confirmed that MiKe Electronics had entered the top [-] list, many reporters came from all directions.

For them, MiKe Electronics is no stranger to them.

But MiKe Electronics, which has become one of the top [-] companies, is news with huge appeal.

After all, this is the only home-owned company on the list!

So even though it was already the New Year, they still had a mission and quickly came to Dongzhou without taking a rest.

On New Year's Day, the entire Dongzhou Railway Station was filled with the atmosphere of the New Year. People arriving from all directions came in and out of the railway station carrying packages of different sizes.

"What a bad luck. I was already preparing to rest at home. Old Hutou assigned me such a task." A young man in his 20s walked out of the train carrying his bag, with dissatisfaction in his voice.

Next to him was a middle-aged man in his 40s. He was wearing a black down jacket and metal glasses. He looked very elegant.

Listening to his companion's complaints, the middle-aged man smiled and said: "Xiao Guo, this opportunity is really rare."

"The person we are going to interview this time is Shen Lin, and this is at a time when MiKe Electronics has become one of the world's top [-] companies. Think about what this means."

"As long as we write this manuscript well, there will definitely be a lot of benefits."

Xiao Guo just complained. In fact, he was very happy about this mission.

After all, this opportunity is really rare.

"Teacher Du, I heard someone say that the reason why MiKe Electronics was able to enter the top [-] this time is because it did not join those large companies in the United States."

"If you include those large companies, even if MiKe Electronics is powerful, it will not become a Fortune [-] company."

"Do you think they are right?"

Teacher Du adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, pondered for a moment and said: "Xiao Guo, don't worry about what they said."

"Just be careful. In this list that does not include major American companies, who else is there except Mihu Electronics."

Hearing this question, Xiao Guo hesitated and said, "No one else."

"Isn't that enough? Without those big companies in the United States, MiKe Electronics has become a top [-] company, but other companies cannot enter the top [-]. That doesn't mean they are far behind MiKe Electronics."

"Why do you care about such things as sour grapes?"

Listening to Teacher Du's words, Xiao Guo nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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