Chapter 2154
When he woke up in the morning, Xiao Guo felt as if his head was going to explode.

Yesterday, Teacher Du and the three of them drank too much.

Although Xiao Guo could hide whenever he could, he was still drunk in the end!
After struggling to get up, Xiao Guo glanced at the time and found that it was already past nine o'clock.

Fortunately, the exclusive interview with Director Shen was at four o'clock in the afternoon.

After washing his face, Xiao Guo went to Teacher Du's room. Before he knocked on the door, he heard snoring inside.

Teacher Du is still sleeping.

You'd better go find something to eat by yourself.

After walking out of the hotel with his wallet, Xiao Guo began to focus on the city of Dongzhou.

Although he came yesterday, there were too many things going on yesterday, so he didn't pay attention to Dongzhou's affairs at all.

At this time, looking at Dongzhou in front of him, Xiao Guo's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

The streets here are clean and tidy, and there are many new buildings. The key is that the pedestrians coming and going seem to be well-dressed.

Even some people's clothing seems to be no less impressive even in Beijing.

And another feature here is that there are many cars.

Whether it’s electric bicycles or electric cars, there are a lot of them here, but there are fewer cyclists.

There are more than 2000 electric bicycles, which seem to be very popular here.

After returning home, will you buy one yourself?

Just when Xiao Guo was thinking wildly, a scent attracted him.

"Come and have a bowl of mutton soup, the authentic Daquan mutton soup." The owner of the mutton soup seemed to have noticed Xiao Guo and shouted enthusiastically.

The hangover from last night made Xiao Guo hungry, so he immediately found a bench to sit down and said: "Boss, bring me a bowl."

The boss said with a smile: "How much mutton soup do you want? There are two yuan, three yuan and five yuan here!"

Xiao Guo received a subsidy for his business trip this time, and since it was Chinese New Year, he smiled and said, "A bowl worth five yuan, and two sesame seed cakes."

The boss smiled and said: "Okay, please wait a moment."

While sitting and waiting for the mutton soup to arrive, Xiao Guo's eyes fell on the family of three sitting next to him.

The father of this family of three looks to be about the same age as himself. He wears a pair of glasses and looks polite, like an ordinary worker.

However, Xiao Guo felt that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't think of where he had seen him before.

As for the hostess, she was wearing a royal blue down jacket and was talking to her son.

As for the little boy, he looked to be six or seven years old. Although he was eating, he was extremely lively.

The father seemed to feel Xiao Guo's attention and smiled at Xiao Guo.Xiao Guo couldn't remember who he was, so he also smiled.

At this moment, four or five more people came over. The boss glanced at Xiao Guo, who was occupying a table by himself, sat down and said with a smile, "Hello, can you help me share a table?"

"Our place is a bit small."

When Xiao Guo came to Dongzhou, he naturally didn't want to cause any trouble. When he heard the boss's words, he smiled and said: "Okay, you can do it wherever you want."

The boss glanced at the family of three, then helped Xiao Guo put the soup on one side of the square table and said, "I'm sorry, there are too many people. Let's share the table."

The male host smiled and said: "It's okay, business is good during the Chinese New Year!" "No, business is really good these days!"

Xiao Guo sat down and took two sips of the soup. He felt that the mutton soup was delicious, and his discomfort after drinking was relieved a lot.

After eating a sesame seed cake and drinking more than half a bowl of mutton soup, Xiao Guo felt that he had suddenly sobered up.

"Uncle, my father said that you can refill the soup here for free." The little boy took the initiative when he saw that there was less soup in Xiao Guo's bowl.

"Thank you, kid." After Xiao Guo thanked him, he suddenly thought of something and said, "My kid, your Mandarin is pretty good. Are you back from Beijing to celebrate the New Year?"

"Yes, I went to school in Beijing recently, and the teacher asked me to speak Mandarin." The little boy said a little uncomfortable: "It took me a long time to learn!"

Unexpectedly, he met people who had returned from Beijing here. Xiao Guo couldn't help but said: "When uncle just started working in Beijing, he also felt that it was difficult to learn Mandarin. It will get better as time goes by."

Having said this, he glanced at the man and said, "I am Xiao Guo. I work in a newspaper office in Beijing. I would like to ask, where do you work?"

"I just saw you and you looked a bit familiar."

Xiao Guo's words stunned the young man for a moment, but he then smiled and said, "I work at Mi Ke."

After hearing this answer, Xiao Guo felt that he understood why the little boy spoke Mandarin with an accent. This little boy should have moved to Beijing with his father.

"Mi Ke is great. I heard that the salaries of many senior executives at Mi Ke are based on annual salary!" Xiao Guo said with emotion: "You can be sent to work in Beijing, and your income should be quite good. .”

"It's not bad." The young father said with a smile.

Xiao Guo's soup has been refilled. As he ate, he said, "Compared with you guys, our income is much lower."

"I work in a newspaper office, which sounds very glamorous, but every month I get it, it's less than [-] yuan!"

The young man smiled and did not respond to Xiao Guo's sigh.

The child asked: "Uncle, is your family also from Dongzhou? Otherwise, why would you come here during the Chinese New Year?"

"No, I'm here for an interview."

"Mike Electronics in Dongzhou has become one of the world's top [-] companies. Let's do an exclusive interview." Xiao Guo did not hide anything and said directly.

"Are the Fortune [-] powerful? Why aren't they number one in the world?" The child tilted his head and asked his father.

Children's questions are really interesting.

Adults like me are very aware of the value of the Fortune [-], which can be said to be unique.

But in the eyes of children, that is number one in the world.

Just when she was about to give her child some popular science, she heard the young man say with a smile: "You are not number one in the world now, but you will be number one in the future."

World number one!

This young man really dares to say it!

You can't fool your children like this!
Although he thinks so in his heart, Xiao Guo will never say it. After all, this kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

Just when various thoughts were surging in Xiao Guo's heart, the family had almost eaten.

"Guoke, let's go." The speaker was his mother, whose face Xiao Guo had not seen clearly just now. When he heard the woman's words, he suddenly felt that this young mother spoke very softly.

He couldn't help but look up at the woman who was speaking, but when he looked up, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

How is she?
(End of this chapter)

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