Chapter 2155

Lu Xiaorong, this person is Lu Xiaorong!
For a moment, Xiao Guo stayed there.

At this time, Xiao Guo really didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

He is a fan of Lu Xiaorong and will never admit his mistake about Lu Xiaorong.

And the person in front of me is Lu Xiaorong, so the man who just had dinner with his child...

If he didn't think of Shen Lin, he wouldn't think that the man with the flat mirror was Shen Lin.

But he had already thought of Shen Lin, and he naturally understood that the familiar man in front of him was Shen Lin, the person he came to interview this time.

For a moment, he didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

I met Director Shen!
The person in front of me is Director Shen!

"Shen... Shen..."

Shen Lin also noticed something strange about Xiao Guo. He smiled and said, "I want to take my wife and children out for the Chinese New Year."

At this time, Xiao Guo slowly calmed down.

In his heart at this time, he understood Shen Lin very well.

Although Dong Shen has endless money to spend, and although Dong Shen is a public figure, as Dong Shen said, during the Chinese New Year, he always takes his wife and children around.

But understanding was one thing, but he felt very unwilling to abandon Director Shen as the interview subject.

So after hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but said: "Director Shen, I have a few questions. I wonder if I can ask you?"

"Of course that's okay, let's chat while we go around."

Shen Lin held Xiao Guoke's hand with a smile and said with a smile: "But my main task today is to go shopping."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I won't disturb your interest."

Speaking of this, Xiao Guo couldn't help but said: "I heard from the person who received us that you have a lot of things to do today, but..."

"It's not that I have a lot of things to do, it's that MiKe Electronics has a lot of things to do today." Shen Lin said with a smile: "If I had to take part in every matter of MiKe Electronics, I wouldn't be able to finish even if I was exhausted. .”

"What do you say?"

Shen Lin's words made Xiao Guo couldn't help but nod. For a company as big as MiKe Electronics, if Shen Lin had to step in for everything, Shen Lin would really be too busy.

"What's more, we still have Mr. Cheng, and it's the same if he comes forward."

Shen Lin said this very easily, as if everything was like this.

But Xiao Guo knew very well that this was different.

Although Cheng Zhenyuan's prestige is not low, there is still a certain gap between him and Shen Lin in the eyes of most people.

Xiao Guo continued: "Dr. Shen, I hope to go shopping with you and get to know you up close."

"In this case, my article will be meaningful."

Hearing Xiao Guo's request, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, if you are not afraid of wasting time, then let's go."

Lu Xiaorong glanced at Xiao Guo and said nothing.

Xiao Guo could feel that Lu Xiaorong did not want him to follow.

After all, no one likes to carry this burden when going shopping.

There are more and more pedestrians on the street, and more and more people doing business. Although they are walking, it still gives people the feeling of being blocked.

"Dad, I want to set a ring!" Xiao Guoke didn't know what was going on. When he saw the stall where the ring was set, he said to Shen Lin with a smile.

Director Shen’s son set a trap, what should Director Shen do?

A lot of content suddenly appeared in Xiao Guo's mind.

These are the processes he has seen in the past by successful people educating their children.

In these processes, some people educate directly, some educate through entertainment, and some...

What will Director Shen do?

If according to status, Director Shen is no worse than these successful people, and Director Shen is younger, how should a young successful person educate his children?
Xiao Guo was very curious.

At this moment, Shen Lin said: "Boss, how do you play the trap?" "Ten circles for one dollar, you take away the things in the trap." The chubby boss smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Brother, Let the children play, it’s just entertainment.”

"Here's a dollar." Shen Lin took out his wallet and handed over a dollar.

Xiao Guoke eagerly took the loop made of bamboo and threw it towards a toy that looked like building blocks.

Is it that simple?

No, Director Shen must have other ideas. He will tell his son after his failure.

It should be like this!

Just as Xiao Guo was thinking about it, there were only three circles left in Xiao Guoke's hand.

None of the first seven were caught.

"Dad, help me set one." Xiao Guoke handed the ring in his hand to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin picked up a hoop and threw it directly under the guidance of Xiao Guoke.


"Dad, do it again!" Xiao Guoke gave Shen Lin a circle again.

But the final result was still a miss.

In the end, Shen Lin threw out the last circle at his son's request, but the final result was that none of them hit the mark.

"Dad, do you want another dollar?" Xiao Guoke took Shen Lin's hand and asked.

Xiao Guo's heart suddenly became nervous. He felt that he was finally going to see the story of Big Boss Mi Ke educating his son.

Just when he was about to quickly memorize every word of Shen Lin, he heard Shen Lin say: "Are you sure this is the last time?"

"Sure!" Xiao Guoke said happily.

"Boss, here's another dollar." Shen Lin took out another dollar from his wallet.

This time the boss was very generous and gave Shen Lin a free circle.

But it is a pity that after completing these eleven circles, I still got nothing.

"Let's go." Shen Lin took Xiao Guoke's hand and walked forward.

Xiao Guoke felt a little reluctant, but still followed out.

Looking at Shen Lin's family leaving, Xiao Guo felt a little doubt in his heart.

That's it!

Why not take this opportunity to give your children some advice.

This has the effect of educating children.

No, it should be the finishing touch?

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he couldn't help but ask Shen Lin his question while Lu Xiaorong was pulling Xiao Guoke to buy something.

"What are you talking about? My behavior just now implies a method of educating children?" Shen Lin looked at Xiao Guo with wide eyes.

Xiao Guo nodded cautiously and said, "Dr. Shen, I think what you and your child did just now must be your deepest intention."

"It's a pity that I have little knowledge and talent, and I don't understand what you mean by this."

Looking at Xiao Guo who looked annoyed, Shen Lin chuckled and said: "There is no deep meaning, I just took the children out to play."

"Don't most people behave the same way as I do when it comes to their children's requirements?"

Shen Lin's answer made Xiao Guo stunned!
He had just identified Shen Lin as a business tycoon who controlled a Fortune [-] company.But comparing Shen Lin's behavior with that of ordinary parents, it seems...

"Mr. Shen, I...I..."

For a moment, Xiao Guo didn't know what to say, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with what Shen Lin said.

He is just an ordinary parent, so what he does is what an ordinary parent would do.

(End of this chapter)

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