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Chapter 2156 You and I are both mortals

Chapter 2156 You and I are both mortals

Shopping, shopping!

However, Lu Xiaorong had been healthy for several months after all, so Shen Lin was ready to return after shopping around for a while.

Xiao Guo looked at Shen Lin who was shopping for something, and felt a little strange in his heart.

This strangeness is mainly reflected in the fact that Shen Lin at this time is very different from what he had in mind.

In his opinion, the big boss of Mi Ke is aloof, and his words and deeds all have a different flavor.

But now, the feeling Shen Lin gave him could only be expressed in five words, that is, he was just like ordinary people.

How could it be the same?

how come?
"Reporter Guo, we are going to visit relatives next, or we can just say goodbye." Shen Lin looked at Reporter Guo and asked with a smile.

Although he felt a little reluctant to give up, Director Shen had already issued an order to expel guests, and Xiao Guo could not follow him shamelessly.

What's more, it's a visit to a relative's house.

"Okay, Director Shen, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity." Xiao Guo hesitated for a moment and said honestly to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at Xiao Guo who looked disappointed, patted him on the shoulder, and then walked towards the other side of the road with Lu Xiaorong and Xiao Guoke.

Xiao Guo, who had no intention of wandering around, wandered back to the hotel where he was staying.

At this time, Teacher Du and the others were already awake and chatting.

Seeing Xiao Guo, Teacher Du smiled and said, "You young people are still in good health. You can still get up so early after drinking."

Looking at Teacher Du, Xiao Guo said: "Teacher Du, I'm just hungry. I went out to find something to eat."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Teacher Du, do you know who I met outside this time?"

Reporter Hu, who was chatting with Teacher Du, smiled and said, "You haven't met Shen Lin, have you?"

This was very obviously a joke.

However, the topic suddenly got to the point. Xiao Guo was startled and said, "Mr. Hu, how do you know?"

Teacher Hu was stunned. He stood up randomly and said, "You kid can't be so lucky, can you?"

"I just met Mr. Shen and Ms. Lu Xiaorong. They were drinking mutton soup on the street with their children, and we were sitting at the same table!"

While speaking, Xiao Guo told the two seniors his own experience.

Both Reporter Hu and Teacher Du became serious.When they heard that Xiao Guo recognized Shen Lin and asked to go shopping with them, Shen Lin actually agreed, and the two couldn't help laughing.

"Young people are really ignorant and fearless!"

"We really don't dare to ask for this kind of request from us!" Teacher Du said with a smile.

Xiao Guo scratched his head shyly and said: "I feel a bit abrupt now, but at that time I just wanted to know more about Director Shen."

"I didn't expect that Director Shen would actually agree."

Teacher Du said: "As reporters, we need to be bold and careful. Don't care what others say. Quickly tell me what you saw following Director Shen?"

Xiao Guo recounted the shopping process in one breath.

Here, he also expressed his thoughts.

"Teacher Du, why do I feel that Director Shen is no different from an ordinary father?"

Looking at the confused Xiao Guo, Teacher Du pondered for a moment and said, "Xiao Guo, I think what you see is the most real side of Director Shen."

"And don't be discouraged on this matter."

"Let me tell you, the Director Shen you see in this situation is the real Director Shen!"

"As long as it is used properly, it may have unexpected effects."

"Oh, what a pity. It would be better if you followed Mr. Shen to visit his relatives' house." Looking at Teacher Du who looked regretful, Xiao Guo wanted to say something, and I thought so too.

But Director Shen didn't think so, so he had no choice.

After having a simple lunch at noon, Xiao Guo and Teacher Du began to prepare. After all, their task was to interview Shen Lin.

Moreover, it was an interview about MiKe Electronics becoming one of the top [-] companies, and they could not ignore it.

At 03:30 in the afternoon, they arrived at the agreed place.

The person who received them was Shen Lin's secretary Shi Congyun.

Xiao Guo and others had also had contact with Shen Lin, the secretary, so they greeted each other skillfully.

"Teacher Du, Reporter Guo, and Director Shen are still busy now. You two should sit down and have a cup of tea first." Shi Congyun greeted the two of them with a smile.

After Xiao Guo and Teacher Du sat down, Teacher Du chatted with Shi Congyun and said, "Secretary Shi, you have to go to work on New Year's Eve, but it's really hard!"

Shi Congyun said with a smile: "Mr. Du, you have to work harder, just so that you two can get home before the first day of the new year."

"Director Shen has asked someone to book flights to the capital for the two of you at nine o'clock tonight."

Shi Congyun said with a smile: "When the interview is over, our MiKe Electronics' special car will take you two to the airport."

"I believe you two will be home before twelve o'clock in the evening."

Teacher Du and Xiao Guo had already given up the idea of ​​going home on New Year's Day, but they did not expect that Shen Lin would make arrangements for them.

This kind of thing should have been arranged by their unit. At this time, Shen Lin helped them arrange it, which immediately made the two of them extremely excited.

"Secretary Shi, please thank Director Shen for me."

"Thank you very much, Director Shen, for your care for us." Teacher Du reached out and held Shi Congyun's hand, with a trembling voice.

Xiao Guo hesitated and said, "I heard that this flight was... fully booked three days ago?"

When Teacher Du heard Xiao Guo's question, he immediately glared at him.

Although he didn't know how Shen Lin coordinated the air tickets, this kind of thing should not be difficult for Shen Lin.

Xiao Guo said this at this time, as if he didn't trust others.

Xiao Guo, who seemed to feel that he had said something wrong, immediately lowered his head.

Shi Congyun didn't seem to feel anything was wrong in the other party's words, and still said with a smile: "This flight ticket is more difficult to buy, but our Director Shen knows that they have the habit of reserving tickets."

"At this time, I got the reserved ticket through a friend."

Reserved tickets are hard to come by and are reserved for emergencies.

The fact that Shen Lin can get this naturally shows Shen Lin's status.

"With the development of MiKe Electronics, Director Shen's career will become bigger and bigger, and Secretary Shi's future will also get better and better."

Just as Teacher Du was speaking, Shi Congyun's PHS phone rang. She glanced at the phone and said to Teacher Du: "Teacher Du, Director Shen has finished his work, let's go over."

Teacher Du nodded, took Xiao Guo and Shi Congyun, and quickly came to a small courtyard. At this time, Shen Lin was sitting leisurely in the small courtyard.

Seeing the two people coming, Shen Lin stood up and said, "Teacher Du, welcome."

"Speaking of which, Teacher Du and I have been friends for a long time. I have read several of your articles on economic analysis several times."

"Especially what is mentioned..."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Teacher Du's face became even more joyful.

Because what Shen Lin mentioned just now are all his proud works.

When Shen Lin said this, it was obvious that Shen Lin was not just talking about these things, but had a real understanding of them.

(End of this chapter)

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