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Chapter 2157 The future will be better

Chapter 2157 The future will be better

Teacher Du is very happy!
Therefore, the atmosphere of this exclusive interview was very harmonious, and the effect was naturally very good.

Although Xiao Guo only played a supporting role, he knew the importance of this atmosphere very well.

And this atmosphere was created by Shen Lin.

Therefore, Xiao Guo is full of admiration for this Director Shen.

According to the outline of the interview, Teacher Du asked a lot of questions, such as entrepreneurship, such as the dispute between MiKe Operating System and Juying Company that happened some time ago, such as...

Although Xiao Guo has known about these things for a long time, now that he heard Shen Lin, the person involved, tell these things in person, he still felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

"Director Shen, I have already asked all the main questions in this interview."

When Teacher Du put down the notebook in his hand, Xiao Guo originally thought that Teacher Du had finished the interview.

After all, all the questions that need to be asked have been asked.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Du continued: "But I still have a question in my heart, and I hope I can ask Director Shen."

"However, I am afraid that asking this question will make Director Shen unhappy."

"Okay, let me ask this question first. If Director Shen feels it is difficult to answer, or is unwilling to answer, you can refuse to answer. What do you think?"

Teacher Du's words immediately made Xiao Guo nervous.

But a glimmer of expectation arose in his heart.

After all, Teacher Du's problem is the most critical issue at this time.

Shen Lin looked at Teacher Du who looked like if you don't let me ask, I don't have to ask, and said with a smile: "You can just ask, we are sitting here today, just chatting with friends."

"If it's really as you said, Teacher Du, and it's not appropriate to answer, then I won't answer it."

Shen Lin said this very casually, like chatting with old friends.

But after hearing what Xiao Guo heard, he looked at Shen Lin with admiration.

This Director Shen really handles things with ease, which is extraordinary.

Before Teacher Du's method of retreating to advance was fully used, Shen Lin quietly took the initiative in his hands.

Moreover, even if Teacher Du is unhappy, he can't lose his temper.

In the future, I really want to learn more from Director Shen.

As thoughts flashed in his mind, Xiao Guo stared at Teacher Du closely, waiting for him to ask.

Teacher Du was not angry at all at Shen Lin's response. He smiled and said, "Dr. Shen, I have always heard such a statement when I came here."

"That's the ranking of the top [-] this time. The reason why Mihu Electronics was selected is that companies in the United States are not included."

"In their view, many companies in the United States are very strong."

"Whether it is their technology companies or energy giants, there should be many that can enter the top [-]."

Speaking of this, Teacher Du glanced at Xiao Guo.

When Xiao Guo looked at Teacher Du, he felt very nervous. Because of Teacher Du's words, he already understood what this person wanted to ask.

In his heart, he was very slanderous.

Because why would this person ask such a question?

What if Director Shen wants to fall out?
Will they even send a car to take me and others to the airport?

Do you still have the plane tickets for yourself and Teacher Du?

"Director Shen, some people say that if these American companies are included, MiKe Electronics will not be among the top [-]."

"So, MiKe Electronics is not one of the top [-] companies in the world."

"What do you think of this statement?"

Teacher Du didn't notice Xiao Guo's movements at all. He still asked Shen Lin unhurriedly.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "I think what these people say makes sense."

"After all, it is impossible for the world's top 100 companies not to have American companies." "Many of their companies are very strong. According to my estimate, there are almost more than [-] companies that can enter the top [-]."

“If we include them, MiKe Electronics will not be among the top [-] companies.”

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "But I think nothing is absolute."

"Let's take a look at the development history of the Fortune [-] companies."

"Take the public that everyone is most familiar with, they have been established for a long time."

“There are even more companies here that have been established for hundreds of years.”

"And our MiKe Electronics was established only six years ago."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "It took us six years to complete the journey that most companies take decades to complete."

“This is indispensable without support from all aspects and everyone’s concern, but more importantly, it is indispensable with the joint efforts of all employees of MiKe Electronics.”

"I believe that our company, Mishell Electronics, can still maintain this upward momentum now and even for a long time to come."

"So, we will eventually have a place in the world's top [-] companies."

"Even if it is one of the top [-] or top [-] companies in the world, we are still confident."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Xiao Guo's heart felt hot.

He nodded hard and quickly wrote it down in his notebook.

Director Shen is confident in this matter!
What Director Shen said is so right. In just a few years, MiKe Electronics has already accomplished what most companies have accumulated over decades.

It is not a problem at all for MiKe Electronics to surpass those large, established companies.

Being one of the world's top [-] companies is not a problem at all for MiKe Electronics.

Teacher Du said while writing down: "Dr. Shen, your words make me full of confidence in MiKe Electronics."

"I believe that in the future, MiKe Electronics will use its strong and excellent strength to prove that your company must be one of the top [-] companies."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Actually, the strength of many of our companies has been underestimated."

"As our economy develops, more and more of our companies will be among the top [-]."

Teacher Du stood up and said, "Dr. Shen, can I write your last words at the end of this interview?"

"Of course, I can say it today, so I naturally have this confidence."

"Okay, thank you very much to Director Shen for your strong support for our interview. Here, I would also like to wish Director Shen a good year in advance."

"I wish you a happy new year and may you reach a new level next year."

Shen Lin shook hands with Teacher Du and said: "Thank you Teacher Du for your blessing. I believe that we will have more common issues to discuss in the future."

After shaking hands and saying goodbye, Shen Lin personally sent Teacher Du and Xiao Guo out of the door.

"Teacher Du, do you really believe what Director Shen said that we will have more Fortune [-] companies in the future?"

Xiao Guo pulled Teacher Du with a hint of urgency in his voice.

Teacher Du smiled and said: "Xiao Guo, I know how difficult it is to be among the top [-], but when it comes to economic issues, I prefer to believe in the judgments of experts."

"And the biggest expert in front of us is Director Shen."

"He has successfully led his company into the top [-], so at this time, I am more willing to believe in Director Shen."

Xiao Guo couldn't help but nodded. At this time, he felt that he had enough reasons to believe in Director Shen, because the young Director Shen spoke clearly and truthfully.

Thinking about what Director Shen just said, the blood in his heart couldn't help but boil.

"Teacher Du, reporter Guo, please get in the car. I will take you two to the airport today." A commercial vehicle stopped silently in front of Teacher Du and Xiao Guo. The driver got out of the car and said respectfully. .

Xiao Guo and Teacher Du got into the car and found that there were some things piled in the back seat. Before Teacher Du asked, the driver smiled and explained: "It's the Chinese New Year, and these are some special New Year goods here. "

"Director Shen said that the Chinese New Year is coming soon. The two of you are tired of traveling and traveling all the way. You have to rush home in a hurry to save the time to go back and buy new year's goods!"

(End of this chapter)

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