Chapter 2159 Contrast and Damage

As someone who has been working for a year, Luo Yan already knows some things about the world.

He knew that those who could live in a single-family courtyard in this place, which was equivalent to a family area, were not ordinary people.

What's more, there are rows of single-family villas in front of them.

But speaking of the villas here, they are not as good as my uncle's Mike Garden Villa.

What's more, he is here just to be a guest.

After knocking on the door gently, Luo Yan began to wait at the door.

But after waiting for 5 minutes, no one opened the door.

Luo Yan had no choice but to call Li Li again.

"You're already at the door. We were chatting and didn't hear anyone knocking on the door. Wait a moment." Li Li said with a smile.

In just half a minute, the door was opened. Li Li, wearing a white sweater and a goose-yellow down jacket, gave people a heart-pounding feeling.

"Li Li, I didn't expect you to be in Dongzhou too." Luo Yan originally thought that he had a lot to say, but in the end, he just said such a sentence stupidly.

Li Li also smiled and said: "I didn't expect it either. If I had known, I should have come to play with you earlier."

"Your family is not from Dongzhou, isn't it?"

As Li Li spoke, she looked at the fruit box held in Luo Yan's hand and said, "Look, come and buy something."

"Come on, come with me quickly."

Luo Yan murmured: "It's the Chinese New Year, so I have to bring something with me, so that others won't say I'm not polite."

While talking, Li Li took Luo Yan towards the room next to the main room of the villa.

"Come to my room, my dad's friends are all over there."

"We won't bother you."

"By the way, after I called you, two children from old friends also came. We just happened to play poker."

At this time, Luo Yan took a good look at the layout of the house.

The yard here is not small, covering half an acre. The living room of the two-story villa looks particularly large. It is brightly lit and laughter can be heard from time to time.

However, these had nothing to do with Luo Yan. He followed Li Li to Li Li's room.

Although it is a side room, it is more than 30 square meters. In addition to the windows, there is also a small sofa and coffee table.

Two young people, who looked to be in their 20s, were watching TV.

Obviously, these two are the children of relatives that Li Li mentioned.

When they saw Luo Yan walking in, a trace of hostility flashed in their eyes.

Li Li smiled and said: "Luo Yan, this is Li Fangdong. He works in a tobacco company and his salary is much higher than ours. He is a real rich man."

"This is He Runsheng. He works in Dongzhou. He is an important department and is much better than us."

At this point, Li Li introduced Luo Yan and said: "This is Luo Yan, my friend. If you have any good things to do in the future, please introduce Luo Yan more."

After Li Li introduced him, He Runsheng smiled and said, "Brother, you are from Dongzhou, how can you go to other places?"

"Our Dongzhou is much better than other places in terms of wages and other aspects."

“Even the provincial capital can’t compare with us.”

"This time our bonuses, even for ordinary clerks, are more than 100 yuan higher than those in the provincial capital."

"It's just that we have to keep a low profile and don't let anyone talk about it."

Li Li held a small knife and peeled the apple silently, looking indifferent.

Luo Yan felt a sense of superiority in He Runsheng's words.

Although he didn't like it, he couldn't ignore people talking to him at the moment.

So after hesitating for a moment, he still smiled and said: "My family is not from Dongzhou. I am here to celebrate the festival at my grandpa's house."

"Oh!" He Runsheng responded softly, and then continued: "Brother, I think you are a good person, so I will give you a warning." "Come to Dongzhou if you can, we are comparable here. Other places are much better.”

"Hey, it won't be easy in the future."

Having said this, he glanced at Li Li and said, "Li Li doesn't come here because she wants to train herself."

"Brother, there is absolutely no need for you!"

Hearing the word exercise, Li Li smiled and said: "I don't want to exercise, I just want to avoid suspicion."

At this point, she smiled and said: "Okay, Runsheng, let's play poker and chat while we play."

Naturally, He Runsheng and others would not object to Li Li's proposal, so the four of them started playing poker.

After grabbing the card in his hand, Luo Yan felt that his embarrassment was lessened.

More than half an hour later, Luo Yan also had some understanding of the situation of He Runsheng and Li Fangdong's family.

Their family conditions are very good. Although they play cards with Luo Yan and speak very easy-going, Luo Yan can feel that there is an innate arrogance in them.

Although Luo Yan didn't like this kind of arrogance too much, he had nothing to do in the face of this kind of arrogance.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a sudden knock on the door, and as the door opened, a middle-aged woman walked in.

She glanced at Li Li and said, "Li Li, your Aunt Qu is here, and your father asked you to come over."

"Let me tell you, Aunt Qu is worried about you working there. You must be polite later."

Li Li nodded and said, "Mom, I understand, let's go."

Li Li's mother glanced at Li Fangdong and said, "You guys should follow them, it's not like we don't know each other."

Li Fangdong smiled and said: "Auntie, I'm a little afraid to go. Aunt Qu is getting more and more strict, and I'm a little afraid to see her."

He Runsheng smiled but said nothing.

Li Li's mother said: "Don't talk nonsense here. Your Aunt Qu's position is there. Can you not be strict?"

Speaking of this, she looked at Luo Yan.

Luo Yan knew that it was not suitable for him to go out at this time, so he greeted Li Li's mother and said, "Hello, aunt, I am Li Li's colleague Luo Yan. I just happened to come to Dongzhou to visit relatives."

"Luo Yan!"

Li Li's mother frowned subconsciously.

She naturally knew who Luo Yan was, and she had also heard about her daughter and Luo Yan.

I know that this Luo Yan family is an engineer in a chemical plant.

Although the living conditions of such a person are quite acceptable, compared with his own daughter, he is still a bit out of place.

Not to mention Luo Yan, even the children of these two old friends, in her opinion, were not worthy of her precious daughter.

But at this time, she couldn't reveal this.

Otherwise, my daughter’s face will not look good.

So she said with a smile: "Luo Yan, you are really here. Lao Qu happens to be the person in charge of your side. Come over to meet me and get to know him better."

"It will be good for you in the future."

"Let's go there together!"

Li Li didn't expect that her mother would invite Luo Yan over. As the so-called "knowing mother", Li Li understood her mother's plan almost immediately.

But knowing is one thing, stopping it is another.

At this time, Li Li didn't know how to stop him. After all, this seemed to be a good thing.

At least on the surface it seems important!
Just when she didn't know what to do, He Runsheng had already taken Luo Yan's hand and said, "Luo Yan, since Auntie wants to introduce Auntie Qu to you, let's go there."

(End of this chapter)

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