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Chapter 2160 People Are Different

Chapter 2160 People Are Different
In fact, Luo Yan already knew the identity of Aunt Qu.

Now that Li Li and her mother have spoken out, if he refuses, it will be disrespectful.

What's more, it might be passed into the ears of Aunt Qu, causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Luo Yan smiled and said, "Thank you, auntie."

So, under the leadership of Li Li, several people came to the large living room of the villa.

At this time, several middle-aged men and women were chatting in the large living room of the villa.

Although there were many more people there than Luo Yan and others, their atmosphere was extremely quiet.

Not even half of the noise could be heard.

"Hello, Aunt Qu." Li Li greeted a middle-aged woman in her 40s with a smile.

This middle-aged woman was wearing a small dark gray suit, and she looked smart and capable.

Hearing Li Li's greeting, she immediately smiled and said: "Li Li has really become a big girl. Brother Li, I went to Li Li's office some time ago. People said that this child has high understanding and strong ability. He is very good to little girls." The evaluation is quite high!”

The man called Brother Li was a middle-aged man in his 50s. He smiled and said, "This girl always thinks that she has grown up, but in fact she doesn't understand many things."

"While you're over there, take care of her."

Aunt Qu smiled and said, "Of course, don't worry."

Li Li's mother smiled and said, "Hongmei, I feel much more at ease now that you are here."

While speaking, she pointed at He Runsheng again and said: "Hongmei, guess who this child is?"

Qu Hongmei glanced at He Runsheng's face and asked, "Is this the son of the old He family?"

"Yes, he is Runsheng from the old He family. He is working here in Dongzhou now. He is quite capable. I heard that he can be promoted in a few days."

He Runsheng was very proud when talking to Luo Yan, but now, he is very humble.

"Hello Aunt Qu, my dad often mentions you at home, saying that you are super capable and a role model for us to learn from."

Qu Hongmei smiled and said, "Your father is very flattering. In terms of ability, your father and I are far apart."

Speaking of this, Qu Hongmei smiled again and said: "Runsheng, I'll say hello to your dad when I get home. I'll see when he's free and I'll go visit him."

He Runsheng was introduced, and then Li Fangdong was introduced. Although Li Fangdong's parents were not very familiar with Qu Hongmei, they knew each other.

So there was no silence.

Qu Hongmei's eyes fell on Luo Yan's face. After just two introductions, this time she took the initiative to smile and said, "Whose child is this?"

When Luo Yan heard this question, his face turned red for a moment.

Li Li's father did not say anything because he did not know Luo Yan's origin. As for Li Li's mother, she also remained silent.

She wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to put pressure on Luo Yan, so that he could retreat when facing his precious daughter.

In this sudden silence, almost all eyes were turned to Luo Yan.

Li Li was just about to speak for Luo Yan, but she felt that this was not good.

For a moment, she hesitated.

"Hello, Leader Qu, Li Li and I are colleagues in the same unit. My name is Luo Yan."

In the same unit as Li Li!
There was a hint of clarity in Qu Hongmei's eyes.

She smiled and said: "Why did Xiao Luo come to Dongzhou?"

"I'm coming to my grandpa's house to celebrate the New Year. It just so happens that Li Li's family is also from Dongzhou, so I came over to play for a while."

Luo Yan also calmed down at this time and said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

Qu Hongmei said with a calm expression: "What does your grandpa do? Maybe we know each other!"

"I also spent some time in Dongzhou."

"My grandpa has been working in the factory and has been retired for seven or eight years." Luo Yan thought of his grandpa's situation and told the truth.

Qu Hongmei smiled and said: "Okay, the young man is quite energetic."

"Work hard in the future, and if anything happens, just come to me." Hearing Qu Hongmei's words, He Runsheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and chuckled secretly. He understood very well that Aunt Qu's words were basically just a polite word.

From now on, if Luo Yan doesn't know how to advance or retreat and looks for him, he will definitely be rejected.

Luo Yan quickly smiled and expressed his gratitude.

And Li Li's mother said: "Okay, you can play with yourself. I'll call you when I go back to eat."

Li Li and others did not want to stay in the living room all the time. After all, they were all elders and it would be uncomfortable for them to stay there.

So they left quickly one by one.

After returning to Li Li's room, several people continued to play cards, but He Runsheng's words said a little too much about Qu Hongmei.

Such as the hero among girls!

For example, the ability is very strong!

For example, if he can be favored by her, Li Li will be proud of her, and she will have a bright future, and so on.

As for Li Fangdong, although he didn't talk much, most of them talked about Luo Yan.

He said that Luo Yan was going to treat him this time. After all, he had caught Qu Hongmei's eye and something good might happen to him in the future.

Although Luo Yan didn't like Li Fangdong's teasing, he responded indiscriminately, but he felt a little awkward in his heart.

"Beep beep..."

A burst of PHS voice broke the chat of several people.

Luo Yan glanced at the Xiaoling passage: "Hey, second uncle, are you okay?"

"Yanyan, where are you? It's time for dinner." Shen Lin's gentle voice came over.

"Second uncle, I'm here in the Administrative North Community. I'm going back now." Luo Yan didn't dare to keep his second uncle waiting for a long time and said quickly.

Shen Lin said: "Administrative North Community? Just wait a moment. Your uncle and I will just pass by there. I'll take you with me."

"No, I'm riding a bicycle!" Luo Yan said.

"Put the car in the trunk. It's windy outside and it's too hard for you to ride." Shen Lin said, "We'll be there in five minutes."

As Shen Lin hung up the phone, Luo Yan hurriedly said to Li Li: "Li Li, I'm having dinner with you at home. I'm going back first."

"Let's get in touch later."

Li Li glanced at her watch and nodded: "Okay, I'll give it to you."

"No, you guys can play, I'll ride back." Luo Yan said.

At this moment, Li Li's mother walked in and said, "Li Li, go and see your Aunt Qu off, she is going back."

Speaking of this, she deliberately glanced at Luo Yan and said, "Luo Yan, are you going to see me off too?"

If he didn't have this sentence, Luo Yan would still feel that he had to go.

But there was one more person, which immediately made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Luo Yan hurriedly said: "Thank you, auntie. My second uncle is here to pick me up. I want to go home for dinner, so I won't go there."

As he spoke, he smiled at Li Li, then said goodbye and left.

Li Li glared at her mother and wanted to send Luo Yan off. After all, he came to play with her, but seeing her mother waiting here, she could only say: "Luo Yan, I'll call you later. Let’s go to Mihu City for a walk.”


As Luo Yan spoke, he pushed his bicycle and walked out of the door of Li Li's house.

However, in order not to keep Shen Lin waiting, he still rode his bicycle to the gate of the Administrative North Community.

Standing at the intersection of the community, the wind was a lot stronger. Although Luo Yan's clothes were not thin, he still felt that the small wind was like a knife, which made him feel uncomfortable.

While he was stomping his feet and waiting, three minutes later, a group of people had arrived at the gate of the community.

Walking in the middle was Qu Hongmei.

(End of this chapter)

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