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Chapter 2164 Extraordinary Courtesy

Chapter 2164 Extraordinary Courtesy
Qu Hongmei sat in her rented room, feeling a little restless.

Although asking Luo Yan to find Shen Lin should be a sure thing, her heart couldn't calm down without seeing Shen Lin.

After all, the construction of the electric bicycle factory is really important to her.

As long as this thing is completed, anyone who mentions Qu Hongmei in the future will give a thumbs up.

not to mention……

Will Luo Yan give face to his nephew?
From an ordinary person's perspective, this matter is not too difficult.

But the crux of the matter is that Shen Lin is not an ordinary person.

It can even be said that Director Shen is not an ordinary person.

Under such circumstances, would he really give face?

Qu Hongmei was not sure.

Luo Yan never called after talking on the phone. Did he not say anything, or did he forget?

It's unlikely that I forgot.

After all, Luo Yan is not stupid, and he is still his subordinate now.

He didn't dare to forget his arrangements for this child.

But either he forgot, or he didn't dare to say that a person like Dong Shen should be very majestic.

So when his nephew faced him, he didn't dare to say some things.

This kind of situation should be very normal.

Just when Qu Hongmei was a little confused, the phone suddenly rang.

Qu Hongmei picked up the phone and before she spoke, she heard a clear voice coming from inside: "Mom, are you home soon?"

"Are we still waiting for you to come back and make dumplings?"

Hearing this voice, Qu Hongmei felt her heart heat up.

Because the speaker was her daughter, she was full of expectations for making dumplings with her daughter.

But now, she can't go back!
After all, Shen Lin hasn't sent a letter yet. If he goes back and can't meet Shen Lin, it will delay important things, which will be troublesome.

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Qu Hongmei said in a deep voice: "Mom has something to do now, so you can follow your dad to make dumplings first."

"If things go well on my mother's side, I will go home and make dumplings with you."

"If it doesn't go well, then don't wait for me, just eat first."

Hearing this, the daughter on the other end of the phone almost burst into tears and said, "Mom, you promised me that you would make dumplings with us."

Qu Hongmei said: "Okay, you are a big girl now. Mom is a bit busy today. You should do your own thing."

While talking, Qu Hongmei hung up the phone.

Although she hung up the phone with determination, Qu Hongmei felt very uncomfortable in her heart. After all, other people's families were getting together now, and she couldn't go home. This was an unhappy thing, not to mention that she was not able to go home at this time. Have to wait for someone.

But you can’t wait!
"Beep beep..."

The ringing of the phone broke the tranquility of the room again. A somewhat unhappy Qu Hongmei picked up the phone and was about to say a few words to her daughter when she heard a solemn male voice coming from inside: "Aunt Qu, this is Luo Yan."

"Luo Yan, please call me at this time. Has Director Shen agreed to meet?"

Speaking of her guess, Qu Hongmei showed a smile on her face.

Luo Yan said in a deep voice: "Aunt Qu, my uncle said that you are a guest from afar and we cannot let you run away any longer. He has now arrived downstairs in the hotel where you are staying."

"Where are you? I'll follow my uncle up."

Qu Hongmei's eyes suddenly widened.

Shen Lin not only saw him, but also ran over now.

What's happening here?
Although her heart was full of surprises, Qu Hongmei was still full of expectations for this meeting.Because this meeting is likely to lead to a big business.

After all, Shen Lin is here, which is a great deal of sincerity.

"Luo Yan, please ask Mr. Shen to wait a moment. I'll be out right away."

While talking, Qu Hongmei put down the phone and walked quickly towards the door.

"Leader Qu, what are you..." The subordinates who followed Qu Hongmei were extremely surprised when they saw Qu Hongmei running over happily.

Qu Hongmei said: "Notify everyone to come downstairs with me now."

"Director Shen is coming over. When we greet Director Shen later, everyone should pay attention to their image."

While talking, Qu Hongmei quickly went downstairs.

Although the subordinates didn't know what was going on, Qu Hongmei arranged it and they followed him downstairs.

"Welcome Director Shen!"

This can't be true, can it?
Why did Director Shen come to see me and others?

Soon, everyone, led by Qu Hongmei, came to the hall downstairs.At this time, Shen Lin walked in with Luo Yan.

The two people were dressed like ordinary young people at first glance.

But as the two people approached, everyone's eyes widened.

"Shen Lin!"

"It's really Director Shen, why is he here!"

"I thought it was Sister Qu who lied to me? I didn't expect that she actually made an appointment with Director Shen. It's really admirable."

"Haha, there are so many things we need to admire? Apart from anything else, Director Shen came here in person. This is not something ordinary people can do."

While the subordinates were discussing, Qu Hongmei had already arrived at Shen Lin's side and said, "Director Shen, welcome."

"I said it was my turn to pay my respects to you, how could you still..."

Shen Lin listened to Qu Hongmei's apologetic words and said with a smile: "Luo Yan is my nephew and your subordinate. As his uncle, isn't it normal for me to come and see you during the New Year?"

"Haha, that's normal. I hope that Director Shen will be as supportive of our work in the future as he is now." Qu Hongmei said quickly with a smile.

The group chatted for a while and then walked towards the conference room upstairs.

After the tea was poured, Qu Hongmei waved some irrelevant people away and then said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, Luo Yan is very outstanding and very capable."

"I want to thank Director Shen for cultivating such good talents for us!"

Luo Yan felt his face turn red after being praised so much by Qu Hongmei in front of Shen Lin.

At this time, he really didn't know what to say.

And in his heart, he also felt that there seemed to be some gap between himself and what Qu Hongmei had just said.

Just when his heart was full of hesitation, Shen Lin said with a smile: "You are too humble. It is an important opportunity for Luo Yan to work under you."

'I hope you will have strict requirements on him no matter what happens in the future. '

"It's time to train, it's time to quarrel."

The smile on Qu Hongmei's face became a little bigger. Judging from Shen Lin's arrival and other aspects, Shen Lin was also very serious about this meeting.

"Dr. Shen, I don't hide anything in front of you anymore."

"I came here this time to hope that Director Shen would consider our side when building the electric bicycle branch. We still have many advantages in this regard, such as..."

Qu Hongmei is a master of conversation. In just a few sentences, she introduced her advantages.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is Shen Lin's decision in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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