Chapter 2165 Impeccable
Half an hour later, Shen Lin led Luo Yan out of the hotel door.

Qu Hongmei, on the other hand, kept sending the two people to the car enthusiastically.

Shen Lin did not give a positive reply to Qu Hongmei's request, but he did not refuse it either. He just said that he would think about it.

In Qu Hongmei's heart, she was not too disappointed about this.

She knew very well that no matter who it was, they had to think carefully when facing this situation.

After all, investment in an electric bicycle factory is not a trivial matter that can be decided upon when one's head is hot.

If Shen Lin wanted to invest in this electric bicycle factory because of Luo Yan's leadership, then Shen Lin would never reach his current heights.

However, there is no objection, this is a good start.

Qu Hongmei introduced her own advantages in this area, especially what kind of preferential policies she would provide if the factory was built on her side.

Qu Hongmei felt that she had tried her best.

As for whether this electric bicycle factory will settle on my side, it is no longer within my control.

The final outcome of this matter still depends on the final decision of Shen Lin and Mi Ke Electronics.

"Finally I can go home to celebrate the New Year." Qu Hongmei glanced at her watch, feeling grateful to Shen Lin in her heart.

This Director Shen has really high emotional intelligence and is such a good person!
Regardless of whether he can invest in him or not, he seems to owe others a favor.

After all, Director Shen showed great sincerity in this matter.

Picking up the PHS phone in her hand, Qu Hongmei dialed her husband's phone and asked, "Where is my daughter?"

"I'm angry. Can't you be more careful in the future? If you can't complete something, don't make a promise to your daughter in advance."

"Look what it's like now."

Listening to her husband's nagging, Qu Hongmei was not angry. She said with a smile: "Okay, I understand, I will pay attention to it in the future."

"This time it was mainly an accident, but I have some good news here. Do you want to hear it?"

Because of her work, Qu Hongmei has always given people a serious feeling.

Even when facing her husband, Qu Hongmei often speaks in a business-like manner.

But now, her behavior made her husband extremely surprised.

"What good news? Is there something wrong with you?" Her husband hesitated and asked carefully.

"I've finished my work. I'll go home later and tell the girl to get ready to make dumplings with me."

Qu Hongmei said with a smile: "How is it? Is it good news?"

Of course, the man hopes that his family can also have a reunion year. When he heard Qu Hongmei's words, he couldn't help but smile and asked: "What an unexpected surprise!"

"However, I hope to interview you, Lao Qu. What's going on with you? Why do you suddenly have time again?"

"Didn't you say you have to wait for Shen Lin?"

Qu Hongmei said: "I also felt that I had to wait for Shen Lin, but Shen Lin just took the initiative to visit me."

"I've already finished everything I planned to talk to him about."

"So there is nothing to do if I stay in Dongzhou."

After listening to Qu Hongmei's words, her husband pondered for a moment and wondered: "Shen Lin took the initiative to visit you? Is this... is this bragging?"

Fortunately, her husband is not around. Otherwise, Qu Hongmei would never mind and strike hard at this guy who doubted her.

"Dr. Shen brought his nephew here. He is very considerate to his nephew."

Qu Hongmei snorted and said, "Dr. Shen is not only very capable, but also has a high emotional intelligence."

"He came here in person. No matter whether this matter succeeds or not, I will take good care of his nephew."

"He is not going to suffer any loss no matter what!"

Listening to Qu Hongmei's emotion, her husband said: "Okay, let's not discuss other people's affairs here. Let's quickly think about our own family affairs." "You come back quickly, I will prepare the New Year's Eve dinner. We must have a good New Year."

Luo Yan followed Shen Lin back home. Along the way, he thought about the situation when Shen Lin took him to see Qu Hongmei.

His heart was full of emotions about this matter.

"Uncle, will you locate the electric bicycle factory in our area?" Luo Yan followed Shen Lin into the study and finally couldn't help but ask.

Shen Lin picked up a document and glanced at it twice, then said with a smile: "Yanyan, I don't have an answer to your question."

"Because I just listened to a simple report and haven't investigated yet."

"And in the company, some things can't be done arbitrarily, what do you think?"

Looking at the extremely calm Shen Lin, Luo Yan couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Shen Lin patted his shoulder and said, "As for you, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"This time, no matter whether it is successful or not, Qu Hongmei will owe you a favor and will never let you wear small shoes when the time comes."

Luo Yan nodded, he believed this.

What's more, Director Shen is his uncle.


The ringtone of PHS started. I picked up the phone and took a look. I heard Li Li's voice coming from the receiver: "Luo Yan, what are you busy with?"

"I just went out with my uncle and am now in his study."

"Li Li, are you okay?"

Li Li smiled and said, "I'm just bored at home and want to play with you for a while."

"How's it going? Is the matter with Director Shen almost over? If you have time, let's find a place to go shopping."

Hearing Li Li's invitation, Luo Yan was a little moved.

Although he felt in his heart that Li Li's change in attitude towards him had a lot to do with the revelation of his second uncle's identity, his heart was still full of joy.

After all, this was Li Li's initiative to invite herself...

"Okay, I'll go find you right now. See you there."

"I'd better go find you. Let me tell you, I have always admired your aunt, but I didn't dare to visit for fear of accidentally saying something wrong."

"Hehe, as long as you are here, even if my aunt thinks that what I say is wrong, she will not argue with me. Hehe..." Li Li's laughter is like a silver bell, which makes people feel intoxicated. .

Shen Lin looked at Luo Yan who said goodbye to him and shook his head gently.

Shen Lin didn't pay much attention to his nephew's affairs.

In his opinion, although young people need help when it comes to their affairs, in some matters it is better to let things take their own course.

The Chinese New Year is also a very cumbersome thing for Shen Lin. There are too many things that he needs to deal with personally, and there are many relationships that he needs to maintain himself.

and also……

"Beep beep..."

Just as Shen Lin was thinking about the arrangements for these days, his phone rang.

Shen Lin answered the phone and heard Li Qingbo's voice coming from inside.

"Dr. Shen, you're busy!"

The tone of Li Qingbo and Shen Lin's phone calls became softer and softer, as if they were afraid of scaring people. Although Shen Lin didn't like this change too much, Shen Lin had nothing to blame for such a change. .

He smiled and said, "Director Li, you are preparing things for the New Year. What are you busy with?"

"I'm just busy, Director Shen. I'm calling to make an appointment with you. Mi Yuan returned to Dongzhou yesterday. How about we get together in the next few days?"

(End of this chapter)

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