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Chapter 2166 Seeing and Not Seeing

Chapter 2166 Seeing and Not Seeing
Li Qingbo organizes a party almost every year.

It’s both a way to strengthen relationships and a nostalgic reminder of days gone by.

Shen Lin usually attended this party in the past.

After all, those gathered together are all old friends from the past.

For example, Li Qingbo, such as Sister Dan, such as... Mi Yuan...

But now, when Shen Lin and Mi Yuan were allowed to meet, a trace of hesitation arose in Shen Lin's heart.

These days, apart from work matters, he is thinking about how to deal with Mi Yuan's affairs.

Mi Yuan still pretended that she didn't know about the child, but Shen Lin really knew.

When those two people get together to eat together, how should I face Mi Yuan...

Shen Lin's silence on the phone made Li Qingbo, who was on the phone, feel a little stressed.

After all, Shen Lin is the most important person in this party. If Shen Lin does not participate, the meaning of this party will be reduced a lot.

"Okay, please contact everyone and confirm the time."

Just when Li Qingbo was a little at a loss, the words of the voice finally came through.

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Li Qingbo breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly said: "Director Shen, if you have no other arrangements, how about we tentatively schedule it on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year?"

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Shen Lin silently thought about the arrangements for the past few days and found that he had the least things to do on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

"Okay, let's arrange it on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year."

"I'll bring a few bottles of good wine then."

When Li Qingbo heard Shen Lin's affirmative voice, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, let's have a few drinks during the Chinese New Year."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lin fell into deep thought.

Very few people know that Mi Yuan has a child of her own.

Even Mi Yuan herself felt that this matter had been hidden from her.

Now Lu Xiaorong will give birth to a child in three or four months. Under such circumstances, no mistakes can be made no matter what.

Therefore, when meeting Mi Yuan, I still have to be the same as before.

Just when Shen Lin was lost in thought, Mi Yuan also received a call from Li Qingbo.

This time during the New Year, Mi Yuan returned to the provincial capital with her parents.

In fact, Mi Yuan was very hesitant. She wanted to come back, but she also didn't want to come back.

When he wanted to come back, he naturally wanted to see Shen Lin.

But he didn't want to come back because he was afraid of seeing Shen Lin.

The reason why she came back was because her relatives and friends were all here, and her parents had to come back if they wanted to see these friends.

Regarding Li Qingbo's dinner date, she said hesitantly: "Director Li, I... I have a lot of relatives and friends here, so I don't know if I have time."


Mi Yuan felt extremely hesitant at this time.

She wanted to see Shen Lin, but she was afraid of seeing Shen Lin.

So for a while, my words were hesitant and I couldn't decide.

At this time, she even had the idea of ​​letting Li Qingbo help her decide on this matter.

Li Qingbo said: "Mi Yuan, you are now an employee of MiKe Electronics. If you can maintain your relationship with Shen Lin, it will be of great benefit to you."

"What's more, we have been friends with Shen Lin for many years. Once this relationship is broken, it will be very troublesome to renew it."

"As your big brother, I don't want you to lose this opportunity."

"It won't take long just to go out for a meal." After listening to Li Qingbo's words, Mi Yuan's voice was a little trembling and said: "Okay, thank you, Director Li."

Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Is this right? Mi Yuan, although there are many unsatisfactory things in life, I think you should face it with strength."

"Let me tell you, you can't be decadent. If you have any problems that you can't solve on your own, just tell us."

"We are old friends!"

“Don’t do things that alienate you.”

After hanging up the phone from Li Qingbo, Mi Yuan's mind was filled with all kinds of thoughts.

She kept comforting herself in her heart that the reason why she went to see Shen Lin this time was entirely because they were friends.

However, although she believed this in her heart, her reason told her that she actually just wanted to see Shen Lin.

Just when Mi Yuan couldn't calm down, the child's cry started.

Mi Yuan quickly gathered herself and walked out quickly.

No matter what, she couldn't relax about the child's affairs.

"Mi Yuan, this child is really pestering you." Mi Yuan's cousin Xiong Juan looked at Mi Yuan and said with a smile in her voice: "But, judging from the child's appearance, when he grows up, he will be very... So handsome."

Mi Yuan smiled at Xiong Juan and said, "I hope it's like what you said, sister-in-law."

Just as the two people were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Hearing this voice, Xiong Juan's expression changed.

Mi Yuan's family was guests at her home, and now someone knocked on the door like this, which made her feel very humiliated.

"Who is it?" Xiong Juan opened the door and said impatiently.

But when she saw the four or five people knocking on the door clearly, her face turned a little pale.

Because these people all have horizontal noses and vertical faces, and they don’t look like good people.

"What do you want?" Xiong Juan's voice suddenly became much calmer.

The other party glanced at Xiong Juan and said coldly: "Is this the home of Miqiu Industry?"

Xiong Juan wanted to admit that it was not the case, but looking at the other party's look, she knew that it would be impossible not to admit it, so she said: "Yes, this is the home of the rice ball industry."

"He went out to do errands. What do you want from him?"

The person who had just spoken to Xiong Juan glanced at the room twice, and then said: "Miqiu Industry owes us money, and we are here to demand payment."

"You seem to be his wife, so it's up to you to tell him that the money he owes us cannot be less than a penny."

"If he doesn't pay back the money, don't blame us for being rude."

Having said this, he waved his fist and said: "Of course we won't do anything to you, but Mi Qiuye, you should be able to think of the consequences."

Xiong Juan was very scared, but she was more concerned about her husband's affairs.

So she said eagerly: "You said that Mi Qiuye owes you money, how much does he owe you?"

"Why does he owe you money?"

The leading man said: "He owes us a total of 300 million yuan in payment. As for why he owes us, you can ask him."

300 million. When Xiong Juan heard this number, she felt her heart twitch.

Because this number is really too big.

Even if she, Xiong Juan, didn't eat or drink her whole life, it seemed like she wouldn't be able to earn so much money.

" could he owe you so much money? Do you have any evidence?"

Xiong Juan widened her eyes and said, "Let me tell you, I am not easy to fool."

"Fooling you, why are we fooling you during the Chinese New Year? As for the evidence, we have the IOU written by him." The man who was talking to Xiong Juan glared and said: "If you owe money to pay back the debt, tell the rice ball industry that he can't hide. .”

While he was talking, he kicked the shelf in front of the door, and with a crash, the shelf fell heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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