Chapter 2167 Shen Lin Second
300 is not a small number.

Especially when the per capita salary level is only three to four hundred, three million is an astronomical figure.

As those fierce people left, the room that was originally full of joy suddenly fell into gloom.

Although Xiong Juan didn't know what was going on yet, he couldn't help but shed tears.

"Auntie, tell me what's going on? Why does he owe so much money to the sports industry? How can at home be like this!"

Although Mi Yuan's mother also worked, the arrears of 300 million yuan also made her feel confused.

She said tremblingly: "Xiong Juan, don't be anxious yet. It's better to ask your husband about this matter first to find out what's going on?"

"I think...he shouldn't sign for that much money."

Xiong Juan said: "If he didn't owe others money, why would they come to his door?"

"I told him before not to let him go into the sea, but he didn't listen."

"He feels that he is very capable and staying in the unit is a waste of time."

"He wanted to become Shen Lin's second best, but...but after he went to sea, we didn't see anything good from him, but he owed so much money."

"What should I do!"

Mi Yuan has been quietly listening to the conversation between her cousin-in-law and her mother. She also knows her cousin, who is a pretentious but somewhat ambitious person.

Being the second in Shen Lin, my cousin is really embarrassed to say it.

While Mi Yuan was thinking about this matter, Xiong Juan had already started calling Mi Qiuye's mobile phone.

Unlike most people who use PHS, Mi Qiuye has changed to a mobile phone as he went overseas. According to him, the mobile phone has a good signal and is impressive.

Only with Big Brother in hand can people think you have strength.

However, although Big Brother got through, no one picked up.

This made Xiong Juan extremely anxious.

After all, the debt collector had already come to her door once. If she didn't know the situation, she wouldn't know how to deal with it.

I called four or five times in a row, but no one answered.

Xiong Juan couldn't help but scolded: "What kind of big brother can't even answer the phone? Why not use PHS?"

Just as Xiong Juan was mumbling, the phone at home rang.

Xiong Juan hesitated for a moment and finally answered the phone.

"Who is it?" Xiong Juan's tone was a little bad. After all, something happened at home just now, and she really wasn't in the mood to pay attention to her tone now.

But then, she said excitedly: "Mi Qiuye, where are you? Do you know that debt collectors have already come to my door?"

"Come back quickly and take care of things."

"What, you let people trick you, you... why are you so careless."

"Three million, how do you want us to live?"


Listening to her cousin's words, Mi Yuan couldn't help but feel anxious for her.

My cousin-in-law is not a bad person, but at this time, her words really didn't hit the point at all.

What's the use of just complaining at a time like this.

The key now is to know the cause of the problem and then solve the problem.

Ten minutes later, the call was hung up, and Xiong Juan's face was filled with tears.

She looked at Mi Yuan's parents and said in tears: "Uncle, aunt, I was deceived by others when doing business in the rice ball industry. How should I live my life in the future?"

At this point, she started crying again.

Mi Yuan's father said: "Xiaojuan, please stop crying first and tell us what is going on?"

"Let's think of a way together, maybe we can still save it."

Mi Yuan knew that her father had to say this. After all, they were all relatives, and the one who had the accident was her cousin. "Your cousin was deceived. A friend of his said that he could get a batch of Mihu's defective PHS machines through internal prices. As long as he sells them in another place, he can earn more than 100 yuan per machine."

When Xiong Juan said this, her voice was a little hoarse and she said: "This fool is obsessed with making money."

"He really believed it."

"Not only did I invest hundreds of thousands of my own money, but I also hired someone to borrow more than 300 million. Now that the money has been given, the friend can't be found."

"Wow, how long will it take to pay back these more than 300 million!"

When Mi's father heard this, he patted his thigh and said, "Xiaoye is too honest."

"Isn't it good for him to do his job honestly? He has to go into business."

"It's okay now, I was deceived."

Having said this, he looked at Mi Yuan and said, "Xiaoyuan, you are also in Mi Ke Company now. Is there anything you can do?"

If anyone else asked about this matter, Mi Yuan would definitely not speak.

But her father, and she couldn't just watch her cousin's family being destroyed.

After hesitating for a while, he said: "My brother's matter, one is to take legal channels. After all, his friend is a liar."

"Also, ask someone to see if the money can be paid back later."

What Mi Yuan said was only the best way she could think of. As for other ways, she didn't have any.

Xiong Juan's eyes suddenly lit up. She looked at Mi Yuan and suddenly said: "Mi Yuan, I remember that you know Director Shen of Mi Ke Electronics."

"Can you find him and ask him for a favor..."

"Bang bang bang!"

Before Xiong Juan could say anything, there was a sound of banging on the door.

Listening to the voice, Xiong Juan was as frightened as a bird.

She asked in a trembling voice: "Who is it?"

"We just came here to pay. Open the door quickly." A hoarse voice said: "Don't let us kick in the door. I can break it down for you in just two or three kicks."

Xiong Juan didn't know what to do, so she looked at Mi's father with a hint of anxiety.

Mi's father hesitated for a moment and then opened the door.

He knows that some things cannot be avoided.

"We are contacting Mi Qiu Industry, please wait a moment." Mi's father's voice was full of caution.

Outside the door, several young men wearing hats tilted in winter and holding cigarettes in their mouths were looking at the family coldly, as if looking at prey.

"Where is Mi Qiuye? Tell us his address. We won't embarrass you." The leading young man was in his 30s and had a bunch of yellow hair on his head. He waved his fist and said, "If you don't tell us, We’ve spent this year right here.”

"Hey, if there is any inconvenience then, don't blame us!"

Hearing this, Xiong Juan couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Mi Qiuye is not at home, and I don't know where he is. If you have any debts, just go find him and don't make trouble for us here."

"We have no money."

The young man snorted and said, "What you said is just like us making trouble unreasonably. Let me tell you, we are legitimately asking for money."

"Repaying debts is a matter of course, old sir, don't you think so?"

While they were talking, several young people walked into the home and sat down on the sofa unscrupulously.

Xiong Juan didn't know what to do for a moment and could only cry on the side, while Mi's father said: "Everyone, is my nephew really not at home?"

"Do you think this will work? I'll contact him immediately and ask him to find a way to pay back the money."

"Please give me some grace for a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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