Chapter 2168 I am from Mi Ke
"Go back and wait!"

"Old man, who are you fooling?"

"We're back, what if you run away?"

"Let me tell you, are we living here? When will the money be returned to us and when will we leave?"

As the young man taking the lead spoke, his eyes fell on Mi Yuan.

Looking at Mi Yuan, who was wearing a royal blue down jacket and was tall, his eyes widened.

The young man has seen a lot of beauties, but this is the first time he has seen someone with both appearance and temperament like Mi Yuan. For a moment, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

"Hey, there is another beautiful woman here? What should I call her?"

"Let me introduce myself first. Everyone calls me Gangzi, haha. These little brothers are all following me."

Hearing these slutty young men teasing his daughter, Mi's father immediately said angrily: "If you have any problem, just tell me."

"Don't talk nonsense here."

"Mi Yuan has nothing to do with this matter."

Before the young man with a tuft of yellow hair could speak, a gangster standing next to him smiled and said: "Old guy, if you say it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." '

"I think it's very relevant."

"Beauty, give me Brother Gang a good chat. Maybe Brother Gang will take pity on her and give you some time."

"If you make Brother Gang unhappy, let me tell you, there will be a lot of trouble."

Although Mi Yuan has experienced a lot of things, this is the first time she has met someone like Huang Mao young man.

I was a little scared in my heart.

At this time, the child who was being held by his grandma was also frightened and couldn't help crying.

For a moment, the whole room was in chaos.

Mi Yuan looked at the crying child and quickly hugged her while trying to calm down.

She knew at this moment that if she couldn't restrain the other party now, it would be very difficult for today's incident to end.

Her mind turned quickly, and she said in a deep voice: "Are you Gangzi?"

"Yes, but sister, you have to call me Brother Gang." Gangzi touched the yellow hair on his head with his hand and said with a smile: "Sister, don't worry, brother is not a rude person."

Mi Yuan calmed down more and more after listening to these teasing words.

She said in a deep voice: "My name is Mi Yuan. I currently work at MiKe Electronics. I am the deputy manager of MiKe Electronics' foreign trade export. My level within the company is P6."

A young man next to Xiaogang listened to Mi Yuan's introduction and snorted: "What is P6, me or MP3?"

Maybe he thought his words were funny, so after the young man finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

The friends next to him also laughed.

However, Gangzi, who took the lead, did not smile.

He looked at Mi Yuan carefully, with a hint of solemnity in his expression.

Those who work in their profession naturally know that there are some people they cannot mess with.

Although Mi Ke Electronics paid little attention to people like them, they were also aware of the gap between themselves and Mi Ke Electronics.

"Don't laugh." Gangzi waved his hand with a somewhat dejected expression, and then said: "Ms. Mi Yuan, how can you prove that you are a P6 level manager of MiKe Electronics."

"Do you still need to prove this? I am." After Mi Yuan said this, she reached into her pocket and said, "My work permit is left in Yangcheng, and there is no need for me to lie to you about this matter." As Xiaogang's expression changed, he said in a deep voice: "Miss Mi, your words are empty!"

"I have to explain when I get back. If I say goodbye and scare you away, then how will my brothers see me."

"So, I can give face to the P6 managers of MiKe Electronics, but you first have to prove that you are."

Listening to Xiaogang's insistence, Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Then let me make a call and ask someone to prove it for me."

"This is okay." Xiaogang said, "Whether it's Qian Yuemin or Li Huidong."

Listening to these two unfamiliar names, Mi Yuan frowned and said, "I don't know them both."

"Hahaha, Miss Mi, are you kidding me? The two people I'm talking about are the persons in charge of MiKe Electronics in the provincial capital."

"You don't know anyone, why do you make me think you are a senior manager of MiKe Electronics?"

The child's crying, although much lower than before, was still crying.

Mi Yuan didn't want to get entangled. She wanted to send these people away as soon as possible, so she said in a deep voice: "I don't know about these two people because I have never dealt with them."

"Okay, can I contact Mr. Dong Lan, Lan Wei? Do you know him?"

Lan Weidong!
Xiaogang's face became solemn. He looked at Mi Yuan carefully, and finally said: "Okay, as long as it's Lan Shuhu's call, we will leave immediately." '

Mi Yuan quickly found Lan Weidong's phone number on her PHS and dialed it directly.

Lan Weidong's call was quickly connected. When he heard that it was Mi Yuan, Lan Weidong said enthusiastically: "Mi Yuan, when did you return to the provincial capital? Let me tell you. I always felt that... Talents like you should stay in Mihu City or Mihu Shopping Mall."

"Over there in Yangcheng, it's a bit unfair."

Mi Yuan and Lan Weidong said a few polite words, then told Lan Weidong their current situation and said, "Mr. Lan, I would like to trouble you to help prove my identity."

"I have some uninvited guests at my house."

Lan Weidong is very smart. Although Mi Yuan's relationship with the big boss seems to be average now, he basically doesn't refuse anything he can do to help Mi Yuan.

Proving identity at this time is not a problem for Lan Weidong.

He said to Mi Yuan: "Let their people answer the phone."

When the call was connected, Lan Weidong said in a deep voice: "I am Lan Weidong, who are you?"

"I'm Xiaogang." Although Xiaogang wasn't sure whether the person on the other end of the phone was Lan Weidong, there was still a hint of respect in his voice.

"Xiao Gang, who are you following? I'm Lan Weidong. I'll give you a number later. You can go and verify it."

"Also, Manager Mi is the P6 management of our Mihu Electronics. I don't care what happens to you. I must ensure Manager Mi's safety."

At this time, Xiaogang already believed that the person opposite him was Lan Weidong.He smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lan, I will definitely do it."

"Of course we respect the people of MiKe Electronics."

After talking to Xiaogang and others, Lan Weidong said to Mi Yuan: "Mi Yuan, if you don't participate in this matter, I guarantee that they will not harass you and your family."

"If you must participate, just call Director Shen and let him handle it."

Mi Yuan thanked him: "Thank you, Mr. Lan, I will consider this matter."

Lan Weidong didn't have a deep relationship with Mi Yuan, so he just gave her a few words of advice.

However, after hanging up the phone, he hesitated for a moment before dialing Shen Lin's cell phone.

After all, Mi Yuan was Shen Lin's friend, and he felt that Shen Lin should know about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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