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Chapter 2169 Turning between hands

Chapter 2169 Turning between hands
This new year has made Mi Yuan feel that her life has become a mess.

Although it was her cousin who borrowed the money, Xiong Juan, who was desperate, regarded Mi Yuan's family as her life-saving straw after Mi Yuan drove those people away.

Most of the time, he basically stayed at Mi Yuan's house.

In this situation, although Mi Yuan was very unhappy, she had no choice.

"Sister-in-law, how is my brother?" Mi Yuan asked Xiong Juan casually while rocking the child who was trying to sleep.

Xiong Juan said: "Your brother is hiding in a small hotel on the outskirts of the city. He eats instant noodles every day and doesn't even dare to go out on the street for fear of being found."

"Xiaoyuan, when will this matter end?"

"When your brother wanted to go to sea last year, I told him that he was not the material and told him not to think nonsense."

"But he just didn't listen to me. He felt that he was very capable and would definitely become Shen Lin's second best."

"Oh, if I had known this was the case, I would have stopped him no matter what!"

Mi Yuan's mouth twitched when she heard the name Shen Lin Er.

She had no choice but to comfort her in the usual way: "Sister-in-law, everything will pass. Now that my cousin has called the police, I think those scammers will be found soon."

"As long as those people are found, the money can be recovered."

"Everything will be solved by then."

In Xiong Juan's heart, she no longer believed in Mi Yuan's comfort.

Although she is an ordinary housewife, she also knows that it is not easy to recover the money that was defrauded.

But she had no other choice but to nag Mi Yuan.

As for Mi's father and others, they are also powerless in this matter.

"Boom boom boom!"

A knock on the door suddenly came, and Xiong Juan trembled when she heard the sound.

Although this is not her home, she has been surrounded several times, and now she feels a sense of fear.

As long as I hear the knock on the door, I can't help but be afraid.

I'm afraid that the other party is here to press for debt.

Mi Yuan's performance was much better than that of her cousin.

She said in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid. This is my home. What's more, I have asked acquaintances to communicate before. No one should come here to cause trouble."

"What's more, if you want a bill, you won't be so polite."

Hearing this, Xiong Juan felt relieved a lot.

But she still didn't dare to open the door, she just shrank back and waited quietly in the corner.

Mi Yuan went over to open the door and saw a middle-aged man in his 30s with a scruffy beard standing outside the door.

Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment when she saw this person, because she felt that this person looked a bit familiar.

"Mi Yuan, is your sister-in-law at your house?" The middle-aged man asked hurriedly when he saw Mi Yuan.

Hearing these words, Mi Yuan also confirmed the identity of the visitor, her cousin Mi Qiuye.Although Mi Yuan hated her cousin for being deceived, she felt sorry for him.

So Mi Yuan said: "Sister-in-law is here, cousin, come in quickly."

When Mi Yuan closed the door, Mi Qiuye and Xiong Juan were already hugging each other, but when Mi Yuan looked over, Xiong Juan had already pushed Mi Qiuye away, and then said angrily: "Mi Qiuye, Why did you come here? Are you afraid of being blocked by others?"

"Hurry up and go."

"By the way, bring some food and leave quickly!"

While Xiong Juan was talking, she didn't care that this was Mi Yuan's home. She took out some cooked food prepared for the New Year from the cabinet and gave it to Mi Qiuye to pack.Seeing this situation, Mi Yuan, who originally had some contempt for her sister-in-law, felt a little moved in her heart.

A couple in need!

These four words appeared silently in her mind.

Although Xiong Juan's performance in the past was not very good, now, in Mi Yuan's eyes, her performance is indeed quite good.

Just when various thoughts were surging in Mi Yuan's heart, Mi Qiuye had already stopped Xiong Juan.

He said in a deep voice: "Xiaojuan, there is no need to prepare, those things have already passed."

"I will be able to pay back this money soon."

Having said this, he said excitedly: "Did you know? Those who lied to me have been caught."

"It turns out that they and those who lent it to me were confused. They..."

Mi Qiuye's eloquence was good, and what happened happened to him, so he quickly told the story of what happened.

"So, we don't have to pay back the 300 million?" Xiong Juan said excitedly, holding Mi Qiuye's hand.

Mi Qiuye said: "We are the parties who were deceived, and we should not have paid them back in the first place!"

"In addition to the 300 million, maybe they can get some of the money they defrauded us back?"

Mi Yuan looked at the excited Mi Qiuye and felt very happy for her cousin.

She smiled and said: "Cousin, it's great that this matter can be over."

"From now on, I think you have to be more careful when doing business. This kind of thing can't happen again."

"After all, we won't have such good luck every time."

Mi Qiuye said: "Mi Yuan, how much do I need to thank you for this matter?"

Thanking herself, Mi Yuan looked at Mi Qiuye with wide eyes and said, "Brother, I didn't do anything. What are you thanking me for?"

Mi Qiuye said: "A friend of mine told me that the main reason why these people were arrested so quickly was because of Director Shen."

"Director Shen was very unhappy that someone was using their MiKe Electronics products to deceive people, so he found out the results so quickly."

At this point, Mi Qiuye hesitated and said: "Mi Yuan, the only person in our family who knows Director Shen is you, so when this matter reached Director Shen's ears, you should be the one who said it."

"Mi Yuan, you must thank Director Shen properly for this matter."

Mi Yuan listened to Mi Qiu Industry's analysis and felt that it made sense.

After she comforted her cousin, she dialed Lan Weidong's number on her PHS while sending the child to see who was in the room.

The person most likely to leak this matter to Shen Lin was Lan Weidong.

After Lan Weidong received Mi Yuan's call, he pondered for a moment and then said to Mi Yuan: "Mi Yuan, I asked Director Shen this question."

"After all, this is not a trivial matter, and it is related to our own reputation at MiKe Electronics, so we cannot let it go unchecked."

"Director Shen is very concerned about this matter and made several calls himself."

Mi Yuan nodded and said, "Mr. Lan, thank Director Shen for me."

"Mi Yuan, if you want to say thank you, why not say it to Director Shen in person? Director Shen is in Dongzhou now." Lan Weidong said: "Since you are a middle-level person in the company and you are also a friend of Director Shen, you will not even make this call." You can’t fight.”

Listening to Lan Weidong's teasing words, Mi Yuan finally said: "Okay, I'll make a phone call to thank Director Shen right now."

After saying a few words like Happy New Year to Lan Weidong, Mi Yuan hung up the phone.

After pondering for a moment, she finally dialed Shen Lin's phone number.

(End of this chapter)

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