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Chapter 2170 Happy Chinese New Year

Chapter 2170 Happy Chinese New Year

"Beep beep..."

The sound of the phone being dialed kept ringing in Mi Yuan's ears.

At this time, Mi Yuan's heart was filled with various thoughts.

What should I say to Shen Lin instead?It should be easy for him.

and also……

Just when Mi Yuan was thinking about how to speak, Shen Lin's voice came from the receiver: "Hello, who is this?"

"Director Shen, I am Mi Yuan!" For some reason, Mi Yuan suddenly calmed down at this moment.

Years of work experience seemed to come back to her.

She said in a grateful voice: "Dr. Shen, thank you for your help regarding my cousin's matter."

"Otherwise, my cousin might not even be able to go home for the New Year this time."

Shen Lin said calmly: "Mi Yuan, we are friends. If you say thank you, it would be too disrespectful."

"What's more, I also want to thank your cousin for this matter."

"After all, the scammers are deceiving people in the name of our MiKe Electronics."

"If your cousin's incident hadn't reminded me, maybe more people would have been deceived because of his incident."

"Speaking of which, it's me who should be grateful."

Shen Lin's words were very beautiful, as if he was the one who should express his gratitude.

But Mi Yuan knew very well that deceiving people in the name of MiKe Electronics actually had nothing to do with MiKe Electronics.

Moreover, it will not have any negative impact on the reputation of MiKe Electronics.

Shen Lin said this to make himself look good.

She smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, if you hadn't come forward, I don't know how long I would have been entangled with my cousin's matter."

"Maybe there will be bigger troubles later."

"Your appearance this time really solved his big problem."

While speaking, Mi Yuan hesitated and said: "Dr. Shen, at the party on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, I will give you two glasses of wine to express my gratitude."

Shen Lin said: "Okay, let's have a good drink then."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin suddenly said: "Mi Yuan, are you in Dongzhou or the provincial capital now?"

"I'm in the provincial capital." Mi Yuan said with a smile, "After all, my relatives are all in the provincial capital."

"I came back this time mainly to visit relatives."

Shen Lin hesitated and said, "I am also in the provincial capital now. Has your cousin gone home? I want to meet him and hear his story about how he was deceived."

"I think this is not a trivial matter for us at MiKe Electronics."

Mi Yuan heard Shen Lin say that she wanted to see Mi Qiuye. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "My cousin is at my house. Where are you, Director Shen? I... will take him to find you?"

Although Mi Yuan wanted to meet Shen Lin in her heart, in the end, she still said that she and her cousin would go together.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I'm just coming out in the car. Let's do this. Give me a seat and I'll go find you."

Shen Lin's words were so natural that Mi Yuan couldn't hear anything strange at all.

She was determined to refuse at this time, but for a moment, she didn't know how to express her refusal. In the end, she could only agree to Shen Lin coming to her home.

Putting down the phone, Mi Yuan couldn't help but think about the process of talking to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin's words seemed to be said extremely casually.

Even when she came to her home, Mi Yuan couldn't feel anything strange in Shen Lin's words.

Maybe he really came to meet his cousin and have a chat.

"Mi Yuan, how did you talk to Director Shen?" Mi Qiuye looked at his cousin in a daze and quickly asked Mi Yuan in a deep voice.

Mi Yuan looked at Mi Qiuye's anxious look, and finally said: "Cousin, Director Shen is in the provincial capital, and he wants to meet you." Mi Qiuye's eyes suddenly widened.

He couldn't believe his ears. As a person who went to sea, he knew very well what the word Shen Lin meant.

Also, for him, it was like the sky was falling, but just because of Shen Lin's words, the danger was saved.

All this made him understand that there was a huge gap between himself and Shen Lin.

And being able to hold Shen Lin in his arms was really important to him.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he couldn't wait to say: "Mi Yuan, if Director Shen wants to see me, let's not neglect him."

"Otherwise, it will appear how rude we are."

"Hurry up and pack it up, I still have some money here, let's go..."

Mi Yuan listened to her cousin's words and interrupted directly: "Brother, there is no need to prepare anything. Shen Lin said he would come directly to the house."

"Just wait for him."

Mi Qiuye looked at Mi Yuan's serious expression and knew that his cousin was not lying to him at this time.

Shen Lin really wants to come here.

What made Shen Lin come was definitely not because someone pretended to be an employee of MiKe Electronics and deceived him.

The reason why Shen Lin came here was definitely because of his cousin's face.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Mi Qiuye's heart suddenly became excited.

If Shen Lin can help him, even if he can't become Shen Lin's second best, his business will get bigger and bigger, and his future will be bright.

"Mi Yuan, you must help me this time." Mi Qiuye said, "Whether I can succeed in business this time depends entirely on you."

"As long as our company can get the support of MiKe Electronics, multi-millionaires dare not say it, but becoming a millionaire can only happen in minutes."

Mi Yuan looked at Mi Qiuye's appearance and felt very unhappy.

But this is her cousin after all, so she pondered for a moment and said: "Cousin, if I can help you, I will definitely help you."

"But Director Shen and I were just ordinary colleagues in the past."

"If I can't help you, don't blame me."

Xiong Juan looked at the change in her husband's expression and knew that this opportunity was extremely valuable.She smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, how can we blame you for this matter?"

"If it weren't for you, what would have happened to your cousin?"

"At the very least, he can't go home now."

"Your cousin and I both know that you are sincerely helping him."

Mi Yuan listened to her cousin's words and shook her head gently. Although Mi Qiuye claimed to be smart, in fact, compared with her sister-in-law, at least in terms of life, she was still a little behind.

"Sister-in-law, let's get ready. Shen Lin will be here in a moment."

"You have to leave a good impression on others no matter what."

After hearing what Mi Yuan said, Xiong Juan immediately became busy. Of course, her focus was to take care of her husband.

After all, wait a minute, Shen Lin wants to talk to his husband.

If he could get into Shen Lin's eyes, his family's life would be greatly changed.

In just twenty minutes, there was a gentle knock on the door. As Mi Yuan opened the door, she saw Shen Lin standing outside the door with a smile on his face, accompanied by two attendants.

Although Mi Yuan had already been prepared when she saw Shen Lin, the moment she saw Shen Lin, she couldn't say what was in her stomach.

"Shen...Hello, Director Shen."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, long time no see!"

"happy New Year!"

Shen Lin's greeting was quite formal, giving people a sense of distance despite the closeness.

(End of this chapter)

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