Chapter 2171 Relief and Worry

Long time no see, if we meet friends!

Happy New Year is a New Year’s blessing.

What Shen Lin said was very consistent with the relationship between Shen Lin and Mi Yuan.

Listening to Shen Lin's greeting, Mi Yuan couldn't hear anything wrong.

She felt that Shen Lin's greeting to her was so peaceful and natural.This situation made her feel relieved, but also made her feel worried.

What's reassuring is that the two of them are really just like ordinary friends.

What's worrying is that Shen Lin seems to really treat him as an ordinary friend.

"Dr. Shen, happy New Year!"

After Mi Yuan and Shen Lin said hello, they introduced Mi Qiuye and his wife who were standing beside them: "Director Shen, this is my cousin Mi Qiuye."

"This is my cousin Xiong Juan. They are very grateful to you this time."

"If you hadn't come forward, I don't know when their matter would have been resolved?"

Mi Yuan's words were spoken extremely calmly, but after Mi Yuan finished speaking, Mi Qiuye quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hands.

"Director Shen, I am so grateful to you that I can't even express it."

"In the past, I felt that the words "reborn parents" were a bit exaggerated, but now, I feel that you, Director Shen, are really my reborn parents."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know where he is now."

Looking at Mi Qiuye, who had changed his clothes and looked like a successful person, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Mi, what you said is really too polite."

"I have already understood the whole thing. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for providing us with clues so that our reputation of Mihu Electronics will not be destroyed by some people with ulterior motives."

After Miqiuye thanked Shen Lin a few more times, he solemnly asked for advice: "Director Shen, during the period of time when I stayed without pay, I did some small business."

"But after this incident, I found myself very confused."

"Even if you don't come this time, I still want to ask you for guidance."

Having said this, his expression was full of expectation.

Shen Lin did not refuse Mi Qiu Industry's request. He smiled and said, "Mr. Mi, speaking of which, I really want to talk to you this time."

"We can talk about the situation in which you were deceived. Of course, we can also talk about your thoughts on the future development of the business."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Mi Qiuye suddenly became bolder.

He knew that this kind of opportunity was really rare.

In the circle of small bosses like them, some people even said that they were willing to use half of their property in exchange for a chance to chat with Shen Lin.

Because this kind of chatting might be able to make their industry improve dramatically.

"Director Shen, this is what happened, I..."

Just when Mi Qiuye asked Shen Lin for advice, Mi Yuan helped them pour the water.

Her attention was actually on Shen Lin.

However, in this attention, Mi Yuan did not find anything strange about Shen Lin.

He greeted himself, chatted with Mi Qiuye, and...

All of this is extremely normal, as if this is the purpose of his coming here.

Just when Mi Yuan felt that it was difficult for Shen Lin to discover her hidden secret, a baby cried.

Mi Qiuye frowned.

He was lost in conversation with Shen Lin at this time, and many of Shen Lin's words gave him a feeling of waking up from a dream.

Originally, he was in a good mood, but the crying suddenly made him a little irritable.

But he couldn't vent his unhappiness because the cry that interrupted them belonged to Mi Yuan's child.

Why Shen Lin wanted to save him was not because of Mi Yuan.Just when he didn't know how to hide his inner emotions, he heard Shen Lin say: "Mi Yuan, this is your child, come over and take a look."

"I haven't seen this kid yet?"

Mi Yuan heard the child crying and walked towards the room inside.

She originally wanted to coax the child inside, but Shen Lin's words made her hesitate.

It seemed wrong not to let Shen Lin see the child.

After all, Shen Lin was a friend, and since he came so far away, it would be unjustifiable if he was not allowed to see him.

And Shen Lin is extremely smart. If he feels that he is abnormal and investigates this matter, then for him, it will be shooting himself in the foot.

"I'll hold it over for you to take a look at." Mi Yuan's expression returned to normal instantly, and then she said with a smile.

Soon, Mi Yuan came out holding the child who had just stopped crying. I don’t know if it was because of some connection between father and son. The child who was crying loudly stopped crying after he walked out and just stared. Looking at Shen Lin with squinted eyes.

Shen Lin looked at the little child walking towards him, and his heart felt as if it was overwhelming.

But on the surface, he looked extremely calm.

"Mi Yuan, let me hug you." Although he had been extremely calm since entering Mi Yuan's house, Shen Lin still couldn't hold back at this time.

Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment and handed it to Shen Lin.

However, when she handed it over, she still whispered: "Shen Lin, be careful. This child is still too young, so don't fall."

"Don't worry, I won't fall over anyone."

Holding his small body, Shen Lin felt an extremely close feeling.

This is his child!

He wanted to hold him close and get close to this child.

But he can't!
This time when I came to Mi Yuan's house, everything seemed so natural, but it actually took a lot of Shen Lin's thought.

For example, when I came to Mi Yuan’s house this time...


Not sure if he saw something funny, the child couldn't help laughing.

Listening to the child's laughter, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more relaxed.

Shen Lin was still chatting with Mi Qiuye, but from time to time, a child's laughter sounded like silver bells around him.

This situation did not make the rice ball industry feel left out in the slightest.

"Dr. Shen, after hearing your advice, I understand better. Next year I am going to be down-to-earth and work hard."

"I hope Director Shen can support me!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Mi, I look forward to good news from you."

"As I say, if you need any help, just ask."

When Mi Qiuye heard what Shen Lin said, he immediately said excitedly: "Dr. Shen, don't worry, I will never let you down..."

Just when Mi Qiuye expressed his determination, Shen Lin said: "Mi Yuan, this child is really cute."

"It's a small gift, please don't be offended."

While talking, a small red box appeared in Shen Lin's hand.

Opening the box, I found a pair of small platinum bracelets inside, which looked delicate and cute.

After Mi Yuan declined a few words, the small bracelets were already put on the child's chubby wrists.

Looking at the bracelet on the child's wrist, a faint smile flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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