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Chapter 2173 Qualifications of Friendly Businessmen

Chapter 2173 Qualifications of Friendly Businessmen

In the capital city, the motorcycle company's office area, Rockefy is drinking coffee in his office.

As a foreigner, he naturally cannot miss the Spring Festival.

So he still worked step by step and enjoyed his time leisurely.

"My dear Locke, I read the report of your interview, and I think what you said is really great." A middle-aged man in his 40s walked into Locke's office and complimented with a smile. .

When Rockfield saw that the person coming was the company's sales director, Mai Rui, he smiled and said, "Brother, I'm actually just telling the truth."

“Mike Electronics’ PHS is a low-end alternative.”

"The reason why they can sell well is because the price is cheap, and people here don't have money to buy mobile phones."

"But the end result of PHS is that it will eventually be replaced by our mobile phones. This is a fact that no one can change."

At this point, Rockefy smiled and said: "But what I said may make our business friends unhappy!"

Rockefy deliberately added a little accent to the word "friends and businessmen".

Mindray naturally understood the meaning of Rockefy's words. He smiled and said: "Friends, we can use this word for walnut companies."

"But MiKe Electronics, which produces PHS, is not worthy of being our friendly business partner."

"The gap between them is really too big."

Rockefy doesn't think there's anything wrong with Mindray's view.

Because in his heart, he also felt that describing MiKe Electronics, which produces PHS, as a friend of a trader, was a bit too dismissive of them.

Friendly businessmen should be comparable companies.

"Brother, although MiKe Electronics is not our opponent on mobile phones, MiKe Operating System is developing very fast."

Rockefy picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, and said with a hint of faintness in his voice: "As far as I know, our company's computers are now also planning to use the MiKe operating system."

"Although it is free, you also know that nothing in this world is completely free."

As the sales director, Mindray doesn't care too much about technical matters.

What he just said is just because there is friction in the sales of their mobile phones and MiKe Electronics' PHS.

For the computer's operating system, he is just a user.

In his opinion, it is right to use the MiKe operating system of MiKe Electronics, because it makes it extremely convenient for him to use the computer.

"Haha, Rockefy, I have something else to do, so I'm going to get busy."

"Well, let me treat you tonight. Let's have a nice drink and then have a good chat."

Rockefy stood up and saw off Mindy. When he closed the door of his office, he said in an indifferent voice: "Pretend to understand."

Picking up his coffee cup again, Rockefy enjoyed his coffee while picking up the newspaper that had an exclusive interview with him.

Looking at his answer above, a trace of pride appeared on his face.

"Boom boom boom!"

A knock on the door broke the tranquility of Rockfield's office.

Although Rockefy was very unhappy, he still opened up.

"Mr. Hibb, why are you here?" Seeing that it was Hieb, the general manager of the branch, a trace of respect flashed in Rockefy's expression.

Although Rockfield is a technician, his entry into the motorcycle company was the result of Mr. Hibb's leadership.

For this matter, Rockefy has always been very grateful in his heart.

"Rockefy, I've seen all your interviews."

Mr. Hibb came to Rockefey's room and said directly: "As for other places, I think your interview is very good, but there is one thing, you are a bit too reckless."

Hearing Mr. Hibb's accusation, Rockefy was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "Sir, are you talking about my evaluation of Mike PHS?"

"Yes, although the products of Mihu Electronics and ours look very close, in fact our customers are different." "My customers are all high-end customers with high net worth."

"The customers of PHS are those who have some money but cannot afford our mobile phones."

"Under such circumstances, why should we offend MiKe Electronics and Shen Lin?"

Mr. Hibb's voice was calm, but in this calmness, the smell of accusation was already very strong.

Looking at Mr. Heeb's expression, Rockefy's face turned livid.

If it were someone else who taught him a lesson, Rockefy would have quarreled with him long ago.

But this person is Mr. Hibb, so even if he is dissatisfied, he can only endure it.

"Mr. Hibb, I know what you said is for the good of me and the company."

"But I don't agree with your opinion."

Rockefy said: "First of all, what I said is correct."

"Although the sales of PHS have been increasing crazily, it is a product that needs to be eliminated after all."

"Now it is popular because it is cheap, but I believe that within ten years, PHS will be launched on the market."

In order to demonstrate the strength of Zi's words, Rockfield waved his arm and said: "Secondly, Mr. Hibb, I feel that our enemy is not MiKe Electronics and their PHS."

"Our opponent is the aggressive walnut company."

"Their products have already entered the market here."

"We should make beating Walnut Company our biggest thing."

"As for the rest, I don't think it's important."

"Because they can't catch up with us, and they won't do any harm to us."

"So, we don't have to worry about whether they have any objections to us."

Faced with Rockefy who looked completely unconcerned, Mr. Hebb could only sigh and said: "Rockefy, the Walnut Company is our biggest opponent."

"But for MiKe Electronics, if we can be on good terms, we'd better be on good terms."

Seeing Mr. Hibb turn and leave, Rockfield smiled and said: "Mr. Hibb, if there is a next time, I will definitely remember your teachings and will never make it difficult for you."

Time flies quickly, that is, a day passes in the blink of an eye.

The next morning, Rockefy was still quietly enjoying his coffee.

But when he drank half of a cup of coffee, he saw a subordinate running in quickly.

"Mr. Rockfield, please read this newspaper."

Rockefy took the newspaper and found that it was a science and technology newspaper, but on the first page of the newspaper, there was a line written in black font: "MiKe Electronics announced that mobile phones will be launched in the second half of next year!"

Looking at this line of words, Rockefy felt that his face was a little red.

I just said that Mihu Electronics cannot make mobile phones, and now Mihu Electronics has released such news. This is simply a slap in the face to myself.

This made him very uncomfortable.

But in the face of the reports, even if he was angry, he couldn't express it.

"Why are you so anxious? Mihu Electronics said it would make a mobile phone in the second half of the year. Can it be able to make it?"

"What's more, can their mobile phones really compete with ours?"

Mr. Hibb came to Rockefy's side at some point and said calmly.

Seeing Mr. Heeb's confident look, Rockefy's heart felt calmer.

(End of this chapter)

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