Chapter 2174 Small Actions

MiKe Electronics wants to make mobile phones!
As soon as the news was announced in the newspaper, it spread like a whirlwind in all directions.

For supporters of MiKe Electronics, they are naturally very fond of the new products launched by MiKe Electronics.

However, some fans of Mishell Electronics also said that they use PHS very well and are not ready to change their mobile phones yet.

After all, mobile phones are too expensive.

For some professionals in the communications industry, it is imperative that Mishell Electronics develops mobile phones.

After all, compared with mobile phones, PHS will eventually be eliminated.

Of course, some people are looking forward to Mihu Electronics' failure in mobile phones. After all, the production of mobile phones not only requires money, but also requires the accumulation of technology.

Mishell Electronics’ PHS is good, but this does not mean that Mishell Electronics’ mobile phones can be very good.

However, Shen Lin didn't pay much attention to these discussions.

As the largest shareholder of Walnut Company, coupled with his understanding of the mobile phone industry in his previous life, Shen Lin is still very confident in Mishell mobile phones.

For Mishell mobile phones, Shen Lin mainly provides guidance in one direction. Specific technical matters are still handled by Mishell Electronics R&D personnel.

Although MiKe Electronics is headquartered in Dongzhou, if we want to retain talents and absorb a large number of talents, MiKe Electronics' R&D centers can only be located in big cities with rich human resources.

So after announcing that MiKu Electronics was going to launch a mobile phone, Shen Lin started to expand and develop MiKu Electronics' research center.

In the past, most of MiKe Electronics’ research and development was carried out through cooperation with universities.

Although this model is still very useful now, as a large company, MiKe Electronics also urgently needs to have its own R&D site.

When the news that MiKe Electronics was preparing to set up this R&D center spread, Shen Lin received many invitations.

The content of these invitations all welcomes the establishment of the Mishell Electric R&D Center.

Even when Shen Lin was about to leave Dongzhou, the two main people in charge of Dongzhou specifically talked to Shen Lin about this matter.

However, when Shen Lin explained the various soft and hard conditions required by the R&D center, the other party stopped talking.

As for the provincial capital, the R&D center of MiKe Electronics is bound to be acquired.

After all, when it comes to human resources, the provincial capital still has many advantages, and MiKe Electronics and the provincial capital University of Technology also have a lot of cooperation.

The combination of these conditions can form a driving force for Mihu Electronics to establish a scientific research center.

But Shen Lin is very aware of the flow of talents, so Shen Lin has never made up his mind on this matter.

Unlike production factories, the location of the R&D center is really very important.

In the courtyard house of Shen Lin in the capital, it was already time for everything to revive. Xiao Guoke was practicing calligraphy in his study, while Shen Lin was walking in the small garden with Lu Xiaorong, who was already pregnant.

"Shen Lin, what do you think about this R&D center?" Lu Xiaorong asked Shen Lin while holding a strawberry in his hand.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Is someone bothering you with this question again?"

"No, I have a good friend who writes a good book. I don't know why I found him and asked me to tell you about it."

Lu Xiaorong didn't even mention it, he just said: "I think it's better to settle this matter."

"Otherwise, it wouldn't be a big deal if I just have to support you all the time."

Shen Lin naturally knew that this matter could not be delayed forever.

However, the several places he had chosen each had their own pros and cons, so he couldn't make up his mind for the time being.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "Xiao Rong, do you think it is better for us to put the R&D center here or over there in the East China Sea?"

"Or put it in Pengcheng?"

Lu Xiaorong frowned after hearing what Shen Lin said.

She also has some understanding of the pros and cons of these places.So she was a little undecided when asked to choose.

"I don't know either, but I know that you have to make a choice as soon as possible."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "These places each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Since I can't make up my mind at the moment, I am going to find a professional team to investigate."

"In addition to comparison, we also need to look at the level of support from various aspects."

While the two were talking, Shi Congyun hurriedly walked in and said, "Dr. Shen, Mr. York Hansen called and I would like you to answer the phone." Before Shen Lin could speak, Lu Xiaorong had already said, "You should go to work. Just go to work and don’t keep people waiting.”

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's determined expression, Shen Lin did not insist. He said to Shi Congyun: "You stay with your sister-in-law and take a rest while I answer the phone."

Arriving in the study room, Shen Lin quickly received another call from York Hansen.

"Director Shen, I am disturbing you at this time. I really have something important to report to you."

York Hansen said in a deep voice: "Mr. Toros's fund has been making large-scale sales recently. I feel like they are planning to make some big move in Southeast Asia."

After hearing what York Hansen said, Shen Lin raised his brows slightly.

Years ago, Toros had someone contact him, hoping to do something with him.

But Shen Lin, who didn't like this person, directly rejected Toros' proposal.

However, Shen Lin did not take Toros lightly. He knew that if this man did not make a move, he would do it. Once he did, it would be absolutely shocking.

So just let York Hansen watch his moves.

Thinking about some introductions about Toros, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. York Hansen, you did a very good job."

"In this case, let's not act rashly."

"First figure out what they are going to do, and then we can make the next step."

"Also, pay attention to the situation in Britain."

York Hansen didn't understand why Shen Lin arranged it like this, but as Shen Lin's subordinate, he quickly said: "Okay, I will convey this information to you at any time."

"Director Shen, there is one more thing I want to report to you."

York Hansen continued: "Today, a vice president from a motorcycle company came to Walnut Company. Their purpose is to unite various mobile phone manufacturers to form a blockade on your Mihu Electronics."

"According to the motorcycle company, it hopes to kill Mishell Electronics' dream of manufacturing mobile phones."

Shen Lin said: "What does our CEO say about this proposal?"

York Hansen said: "The CEO is very hesitant on this matter. I can see from his appearance that he is very tempted by this proposal."

"And the reason why he hesitates is because he knows that MiKe Electronics belongs to your industry."

"If he does this, it will be a betrayal of you."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. York, once this alliance between motorcycle companies is formed, the motorcycle company will benefit the most."

"Tell our president and ask him to find a way to get rid of this incident."

"Tell him that Walnut Company's main rival is still the motorcycle company!"

York Hansen hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Okay boss, I will definitely tell him what you said."

Just as Shen Lin was about to say something to York Hansen, he heard a shout from outside.

Hearing this voice, Shen Lin quickly put down the phone and said, "I still have something to do, please contact me later."

As he spoke, Shen Lin rushed towards the yard.

When Shen Lin came to the yard, he saw Lu Xiaorong sitting on a chair with a pale face, while Shi Congyun was shouting and making quick calls with a PHS phone.

Seeing this situation, Shen Lin's heart suddenly jumped.

"what happened?"

Shen Lin came to Lu Xiaorong's side and said nervously in his voice.

Before Lu Xiaorong could speak, Shi Congyun had already said: "Dr. Shen, Sister Lu suddenly felt a stomachache just now. I have already called and Chengzi's car will be here soon."

"Let's go to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Shen Lin, there's nothing big wrong with me, it's just that... I suddenly have a severe stomachache." Lu Xiaorong also raised his head at this time and said while grabbing Shen Lin's hand.

Shen Lin held Lu Xiaorong's hand and said, "It's okay, we will be at the hospital soon."

(End of this chapter)

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