Chapter 2175

Digital hospital!

Li Mei, chief physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, was getting ready to get off work, but just as she was packing her things, a harsh phone rang.

Li Mei didn't pay attention to this call.

After all, there are many doctors in his department, and they can handle any matter.

But when she was about to leave, the head nurse who answered the phone said a little embarrassedly: "Doctor Li, you can't get off work now!"

"What's wrong?" The head nurse is an old man who has worked with Li Mei for many years. The two have a very good relationship.

At this time, being stopped by his old friend, a smile appeared on Li Mei's face.

"Qu Hui, don't you want to invite me to dinner? I'm telling you, there is something going on at home, so I really can't accept your invitation."

Qu Hui rubbed her head and then said helplessly: "Doctor Li, the dean just called and told all the experts in our department not to get off work."

"Even those who are on vacation must rush back to the hospital immediately."

"Also, if you really want to leave, you must ask for leave from his old man."

Regardless of any unit, if there is nothing to do, everyone is basically unwilling to ask for leave from the top leader.

Because asking for leave from the top leader will often make the top leader have opinions about you.

Dropping the chain at the critical moment is not just a saying.

Li Mei already had an appointment with someone. She hesitated for a moment and then said to the head nurse: "Qu Hui, how was the dean's attitude when he called?"

Qu Hui knew the elegant meaning after listening to the string song. She said helplessly: "The dean's voice seems to be in a hurry."

"It was like something was chasing him from behind."

"Doctor Li, I guess the task this time is quite big."

Li Mei snorted and said: "It's not that the task is not small, it should be that the background is not small."

Qu Hui remained silent. She could naturally think of what Li Mei said.

But as the head nurse, there is a big gap between her right to speak and Li Mei.

Li Mei can say some things freely, but she can't.

Li Mei knew this and couldn't blame Qu Hui, so she could only suppress her dissatisfaction and quickly changed into clothes again.

In just 3 minutes, the dean had already walked over with several people.

These people are basically the top management of the hospital. When Li Mei and other doctors saw their leaders, they all came over to say hello.

"Dean, what's the big task this time?" Someone had a good relationship with Principle, so he inquired with a smile when greeting him.

The dean's face suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "This mission is really a big one."

"We have received the request from above and must be absolutely foolproof. Therefore, some doctors have been delayed from getting off work. I will definitely compensate for this that should be compensated later."

"However, no one can let me off the hook for what happened this time. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning against others."

Li Mei mingled among the crowd, originally thinking about asking for leave, but looking at the dean's solemn face, she finally decided to give up.

In just one minute, the dean's cell phone rang.

He answered the phone and said to Li Mei and others: "Let's go, come with me."

Li Mei and others quickly went downstairs and saw a woman being helped out of the car.

The woman looked to be in her 20s and had a handsome face, but at this time, the woman's face was covered with sweat.

As for the man next to the woman, although his face was tense, his steps were still steady.

"Dean Qin, I'll trouble you and everyone this time." The young man said to the dean who came to greet him.

Dean Qin said: "Don't worry, nothing will happen to you when you come to the hospital. Li Mei, take Ms. Lu for a checkup quickly."

"If you need anything, just tell me."

"I'll wait for someone outside." When Li Mei saw the young woman's condition, she already made some judgments in her heart. She quickly agreed, and she and several doctors helped the woman to the prepared bed, and then quickly pushed the baby bed, heading towards the delivery room.

With a series of examinations and infusions, the woman slowly calmed down.

After careful observation, Li Mei felt that the mother was completely stable, so she gently opened the door of the delivery room.

The first thing she saw was the dean.

The dean stood over there, talking to the young man who sent the girl over.

This young man should be the woman's husband. Judging from his age, he is in his 20s. Although he is not very handsome, he is quite energetic.

Moreover, Li Mei also had a feeling that she seemed to have seen this person somewhere.

Could it be that he is a star?
I couldn't remember it for a moment, but Li Mei didn't bother.

After all, who this person is has little to do with her.

Seeing Li Mei coming out, the young man immediately gave up his conversation with the dean and walked over quickly.

"Doctor, what's the matter?"

Dean Qin also looked at Li Mei eagerly. After Li Mei pondered for a while, he said in a deep voice: "It has stabilized."

"According to my experience, the baby should be born tomorrow, so you don't need to be too nervous."

"Just rest in the ward first."

Hearing this, Li Mei felt that the young man breathed a sigh of relief, and Dean Qin, who was standing aside, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then can I go see Xiaorong?"

Xiaorong in the young people's mouth should be a young woman who is about to give birth to a child. Li Mei smiled and said: "Of course, but don't talk too much, she needs to rest."

The young man nodded and said, "Thank you."

As he spoke, he said to Dean Qin: "Dean Qin, please worry. I'll go see Xiaorong first. You can take care of yourself if you have something to do."

Before Dean Qin could respond, the young man had already entered the ward.

Dean Qin asked Li Mei in disbelief, "Is everything really going well?"

"Dean, looking at what you said, you don't believe in others, don't you believe in me?"

"This kind of thing, why should I lie to you?"

"Don't worry, it's alright."

Dean Qin said: "As long as it's okay, you're going to have to work hard this time."

"Dean, I'm not afraid of hard work. I just have some things at home that I need to take care of. Do you think this will work? Dr. Wang and the others are here to keep an eye on her, and this woman won't be able to give birth in a short time."

"Do you want me to go home first?"

"I was tired last night."

Generally speaking, as the dean, the dean would agree to such a request. After all, no one is an animal and cannot be commanded all the time.

Dean Qin frowned, and then said to Li Mei: "Old Li, you are an experienced expert in our hospital and are recognized as having strong abilities. You cannot leave at this time."

"Take it as a favor for me."

"Don't you have something to deal with? Please ask your old Liu to deal with it."

Li Mei frowned and said, "Dean Qin, it's not like you don't know that our old Liu needs to work overtime these two days. I..."

"In this case, I will coordinate and give your old Liu three days of leave."

While Dean Qin was speaking, he picked up his cell phone before Li Mei could speak.

Li Mei did not persuade her at this moment. The unit where her husband worked was currently busy with inspections. Dean Qin did not have the face to ask for leave at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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