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Chapter 2179 Don’t make Director Shen unhappy

Chapter 2179 Don’t make Director Shen unhappy

The big star's face suddenly became a little ugly.

But she also knew that this was not the place where she went crazy.

"I came here just to send blessings to Director Shen's daughter. I don't think this will do any harm to Director Shen."

When the big star said this, there was a hint of deepness in his voice: "I think you might as well contact Director Shen. After all, this kind of thing is not something you can decide."

The staff member hesitated and finally picked up the phone.

Seeing the staff calling, the big star showed a smile.

Li Mei watched all this quietly. In her feeling, with the call being made, the now hot star was about to be invited in.

After all, the visitor is a guest, and the big star is quite famous.

In just one minute, a young woman walked out.She glanced at the big star, then smiled and said: "Sister Qing, I am Shi Congyun, Director Shen's secretary."

"Thank you very much, Sister Qing, for coming. On behalf of Director Shen and Sister Xiaorong, I would like to thank you for coming."

Hearing the young woman speak, Li Mei thought that she had seen this Shi Congyun.

It's just that at that time, she spoke softly, but she didn't expect that she would be able to deal with this person neatly at this time.

"Secretary Shi, I came here with sincerity, but you receptionists didn't let me go, which made me feel a little uncomfortable."

"I believe this is not the way Mr. Shen treats guests."

Shi Congyun said with a smile: "They also have a mission, so they have to do this."

"Sister Qing, the full-moon banquet hosted by Director Shen for his children is just an internal banquet within the family. No outside guests will be accepted, so please forgive me."

As she spoke, she said to the receptionist: "Go get a small gift from us to thank Sister Qing for coming."

The big star's face suddenly turned red.

She originally thought that with her fame and current achievements, even Shen Lin could not underestimate her.

But he didn't expect that Shen Lin's secretary still wouldn't let him in.

This made her feel humiliated.

There was a hint of trembling in her voice: "Secretary Shi, when you are dealing with this matter, why don't you ask Director Shen for instructions?"

Shi Congyun said: "Sister Qing, Director Shen is chatting with several relatives. I can handle this matter."

Having said this, she smiled and said: "Sister Qing, today is a happy day for Director Shen. I think you don't want to make Director Shen unhappy, right?"

These words restored Sister Qing's expression.

Although she thinks she has some status, if she really makes Shen Lin unhappy, then she just can't stand it.

But she was really unwilling to leave like this.

"Secretary Shi, since this is a gathering of relatives, tell me, is the eldest sister behind me also a relative of Director Shen?"

While speaking, Sister Qing nodded towards Li Mei.

Li Mei didn't expect that things would happen to her.

Just when she didn't know what to say, she heard Shi Congyun say with a smile: "Sister Qing, this is Dr. Li, a distinguished guest of Dr. Shen, and the doctor who delivered Dr. Shen's daughter."

Having said this, Shi Congyun continued: "Hello Dr. Li, we haven't seen each other for a while, but you are getting better."

Li Mei smiled and said, "Hello Secretary Shi."

She had no idea of ​​fighting back against this unreasonable disaster. In her eyes, this Sister Qing was not someone she could offend. "Doctor Li, please come in quickly. Sister Xiaorong has something else that I want to ask you for." Shi Congyun said with a smile: "Don't keep her and Director Shen waiting for too long."

After Sister Qing heard that Dr. Li was Lu Xiaorong's delivery doctor, she felt a little fever on her face.

Although she was not afraid of offending a doctor, she was unwilling to offend a doctor who was closely related to Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong for no reason.

Seeing that Dr. Li was about to leave under the guidance of Shi Congyun, she quickly said: "Doctor Li, what I just said was not directed at you, haha..."

The last two haha ​​are quite self-deprecating.

Li Mei glanced at Sister Qing and finally said: "It's okay."

Shi Congyun did not respond to the conversation between the two people, but after walking into the courtyard, she said to Li Mei: "Doctor Li, you don't need to be too polite to the person just now."

"Director Shen doesn't want to have anything to do with them, and they can't do anything to you."

Although Shi Congyun's words were casual, Li Mei felt a hint of pride from these words.

Under the guidance of Shi Congyun, Li Mei crossed the courtyard decorated with various colored lights.The yard was quite lively, with children running and playing, and some middle-aged people smoking and chatting in the yard.

Looking at the faces of these people, Li Mei felt that some of them looked familiar.

But I couldn't remember the name at the moment.

She looked at the faces calmly and made sure that she didn't recognize them. The reason why they looked familiar was that she had probably seen them somewhere.

Just when Li Mei couldn't think clearly, she had already arrived at a room that looked like a courtyard house from the outside, but was decorated very modern inside.

At this time, the room was also very lively. Seven or eight women of different ages were chatting, and surrounded by them was a baby who was just one month old.

Lu Xiaorong is much thinner than when he gave birth.

Of course, this kind of thinness is not weight loss, but restoration of body shape.

Seeing Li Mei coming, Lu Xiaorong said enthusiastically: "Doctor Li, you are here. I still have some questions that I want to ask you."

While speaking, Lu Xiaorong said to the girl beside him: "Jialuo, would you like Dr. Li to take a look at the baby?"

Li Mei smiled and quickly came to the child. After watching it carefully, she smiled and said: "Xiao Rong, you take good care of the child. Now..."

As an expert doctor, Li Mei is naturally very capable in her profession.

In one breath, she named four or five things that needed attention.

Lu Xiaorong quickly took notes and asked three or four questions about what he didn't understand.

"Doctor Li, you know so much." The young girl said with a smile: "I think it's better to take some time to visit Sister Xiaorong every week, so that she won't have to worry about herself. Find a book to read.”

"Of course, we won't trouble Dr. Li in vain."

Although the girl spoke with a smile, there was a question in her words that no one could refuse.

Seeing that Li Mei didn't recognize Liang Jialuo, Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "This is my good sister Liang Jialuo."

Liang Jialuo quickly took out a business card from his exquisite handbag and said, "Dr. Li, if you need anything, just call me. I'm here and I'm still capable of taking care of you."

Looking at the phone number handed over by Liang Jialuo, Dr. Li's eyes narrowed.

Because it clearly says: Liang Jialuo, General Manager of Binglu Food Co., Ltd.!

Dr. Li is no stranger to ice dew purified water and various drinks, because it is a big company comparable to Jianlibao.

And this young girl turned out to be the general manager.

(End of this chapter)

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