Chapter 2180
Following Liang Jialuo's business card, Li Mei received several more business cards.

Looking at the titles on these business cards, Li Mei felt a little numb.

Because she had heard of these people's names, but she never thought that she would one day meet these people here.

Fortunately, the topics everyone talked about were the family's petty issues, and Li Mei was able to provide one or two opinions on many things, so she didn't feel unfamiliar at all.

Just when Li Mei gradually felt that she was integrating into this circle, she saw Shi Congyun walking in accompanied by a woman who looked about 30 years old.

This woman looks very demure, but her whole person gives people an overwhelming feeling of nobility.

If nothing else, a woman's clothes, although they look ordinary, contain a low-key luxury.

"Sister Xiaorong, let me introduce to you. This is Ms. Wang from Xiangjiang. She came here this time to accompany Mr. Li."

Shi Congyun introduced with a smile: "Ms. Wang, this is Sister Xiaorong."

Ms. Wang said with a smile: "Ms. Lu, I'm really happy to see you."

As she spoke, her eyes fell on the face of the baby being held by Lu Xiaorong and said: "This child is so cute. I wish I had such a child."

Ms. Wang from Xiangjiang came with Mr. Li.

Li Mei listened to this introduction and was a little confused about the origin of the other party.

And she was too embarrassed to ask at this time, so she could only stand aside and listen quietly to Lu Xiaorong and Ms. Wang talking.

Liang Jialuo, who was standing next to her, said in a low voice: "Doctor Li, this is the son and daughter-in-law of Boss Li of Xiangjiang."

Hearing Boss Li's words, Li Mei immediately reacted.

Thinking of the name that she had only seen in magazines and newspapers, she looked at Shen Lin with a little more admiration.

The gap between myself and Director Shen is really not that big.

Just when thoughts were surging in Li Mei's heart, she heard someone say with a smile: "Brother Li, I originally wanted to come with you, but I didn't expect that you came earlier than me!"

Following these words, a middle-aged man who was not tall but gave off a stocky feeling walked over.

When Mr. Li saw the visitor, he smiled and said, "Brother Zhen, this is the first time your sister-in-law has come here, so she wants to have a good stroll."

"I have no choice but to leave early because I'm stuck with her."

When the middle-aged man heard Mr. Li's explanation, he smiled and said nothing. Instead, he cast his eyes on Shen Lin and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Shen!"

"My old man originally wanted to come over here, but the doctor said that he is old and should try not to fly without systematic physical examination."

"So on behalf of him, I would like to congratulate Director Shen."

Shen Lin looked at the smiling middle-aged man and said solemnly: "Thank you for your concern, old man. I will miss you in Xiangjiang in a few days, so I will definitely thank you in person."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Li Mei felt that this person's identity was unusual.

Out of curiosity, she set her sights on Liang Jialuo.

This young general manager is not only enthusiastic, but also knows a lot.

"This one is also from Xiangjiang. He is better than Mr. Li." Liang Jialuo said with a smile.

Although Li Mei was still a little confused, these words actually proved that Shen Lin's guests all came from extraordinary backgrounds.

No wonder the big star Sister Qing can't come in. It turns out...

Shen Lin didn't know what Li Mei was thinking, so he smiled and said a few polite words to Mr. Zhen.

Originally, Shen Lin was going to ask Lu Xiaoshan to help him receive Master Zhen, but he did not expect that Master Zhen said: "Director Shen, I came here this time because I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Our old man originally wanted to call you, but he felt that it was difficult to explain things clearly on the phone many times, so he asked me to help him with some words."

Shen Lin was not too concerned about it at first, but after hearing Master Zhen's last words, his expression became more serious.He may not take this Young Master Zhen seriously, but he still admires Young Master Zhen's father.

"Master Zhen, come to the study with me."

Shen Lin's study is not small, and there are many books in it. It is not only a place for Shen Lin to read, but also an office where he handles some company affairs.

"Master Zhen, please sit down." After Shen Lin gave up his seat, he began to pour tea.

Looking at Shen Lin who was looking for tea, Mr. Zhen said: "Dr. Shen, please don't bother me. I'm here just to tell you something."

"We found that a lot of funds have now entered the stock market in Southeast Asia. Although their actions are not big, my old man feels that their intentions are not small."

Funds enter the stock market!

The moment Shen Lin heard the news, his eyebrows raised.

The memory of his past life allowed him to know who the owner of these funds was and what their purpose was.

It's just that these funds should take some time to arrive, but why are they so fast now?

Could it be that this is my own butterfly effect?

He smiled and said: "Master Zhen, tell your old man that these funds are in the Xiangjiang stock market, so you don't need to pay too much attention to them for the time being."

"If they take action outside, I am ready to follow them and take action."

"We have some money. If we don't earn it, people will think we are easy to bully."

Young Master Zhen looked at the free and easy Shen Lin with admiration in his heart, but he also couldn't believe it.

In the past, Shen Lin seemed to have never speculated in stocks, but now his words were full of confidence.

Is it true that as his father said, Shen Lin's talent in this area is unmatched by anyone.

"Director Shen, are you really sure? According to the information I just received, the targets of these funds are very complicated."

Shen Lin smiled and patted Master Zhen on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, since I dare to say such things, I am naturally confident."

"Just relax and have fun."

"Let's go, there are guests coming. As the master, I can't hide away from them all the time."

Although Young Master Zhen was a little unhappy, when Shen Lin stood up, he also walked out.

In his heart, he always kept his father's arrangement in mind.

When you treat Shen Lin, you must treat him like an elder. You must not be rude, let alone have an argument with Shen Lin.

After Shen Lin walked out of the study, although he seemed calm on the surface, in his heart, he began to think about his previous memories.

This time Toros and the others seemed to move earlier than he remembered.

Does this advance have anything to do with me?

Although Shen Lin had no evidence, he had a feeling that a large part of the other party's actions this time were directed at him.

However, Shen Lin was not too worried. He smiled and chatted with the guests who came to congratulate him, and even joked with some familiar people from time to time.

For a time, the entire courtyard was filled with Shen Lin's laughter.

Young Master Zhen looked at Shen Lin with a smile on his face, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Get carried away!

Shen Lin was a little carried away!

(End of this chapter)

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