Chapter 2181 The Auction House

In May in Beijing, the rain has begun to come.

It rains sparsely for four to five days.

Lu Xiaorong was chatting with Li Mei, who came regularly to check up on her daughter, while Shen Lin was watching the rain with his baby who already knew it was good outside.

"Yueyue, this is rain!" Shen Lin pointed at the falling raindrops and said with a smile.


A baby of just a few months old can't speak, let alone understand what her father means, so she just said softly.

Looking at the baby, Shen Lin's eyes were full of tenderness.

"I didn't expect that Director Shen is good at looking after children." Li Mei looked at Shen Lin who was holding the child through the window and said with a smile.

Li Mei had always looked up to Shen Lin.

However, as she got closer to Shen Lin, she discovered that Director Shen's life seemed not much different from ordinary people.

He also dotes on his children, and his requirements for them are not as strict as some books say.

As for the rest, it is even more nonsense.

"He is a little too spoiled with his children." Lu Xiaorong said: "The flowering period of the flower that Yueyue liked to see the day before yesterday came. He was afraid that his daughter would not be able to find the flowers, so he just asked someone to find a pot of other flowers of the same color to replace it. ”

"If you ask me, he is just fooling around. Yueyue is so young, what does he know!"

Although there was a hint of complaint in Lu Xiaorong's words, it was more of a sense of pride.

Listening to Lu Xiaorong's words, Li Mei smiled and said: "Although Yueyue is young, she has her own thoughts, and Director Shen did a good job."

Just as the two people were talking, they saw Shi Congyun walking over.

Li Mei and Shi Congyun also had a lot of contact, and the two of them recently went shopping together.

She knew that Shi Congyun's status was not low and she helped Shen Lin handle many things.

"Congyun, what's the matter?" Lu Xiaorong asked looking at Shi Congyun who was in a hurry.

Shi Congyun said: "Sister Xiaorong, Sister Zhong introduced a boss Shen to see Director Shen. I will report to Director Shen."

Lu Xiaorong has always paid little attention to the affairs of Shen Lin Company.

When he heard Shi Congyun's words, he smiled and said, "Then go ahead."

"By the way, tell Shen Lin and ask him to send the child over. Don't go to meet the guests with the child like yesterday."

Shi Congyun smiled and said: "Okay, I will definitely tell Director Shen."

Soon, Shi Congyun reported the incident to Shen Lin, who was taking his children to watch the rain.As MiKe Electronics became one of the top [-] companies, more and more people wanted to see Shen Lin.

Among these people, some want Shen Lin to invest, some are looking for Shen Linla's sponsorship, and some even hope to be funded by Shen Lin...

For such a situation, Shen Lin basically just disappears if he can.

But Shen Lin decided to meet the person introduced by Zhong Qing.

"Director Shen, this is the business card of Boss Shen." Shi Congyun saw that Shen Lin wanted to see Boss Shen, so she handed over a business card.

Shen Lin had no impression of the person he was introduced to, but he was prepared to meet him because of Zhong Qing's introduction.

But at this moment, looking at the name on the business card, Shen Lin's expression changed.

After all, this is a big man who spans three fields, and the companies he founded are all leaders in the industry.

It can be said that this person's life also belongs to the ranks of cheaters.

No wonder Zhong Qing wanted to introduce herself.

"Let's go and see what boss Shen has planned."

As Shen Lin spoke, he hugged his daughter and walked out.Shi Congyun said: "Dr. Shen, Sister Xiaorong asked you to send Yueyue over, and you are not allowed to take your child to meet the guests."

Shen Lin said helplessly: "Okay, listen to her."

As he spoke, he said to Yueyue who was lying on his shoulder: "Baby, let's go find mom."

After giving his daughter to Lu Xiaorong and saying hello to Li Mei, Shen Lin was ready to see Boss Shen.

But after walking a few steps, Shen Lin suddenly seemed to have thought of something, turned around and said to Li Mei, "Dr. Li, our MiKe Electronics has built a community near MiKe City."

"Although the residences there are not big, the environment is still good."

"I'll give you the cost price, why not buy a set."

If Shen Lin directly offered to give him a house, Li Mei would definitely reject it immediately.

Although she hopes to be on good terms with Shen Lin, she is unwilling to do this kind of thing of taking other people's things for free.

But giving yourself the cost price is the behavior of a friend.

For a moment, she felt a little excited in her heart.

But thinking that her family had been divided into houses, it seemed that they could not live in a new house. Li Mei hesitated for a while and said: "Director Shen, how much does the house cost?"

"That's about [-] to [-] yuan." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Dr. Li, with your income, this price should be no problem."

"I think house prices will still rise in the future. If I buy one early, will I be prepared?"

Listening to Shen Lin's calm tone, Li Mei hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Then thank you, Director Shen."

Shen Lin said casually: "We are all friends about small things. If there are any good things, we should naturally share them."

Naturally, Li Mei didn't know that the current asking price of the house recommended to her by Shen Lin was one-third cheaper, and there was even more room for appreciation in the future.

After finalizing the matter with Li Mei that made her money, Shen Lin came to a reception room outside the courtyard. At this time, in the reception room, a young man who looked about 30 years old and had a handsome face was restlessly waiting. In the reception room.

Shen Lin's appearance, that is, his delicate appearance, was much inferior to that of this young man.

He glanced at the young man twice, and then thought about the memory of this person in future generations, then smiled and said: "Hello, Boss Shen, I just had something to do, and I was really negligent."

When Boss Shen saw Shen Lin walking in, his face was instantly filled with smiles.

Being able to see Shen Lin, he felt that things were promising.

If he couldn't even see Shen Lin, then there would really be no hope for what happened today.

"Director Shen, please forgive me for intruding." The young man looked at Shen Lin and said solemnly.

After a few polite words, the two sat down on the sofa.

"Boss Shen, Sister Qing said that you have something to ask me for. Do you have any advice?" Shen Lin asked casually.

Boss Shen took a breath. He knew that this was his most critical moment. Whether he could impress Shen Lin or not depended on his words this time.

"Director Shen, I am here this time for something, and I would like to ask you to help me feel my pulse."

Having said this, Boss Shen looked extremely solemn: "I believe Director Shen must have heard of the auction house?"

Although Shen Lin was calm on the surface, there was a hint of excitement in his heart.

But on the surface, he said calmly: "I've heard of it."

Boss Shen originally wanted to wait for Shen Lin to put forward a few opinions, and then follow up, but seeing that Shen Lin didn't say anything, he could only say: "Dr. Shen, there are many foreign auction houses, and some of them have quite a few shortcomings." History."

"But we don't even have an auction house here. I feel bad."

"So I want to open an auction house. I wonder if Director Shen is interested in participating?"

(End of this chapter)

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