Chapter 2185 Different choices
Shen Lin didn't pay much attention to the disputes between Boss Shen and Mr. Li.

His main time, apart from focusing on the new-born little princess, is to deal with the affairs of MiKe Electronics and promote the launch of MiKe Electronics mobile phones.

Because of the technical support of walnuts and the understanding of mobile phone models among Shen Lin's descendants, MiKe Electronics designed the design very quickly.

With the completion of the stability test of the engineering machine, the production of Mishell mobile phones has also been put on the agenda.

Regarding the production of MiKe Electronics mobile phones, two different attitudes began to appear within MiKe Electronics.

One is to build its own production lines and factories, produce and sell everything by itself.

Another option is to find an outside factory to do the manufacturing.

Regarding these two attitudes, Shen Lin did not immediately express his position, but as the production time of Mishell mobile phones got closer, Shen Lin had to make a decision.

"Director Shen, I think OEM is a once and for all solution."

Lian Shaofeng was sitting in the garden of the Shen family, looking at Shen Lin who was holding his daughter.

Although due to politeness, Shen Lin rarely brings his daughter to see people, but I don’t know since when, some people began to say that if Director Shen can bring his daughter to see you, it means that Director Shen regards you as his own. people.

Although this statement is a bit taken for granted, it is also recognized by many people.

Many people were even proud to see Shen Lin with his children.

As the deputy general manager of MiKe Electronics, Lian Shaofeng no longer had to worry about these things, but he still felt quite comfortable when Shen Lin saw him with his child in his arms.

After all, with this expression, Director Shen regarded him as one of his own.

rather than outsiders.

After listening to Lian Shaofeng's words, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "President Lian, have you considered the shortcomings of contract manufacturing?"

"Director Shen, I have naturally considered this, so I feel that we cannot put our eggs in one basket."

"The main thing is that we find more OEM companies, then everything will not be a problem."

"Also, OEM can reduce a lot of our investment, and the production speed can also be accelerated. Although it also has some shortcomings, it is undoubtedly the most suitable for us."

Having said this, Lian Shaofeng continued: "Although we build the factory ourselves, everything is in our hands."

"But Director Shen, if you build a factory, the first investment in the factory will be a huge expense."

"Also, the training of workers also requires a lot of effort, and...

In one breath, Lian Shaofeng talked about the disadvantages of building a factory at seven or eight o'clock.

Shen Lin also agreed with what Lian Shaofeng said.

After all, these are obvious disadvantages.

However, after Lian Shaofeng finished speaking, Shen Lin did not express his position immediately. Instead, he looked at Lian Shaofeng and said, "Have you discussed all these opinions with Mr. Cheng?"

There was a hint of helplessness on Lian Shaofeng's face.

As the deputy general manager, he naturally has to communicate with the general manager Cheng Zhenyuan on major matters.

But it is a pity that the communication between the two people does not have much effect.

Cheng Zhenyuan agreed with some of the things he said, but in one aspect, Cheng Zhenyuan was extremely insistent, that is, this factory must be built by MiKe Electronics.

According to him, that is the key thing, which must be in your own hands.

If the key things are in the hands of others, others will strangle your neck for a day.

"Director Shen, I think Mr. Cheng's worries are a bit unfounded."

"Now the trend of economic globalization has become very obvious, and there are many OEM factories."

"Even if some factories still have bottlenecks in a short period of time, as more and more foundries appear, these problems will eventually disappear."

"But once the factory is built, it will be a huge investment." "Although we at MiKe Electronics are not short of money, it is really unnecessary to invest in this."

"I think we should use good steel on the blade."

Shen Lin's expression did not change at all.

After Lian Shaofeng finished speaking, Shen Yue, who was looking at the flowers in his arms, suddenly said to a flower: "Oh!"

Shen Lin didn't know what this meant, but looking at his daughter's smiling expression, he smiled and said, "Yueyue likes this flower?"

"Then let's go and touch it, okay?"

As he spoke, he hugged his daughter and walked towards the flower.

Lian Shaofeng didn't feel any discomfort at this time.Although Director Shen was looking after the child, he knew in his heart that Shen Lin would definitely consider what he said.

Based on his understanding of Shen Lin, he felt that the possibility of Director Shen listening to his opinion was very high.

I remember that when all kinds of thoughts were surging in Lian Shaofeng's mind, he suddenly heard Shen Lin say: "Shaofeng, some of your ideas are right, but some of them are ill-considered."

"Okay, I'll listen to Mr. Cheng's opinion later."

Lian Shaofeng knew that it would not be easy for him to convince Shen Lin with just a few words.

So he was not impatient, but stood up and said: "Director Shen, I think this matter should be decided. After all, production waits for no one."

"Okay, I'll go back to Dongzhou this week."

After hearing Shen Lin's decision, Lian Shaofeng knew that Director Shen should decide on this matter this week, which made him feel a little hopeful.


Shen Lin's phone rang suddenly. He picked up the phone and took a look at it, then answered the call with a smile: "Mr. Cheng, you didn't disturb me. I'm taking care of the child?"

"You're in Beijing, hahaha. Your brother is here to make a surprise attack. Okay, then come over. Let's have a good drink today."

While speaking, Shen Lin put down his cell phone, and then said in a helpless tone to Lian Shaofeng: "Mr. Cheng is here too, haha, my place is going to be lively today."

Listening to Shen Lin's teasing words, a hint of helplessness flashed in Lian Shaofeng's eyes.

He didn't expect that Cheng Zhenyuan would come over at this time.

But it’s normal. After all, the mobile phone business is a very important thing for Mishell Electronics.

Especially lately.

"Director Shen, it's a good thing that Mr. Cheng is here. Let the three of us have a good talk."

Shen Lin checked the time on his mobile phone and then dialed Shi Congyun's number.

In just half a minute, Shi Congyun ran over. As Shen Lin spent most of his time at home taking care of his children, Shi Congyun had an office in Shen Lin's home.

Most of the important things in MiKe Electronics are done through Shi Congyun.

"Dr. Shen, can you let me hold you for a while?" Seeing Shen Yue dancing happily, Shi Congyun couldn't help but said.

Although she is still an unmarried single woman, she is full of affection for a chubby little baby like Shen Yue.

She usually likes to hold this little baby when she has nothing to do, not to mention that Shen Lin and Lian Shaofeng are talking about things now.

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Shi Congyun and said: "Congyun, I asked you to come because I have something to arrange for you.

"Mr. Cheng is coming over soon. Please help me inform the members of the board of directors and ask them to come to Beijing at this time tomorrow."

"Let's have the meeting here."

(End of this chapter)

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