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Chapter 2186 Change the way of thinking

Chapter 2186 Another way of thinking
Shi Congyun glanced at Lian Shaofeng and had a certain understanding in her heart.

As Shen Lin's secretary, she is very aware of the disputes in the unit.

Regarding these two options, she also helped Shen Lin think about it by putting herself in Shen Lin's shoes, but she was still undecided.

In her opinion, each of the two options seemed to be good and had advantages and disadvantages, so she couldn't make up her mind at all.

Now that Director Shen has convened the board of directors, it seems that the matter is about to be decided.

"Alright Chairman Shen, I'll make arrangements right away."

Just when Shi Congyun was about to leave, Shen Lin continued: "You go outside and order a table of good food. When Mr. Cheng comes, he and I will have a few drinks."

"Shao Feng, you should also drink some."

"Although you can't drink too much of this wine, drinking it in moderation is still good."

Lian Shaofeng's drinking capacity is average, and he usually focuses on his work, so he drinks very little.

But now that Shen Lin has said it, he naturally cannot object.

Shen Lin continued: "Shaofeng, although Lao Cheng's ability is slightly worse than yours, his experience is better than Qian's."

"You, sometimes you should learn more from him."

"Only in this way can I leave the overall situation of MiKe Electronics to you in the future."

As the deputy general manager of MiKe Electronics, Lian Shaofeng not only has a high annual salary, but also has many equity incentives.

All the income added up is 3000 to [-] million a year.

This kind of income is a lot even for a boss.

What's more, as the vice president of MiKe Electronics, he is respected by everyone no matter where he goes.

But at this time, after hearing Shen Lin's words, his face turned red and he said, "Dr. Shen, I will definitely learn from Mr. Cheng." '

Shen Lin smiled and didn't say much.

Cheng Zhenyuan, the general manager, and Lian Shaofeng, the vice president, have some disputes in many places.

Although Shen Lin saw these disputes, he did not interfere too much.

As long as the two of them don't interfere with work, Shen Lin can pretend that he doesn't exist.

This kind of dispute, in addition to different opinions on work, also involves differences in cognition.

Lian Shaofeng and Shen Lin talked about work for a while, and then went to the guest room to rest. Half an hour later, Cheng Zhenyuan arrived at Shen Lin's home.

This time Cheng Zhenyuan did not come empty-handed. Not only did he bring some Dongzhou specialties, he also brought many small gifts to Shen Yue.

After teasing Shen Yue for a while, Cheng Zhenyuan and Shen Lin came to the study.

Shen Lin was very casual about Lian Shaofeng, but when talking to Cheng Zhenyuan, Shen Lin gave the child to Lu Xiaorong, and then made tea and started chatting.

Drinking the tea handed over by Shen Lin himself, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said, "Dr. Shen, has Mr. Lian already contacted you?"

"Yes, Mr. Lian told me his idea. After all, now that we have the Mi shell phone, it is time to put it into production. If the delay continues, the release time will be delayed." Shen Lin said solemnly, I originally I was going to go back, but now that you are here, I will ask Shi Congyun to inform us that our board of directors will hold a meeting tomorrow. "

"Confirm this matter completely."

After hearing Shen Lin's decision, Cheng Zhenyuan felt that he had made the right decision this time.

If he didn't come this time and let Lian Shaofeng finalize the matter, he would be regretting it.

After all, the effect of communicating with Shen Lin in advance is completely different from communicating with Shen Lin afterwards.

He pondered for a moment and then said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, Lian is always a capable person."

"I wholeheartedly approve of him taking over my position in the future."

"You can even say that he will become the general manager now, and I agree with that."

Shen Lin listened to Cheng Zhenyuan's words with a smile and did not express his position.According to his understanding of Cheng Zhenyuan, Cheng Zhenyuan's current words are somewhat sincere.

But after saying these compliments, Cheng Zhenyuan should turn around next.

Just as Shen Lin thought, Cheng Zhenyuan praised Lian Shaofeng a few words and then said in a deep voice: "Dr. Shen, although Mr. Lian is very capable, there is one thing he is lacking in."

"That means he is not vigilant enough."

"He never thought about the possibility of us being choked again."

"And once this neck is stuck, most of the work we did before will be in vain."

"I think we have to start a mobile phone factory."

"Even if some of them use OEM services, we cannot be without any ability to fight back."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Mr. Cheng, the problem you are considering is not impossible."

"I also think we must build our own factory."

Having said this, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "OEM is one aspect, but we can also produce our own mobile phones and help others to do OEM at the same time!"

Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned for a moment!
His thinking has always been that he cannot control his lifeline in the hands of others.

When others threaten you, you should also be able to fight back.

But he has never thought about doing work for others.

If you produce your own mobile phones and then OEM them for others, then building a factory will be a big deal.

"Director Shen, if we were to do the work for others, then... wouldn't that step be a little too big?"

"And we don't have much contact with other companies. Those mobile phone manufacturers may not believe us!"

Cheng Zhenyuan felt that as a subordinate, he should advise Shen Lin not to walk too fast.

After all, taking too big a step can easily lead to problems.

Shen Lin looked at Cheng Zhenyuan's appearance and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, I know this matter well."

As he spoke, Shen Lin changed the topic to other aspects.

The two people chatted for more than an hour, and then they talked about most of the things about Mi Ke Electronics.

As MiKe Electronics is involved in more and more industries, the company has more and more things to do.

Although Shen Lin took the initiative to delegate power and asked professional matters to be handed over to professionals, there are still many matters for MiKe Electronics.

Shen Lin needs to make the decision on these matters.

So after Cheng Zhenyuan finished talking about the matter, he solemnly said: "Director Shen, I think you should go back and take charge."

"We, MiKe Electronics, have too many things going on, and everyone will have no idea if you are not there!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, I can handle most of our matters here."

"What's more, even if I'm in Dongzhou, I won't reduce your workload."

"Boom boom boom!"

With a gentle knock on the door, Shi Congyun walked in.

"Director Shen, Mr. Cheng, the meal is ready. Why don't you chat while you eat?" Shi Congyun suggested with a smile.

Shen Lin said: "It's rare for Mr. Cheng to come here. I must have two drinks today."

"Cong Yun, go to the back room and find the 30-year-old wine that the winery gave me. They only gave me three bottles of this wine. They are really stingy."

(End of this chapter)

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