Chapter 2187 Sudden Attack

When Cheng Zhenyuan heard what Shen Lin said, he smiled and said, "Dr. Shen, I'm really lucky this time."

"30-year-old wine, I heard that a bottle can be sold for thousands of dollars."

Shen Lin said: "The price is a bit exaggerated, but the taste is really good."

"By the way, we'll also invite the head coach here."

Under the leadership of Shen Lin, Cheng Zhenyuan quickly arrived at Shen Lin's restaurant.

At this time, a large table of food had been set up in the restaurant.

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at the table of food with a smile on his face.

Although his current status is very high, Shen Lin's hospitality to him is naturally a recognition of his status.

Cheng Zhenyuan didn't lack anything else, but he seemed to like this recognition very much.

Lian Shaofeng had already arrived in the living room. After Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan sat down, he quickly took the bottle.

After helping Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan pour the wine, he raised his glass with a smile and said, "Dr. Shen, Mr. Cheng, let me toast you."

"It has been four or five years since I came to MiKe Electronics, and these four or five years have brought about huge changes in me."

Looking at Lian Shaofeng who looked full of emotion, Shen Lin also raised his glass and said: "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Lian, you two have contributed greatly to our MiKe Electronics."

"Between us, there is no need to be polite."

"Come, let's drink together and wish our MiKe Electronics will get better and better in the future."

Regarding Shen Lin's proposal, even Shaofeng and Cheng Zhenyuan did not interrupt. The three of them raised their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.

Lian Shaofeng usually doesn't drink much, so he can't tell whether his drinking is good or bad, but Cheng Zhenyuan is different.

He has been drinking wine for many years, and he can taste good wine in one go.

After drinking Shen Lin's wine, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Dr. Shen, this wine is too fragrant. No wonder I was only willing to give you three bottles?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "If you like it, Mr. Cheng, you can take the remaining two bottles."

"When I want to drink it later, I will go to their winery to ask for it."

Cheng Zhenyuan hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Dr. Shen, a gentleman does not take away people's love. You should keep this wine."

"I'll come find you when I want to drink."

Looking at Cheng Zhenyuan's appearance, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng, just take it with confidence. I can't live without wine."

As the three people chatted, the atmosphere seemed extremely close.

After drinking a bottle of wine, all three of them became a little tipsy.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Lian, your two ideas are actually right."

"In the wave of globalization, it is good for us to leave some things to professional companies outside, while we concentrate on doing big things."

"But if we hand everything over to someone else, there's just as much potential for problems to arise."

"Once people join forces to choke us, it will be very uncomfortable."

"So the technology must be in our own hands."

"As for the concerns you two have, I mean to sum it up, when we develop our own production lines, we also build our own foundries."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin solemnly said: "Although the profit of the foundry is low, it has considerable benefits. Once it is implemented, it will not only solve our stuck problem, but also increase our position in the industry." The right to speak."

This was the first time Lian Shaofeng heard about Shen Lin's plan. While he was surprised, he couldn't help but ask: "Dr. Shen, your plan sounds good."

"But once our mobile phone brand is established, will our competitors trust us and let us do OEM work?" "You need to think about this."

Cheng Zhenyuan took a sip of wine. Although he and Lian Shaofeng were at odds these days, he agreed with Lian Shaofeng's opinions.

After all, one must not have the heart to harm others, and one must not have the heart to guard against others.

My company doesn't want to be choked by others, and others don't want it either.

Shen Lin looked at the worried Lian Shaofeng, smiled and said: "President Lian, when our brand is not established, others won't have any big worries."

"As for when our brand is established, we only need to have one or two stable partners."

Lian Shaofeng savored Shen Lin's words, hesitated and said, "Director Shen, have you communicated with those potential customers?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "President Lian, I have a lot of business dealings with the Walnut Company. There is no problem for their OEM to settle in our company."

Walnut Company!

Because MiKe Electronics is preparing to make mobile phones, it is natural that it has some understanding of Walnut Company, which is now ranked alongside motorcycle companies.

But he didn't know the relationship between his boss and the walnut company.

If we can win the OEM contract from Walnut Company, then there seems to be no problem for supporting our own OEM company.

"Director Shen, if Walnut Company can be taken down, I support your decision."

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at the solemn picture of Lian Shaofeng and said to Shen Lin: "Dr. Shen, Shaofeng and I have the same opinion."

"In fact, this not only puts the initiative in our hands, but sometimes we can also choke others."

Shen Lin smiled, and just as he was about to speak, he saw Shi Congyun walking in quickly.

Shi Congyun's face looked a little anxious. Shen Lin looked at Shi Congyun's expression and asked in a deep voice: "What's wrong?"

"Director Shen, we just received news. According to our partners, the vice president of the motorcycle company has said at an internal supply meeting that they will ban the sale of communication chips to MiKe Electronics."

Shi Congyun said in a deep voice: "Once we can't buy this kind of communication chip, then we won't be able to make mobile phones."

Cheng Zhenyuan didn't know much about communication chips.

But Lian Shaofeng is different. As a person in charge who understands technology, he is very clear about the importance of communication chips.

When he heard Shi Congyun's words, he stood up immediately.

"Cong Yun, is this news reliable?"

Shi Congyun said: "It was provided by a friendly businessman who has cooperated with us a lot. It shouldn't be fake."

"Director Shen, we should take action as soon as possible. If this happens, our mobile phones may have problems."

Shen Lin said calmly: "Shaofeng, what action do you think we should take?"

"Director Shen, I think at this time, we should start from two aspects. One is to negotiate with the motorcycle company."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment and said: "The other aspect is to reflect this matter."

"After all, it's not good for motorcycle companies to do this."

"Once the matter is confirmed, other companies that want to purchase the motorcycle company's communication chips will also be in trouble."

"At that time, motorcycle companies will also be under pressure from other companies."

Shen Lin listened to Lian Shaofeng's analysis and nodded gently.

Things happened suddenly, and Lian Shaofeng was able to think of so many things in an instant, which was actually quite remarkable.

(End of this chapter)

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