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Chapter 2188 The Night Owl Enters the House

Chapter 2188 The Night Owl Enters the House

Cheng Zhenyuan also felt the seriousness of the matter after listening to Lian Shaofeng's words.

Mihu Electronics wants to do mobile phones, and Director Shen has already announced it.

Now, the motorcycle company has directly announced that it will not provide communication chips to MiKe Electronics.

That means it is obvious that if there is a product, it will not be sold to you, and you will not be able to make a mobile phone.

There doesn't seem to be any problem with this behavior.

After all, most of the time, there is freedom of buying and selling.

But as a motorcycle company that occupies most of the communication chip market, their approach not only demonstrates their strength, but also puts Mihu Electronics' mobile phone business in a dangerous situation.

At the very least, most companies today are afraid of motorcycle companies.

The method of practicing Shaofeng is undoubtedly the best method at this time.

The motorcycle company's approach also confirmed the correctness of building his own factory.

But at this moment, it is no longer the time to talk about this.

"Director Shen, I think we cannot take this matter lightly and we should take necessary actions now." Cheng Zhenyuan said: "It happens that the three of us are here. If anything happens, just feel free to arrange it."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng, let's do it according to Mr. Lian's method now."

"But we don't need to be too anxious now."

"No matter what, we still have to finish our meal."

Having said this, Shen Lin raised his glass and said, "We, MiKe Electronics, have experienced a lot of ups and downs from its establishment to the present."

"The current wind and waves are difficult to capsize our boat."

Shen Lin's words shocked Lian Shaofeng and Cheng Zhenyuan.

The sudden news just now caught the two of them a little off guard.

But at this time, listening to Shen Lin's words, the two of them felt a surge of pride rising in their hearts.



Shi Congyun, who had come to report in a panic, looked at Shen Lin and others raising their glasses, and countless thoughts arose in his heart.

She suddenly felt that most of the depression and worry in her heart had disappeared.

If Director Shen is not afraid, what should he be afraid of?

What's more, there is Director Shen, and the sky will not fall.

"Cong Yun, please contact the person in charge of the motorcycle company's branch in Beijing as soon as possible to confirm the news."

Shen Lin placed the wine glass in his hand on the table and ordered in a deep voice.

Shi Congyun agreed and said: "Dr. Shen, what if they don't admit it?"

"If you don't admit it, you will tell him that General Manager Lian Shaofeng is here and wants to buy a batch of communication chips with them."

Shen Lin said calmly: "Let's see if they agree."

Shi Congyun hesitated for a moment, then quickly said: "I'll do it right away."

Looking at Shi Congyun coming here, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Director Shen, I think this motorcycle company will never do business honestly with us."

"What if they don't admit or deny it and just drag us along like this?"

Shen Lin said: "If they don't admit it, we can force them to admit it."

"After all, this news can't only come from their mouths."

Although with Shen Lin's encouragement, Cheng Zhenyuan and Lian Shaofeng recovered.

But as the general manager and deputy general manager of MiKe Electronics, the two of them are still very concerned about the company's affairs.

So after the two of them drank a few more glasses of wine, they stopped drinking.

Instead, he seriously discussed the next plan with Shen Lin.

"Dudududu!" Just as Shen Lin was listening to Lian Shaofeng's analysis, Shen Lin's phone suddenly rang.

After Shen Lin answered the phone, he heard Wen Zaisong's voice coming from the other end of the phone.

"Director Shen, I heard a piece of news about our MiKe Electronics, so I want to remind Director Shen."

Wen Zaisong on the other end of the phone said in a calm voice.

From Wen Zaisong's voice, Shen Lin couldn't hear any hint of schadenfreude.

He and Wen Zaisong are old rivals.

It can be said that the relationship between the two people was not good in the past.

Now, Wen Zaisong suddenly came to care, Shen Lin naturally would not believe that Wen Zaisong had such good intentions.

He said calmly: "Thank you, Mr. Wen. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Wen Zaisong said: "I heard from a friend that the motorcycle company is not going to sell you communication chips in order to prevent Mihu Electronics from producing mobile phones."

"Although this news has not spread yet, I think the credibility of this matter is still very high."

"Director Shen, don't take this matter lightly!"

Wen Zaisong's voice was not high, but there was a hint of exhortation in his words.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wen, I already know the news."

"It seems that this matter should be true."

Wen Zaisong pondered for a moment and then said: "Dr. Shen, I think it is a good choice for Mihu Electronics to enter the mobile phone industry."

"But as a friend, I still want to give you a piece of advice, Mr. Shen."

"The so-called biting off more than you can chew, MiKe Electronics already has a lot of industries. If the mobile phone industry can be given up, it can be given up."

"After all, the current industry of MiKe Electronics is enough for MiKe Electronics to live well."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Mr. Wen, what you said makes sense."

"But if you don't worry about the future, you have to worry about the near future. Although our PHS is selling well, within ten years, the good days of PHS will come to an end."

"By then, it will be too late for us to develop mobile phones."

"So, even if the motorcycle company blocks the way, our Mihu Electronics mobile phone project will not be stopped."

Wen Zaisong seemed to hear the determination in Shen Lin's words. After a few words of persuasion, he changed the subject and said, "Director Shen, I admire your will very much."

"But this matter is really difficult to succeed."

"Now, in addition to the communication chips of motorcycle companies, other companies have such chips, namely our Starlight Company and Walnut Company."

"As for Walnut Company, its own communication chips are not enough."

Having said this, Wen Zaisong said: "Director Shen, I think you still need to have a good talk with the motorcycle company." '

"After all, this is no small matter."

Hearing Wen Zaisong's caring words like a friend, a faint coldness flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.But on the surface, he still smiled and said: "Thank you, Mr. Wen. If possible, I will talk to the motorcycle company. Thank you for your concern."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "I can't believe this Wen Zaisong. This guy is definitely a rat who comes into the house. He comes here for everything."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, I know what's going on."

"As the saying goes, when friends come, they have wine; when enemies come, they have shotguns! We are not afraid of him."

Lian Shaofeng didn't say anything, but his expression was a little solemn.

Just when Shen Lin and Lian Shaofeng were talking, Wen Zaisong put down the phone and smiled and said to the person next to him: "Shen Lin is not ready to give up."

"He's still as proud as ever."

Hearing Wen Zaisong's words, the middle-aged man at the window said quietly: "It's better not to give up. Only if he doesn't give up can we have a chance."

"Hopefully he can keep doing this."

(End of this chapter)

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