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Chapter 2189 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 2189 Mantis Catching Cicadas
Wen Zaisong looked at the middle-aged man with a short head, and felt a trace of fear in his heart for no reason.

This fear is a fear that comes from deep within.

Although he was not his subordinate, he was always filled with anxiety when facing this man.

After all, this is a ruthless man who sent his brother directly in.

What's more, this person's power was stronger than that of his own chairman from the very beginning.

Not to mention that nowadays, Taiyu Group is in decline and is basically certain to go bankrupt.

"Do you think Shen Lin will definitely come to us?" Wen Zaisong hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously.

The middle-aged man said: "Of course!"

"Since he won't give up, he will grab every life-saving straw."

"General Manager Wen, you are a smart person, but you are not a top-notch smart person."

When the man said this, he coughed slightly and said, "Don't be angry about what I said."

"I'm just stating a fact."

Wen Zaisong took a breath to calm himself down.

He knew very well that he had no right to be angry at this time.

After all, the person in front of him is not an ordinary person.

So in the face of his words, I must keep smiling.

"Sir, what you said is true. Although I am not stupid, there is still some gap between me and top smart people."

The man smiled and said: "The top smart people are conceited."

"Especially for someone like Shen Lin, who started from scratch and built his career into such a big business, he is even more arrogant."

"He rarely backs down when faced with setbacks."

"They always believe that with their intelligence, they can solve all problems."

Having said this, the man smiled and said, "I have suffered a loss in this area before."

This middle-aged man's resume flashed through Wen Zaisong's mind.

But he really couldn't think of when this middle-aged man would suffer.

The middle-aged man seemed to know what Wen Zaisong was thinking. He said calmly: "General Manager Wen, don't think about this matter."

"Because the disadvantage I suffered has been healed."

"If you want to know, you can ask your chairman. He knows the whole story."

Although the tone of the middle-aged man's voice did not change, a trace of fear arose in Wen Zaisong's heart.

At the same time, he felt that he was really bored to think about such things as the boss.

This is taboo!

Just when Wen Zaisong was afraid, he heard the middle-aged man continue: "If Shen Lin wants to accomplish this, he can only find help from two companies that master communication chip technology."

"One is the Walnut Company."

The middle-aged man said about the walnut company, with a hint of fear in his expression.

In the past, he had never taken this company to heart.

However, with the restructuring of this company, especially after giving up all other businesses, only the mobile phone business remained.

The company began to develop rapidly!

Nowadays, their development speed has almost reached a point where they can compete with motorcycle companies.

It's just that this company has grown too fast and has an unstable foundation, so their chips can only be used by themselves.

If you want to provide MiKe Electronics, you have more than enough ambition but not enough energy.

Therefore, the only choice MiKe Electronics can make is its own company.

"One is us, but the choice of Walnut Company and Motorcycle Company should be the same. They will not find themselves a rival." "So in desperation, they can only choose us."

When the middle-aged man said this, there was a hint of excitement in his expression: "When they choose us, that's when they collapse."

Wen Zaisong has actually been very curious about this person's plan.

When I heard him talk about his plan again, I couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to do?"

"General Manager Wen, how we do this is not your concern."

"As far as I know, there is only one thing you have to do now, and that is to cooperate with us."

"Only by cooperating with us, your Taiyu Group can hope to stand up again."

The middle-aged man looked at Wen Zaisong with a slight look down on him.

After receiving such a merciless reprimand, Wen Zaisong not only did not get angry, but said honestly: "Yes, you are right, I really shouldn't ask this kind of question that I shouldn't ask."

The middle-aged man patted Wen Zaisong on the shoulder and said, "General Manager Wen, you are a talent."

"If you don't feel comfortable working in Taiyu Group, you can come to me."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man waved his hand gently.

Wen Zaisong had to leave the middle-aged man's room before he had time to say his refusal.

A little sweat appeared on his forehead.

Although he couldn't guess the middle-aged man's methods, he knew in his heart that a net was ready to fall.

Apart from the middle-aged man, Wen Zaisong knew that the people pulling this net should also include Mr. Toros, the heir to the Shuangjing Group, and...

If we say that in the past, our chairman could barely be among them, but now, his chairman seems to be a little far behind.

Therefore, he can't forget it.

These network executors represent their respective consortiums, and their goal is MiKe Electronics.

Shen Lin, I hope you won’t be too persistent!
Thinking of Shen Lin, who had been dealing with him all the time, Wen Zaisong felt a trace of expectation rising in his heart.

I hope Shen Lin won’t be too persistent.

He will pay the price for being too persistent!


Jingli, motorcycle branch!

Shen Lin and Lian Shaofeng were sitting in the reception room with calm expressions, waiting quietly.

Originally, Lian Shaofeng was asked to come forward to coordinate the matter with the motorcycle company.

But Lian Shaofeng made three appointments with the other party and still didn't see anyone.

Under such circumstances, Shen Lin personally came to the motorcycle branch.

"Dr. Shen, Shi Siluo didn't see you at this time. He must have wanted you to retreat." Lian Shaofeng gave away his tie and said to Shen Lin in a deep voice.

The so-called death of a master who humiliates his ministers, although this kind of thing is rare nowadays, but facing his boss being treated so lightly, Lian Shaofeng still felt very unhappy in his heart.

Shen Lin looked at Lian Shaofeng who looked angry and said with a smile: "President Lian, why can't you keep your temper!"

"We must not be too nervous at this time, otherwise, we will be taken advantage of."

Listening to Shen Lin's peaceful words, Lian Shaofeng's expression slowly calmed down.

He said softly: "Director Shen, I don't think they will give us any explanation this time."

"We are here just to express our attitude to them."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Actually, when we came here, we didn't want to talk about anything."

Just as the two people were talking, there was a gentle knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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