Chapter 2199 Do You Have Time?

Read the eulogy to the teacher yourself!
Although Shen Lin's own status is more than enough, Shen Lin is not prepared to do such a thing.

After all, this seems too arrogant.

So he smiled and said: "Teacher He, I am a junior, it is better for you to do this kind of thing."

"What's more, there are many people in the school?"

Hearing what Shen Lin said, He Xiaohui sighed and said, "Shen Lin, I won't hide some things from you."

"Lao Xie doesn't know how to behave, and he offended many people in school, so no one is willing to read this eulogy now!"

"I am just an ordinary person in school. If Lao Xie's eulogy is read, I don't care, but what will others think of Lao Xie?"

Shen Lin looked at He Xiaohui's solemn expression and nodded gently.

He understood what He Xiaohui meant, and after pondering for a moment, he said, "I know Director Liu from the Education Committee. How about I contact him?"

When He Xiaohui saw what Shen Lin said, he felt moved in his heart.

If Director Liu comes over, it will be a big face-saving thing for Lao Xie.

"Director Shen, in order to save face for Lao Xie, I just told a few well-connected people about your coming."

He Xiaohui pondered for a moment, and finally said in a deep voice.

"As for who can come, I don't know, but I believe that as long as the news of your arrival spreads, Lao Xie's funeral will not be shabby."

"For my recklessness, please ask Mr. Shen..."

Shen Lin usually doesn't like others taking advantage of his reputation, but He Xiaohui did this not to gain any benefit for himself.

So after Shen Lin frowned a little, he smiled and said: "Teacher He, this time you are thanking Teacher, so be it, but don't do this again in the future."

Just as the two people were talking, a Santana car drove over quickly. The moment the car stopped, a chubby middle-aged man walked over.

He was far away from Shen Lin, so he smiled and stretched out his hand: "Dr. Shen, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"Director Liu asked me to tell you that he has gone to ask our leader in charge of education and he will be here shortly."

Shen Lin had an impression of this chubby middle-aged man, but couldn't remember where he had seen him.

But there was a huge wave in He Xiaohui's heart.

This is Deputy Director Xiao, who is in charge of their side, but he rarely comes to their side.

Let alone him, even Principal Li can't speak much in front of others.

But now, he seems extremely gentle and easy to talk to.

Shen Lin shook hands with Deputy Director Xiao and said: "Thank you to the two directors for paying attention to Teacher Xie. I believe Teacher Xie knows well and is grateful."

Deputy Director Xiao and Shen Lin shook hands vigorously, and then said a few words of intimacy.

But when Shen Lin was greeting several classmates, his eyes swept around.

Finally, the eyes fell on He Xiaohui's face.

Although he didn't know He Xiaohui, He Xiaohui's temperament made him feel that this person should be from Teacher Xie's school.

"Where is your Principal Li?" Director Xiao asked calmly.

Although He Xiaohui was a little excited, he knew that there must be no problem with his answer at this time, so he said in a deep voice: "Principal Li said he won't come."

"He doesn't have time."

Upon hearing these words, Director Xiao's face suddenly darkened.

He didn't ask again, but his hand was already on his PHS.

In the principal's office, chess is still being played.

I don’t know if it was because he was in a happy mood, but Principal Li’s thinking was extremely sharp, and he made several wonderful moves in succession.

He beat his opponent so hard that he was unable to parry, which even attracted applause from several people watching.

"Principal Li, you made this move well!" "I don't think you would have been able to pull off such a clever move without decades of skill."

"Haha, everyone praised me, but I am just a blind cat who meets a dead mouse!"

Principal Li touched his head and said with a smile.

While they were joking, someone said: "Principal Li, Lao Xie's memorial service is about to begin. After all, he can be regarded as our colleague."

"We really can't get through."

The speaker was a middle-aged man in his 30s, with eyes and a smile on his face.

However, his words made the atmosphere in the room suddenly become colder.

Principal Li didn't speak, he just played with a few chess pieces with his hands.

However, he did not say anything, but he also spoke.

"What's going on with old Xue Qian? When did the principal stop talking? Isn't there a lack of time?"

"Old Xue, if you want to go there, no one will stop you, but don't talk nonsense here."

"Haha, Lao Xue, we won't give it away!"


Listening to these words that contained an attack, Lao Xue's face turned extremely ugly.

He glanced at Principal Li and said, "Principal, what I mean is..."

"Old Xue, I understand what you mean." Principal Li waved his hand and said, "You go over first, I have something else to do."

"By the way, give me a gift, haha."

Lao Xue didn't want to leave, but someone was already pulling him out.And when he walked out of the room, the door inside was closed.

The person who pulled him out said: "Old Xue, what are you confused about? Don't you know that Principal Li's biggest annoyance is Lao Xie?"

"Now that he's gone, you think it's over. Let me tell you, it would be great if there were people like you in the world."

"such a pity!"


In the room, Principal Li threw the chess piece away and stood up and said, "If you don't come down, grandma's good interest will be gone."

As soon as he said these words, someone immediately said: "Principal Li, how about we find a place to have a drink."

"I know a newly opened restaurant. Although it's not big, the food is very good."

"Especially their boss, he learned how to cook fish outside, and the fish is quite authentic."

When Principal Li heard this, he relaxed a little and said, "That's okay. Let's go have a meal today to get rid of bad luck."

Naturally, no one objected to his words.

Just when a few people were about to go out, the PHS phone that Principal Li placed on the table rang.

After picking up the PHS and taking a look at it, Principal Li showed a hint of a smile.

He waved his hands to the people around him and said, "Quiet, Director Xiao called me, and I don't know what the arrangements are. Don't make any noise."

Everyone present quickly understood who Director Xiao was, and everyone looked at Principal Li with eyes filled with respect.

After all, his principal has great hands and eyes, and he has a good relationship with Director Xiao. Doesn't that mean that his future is limitless?

I am with the right person.

In the silence, Principal Li said with a smile: "Hello, Director Xiao, I am Xiao Li. If you have any arrangements, I will handle them immediately."

Director Xiao on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, then said in a deep voice: "Are you free now?"

"If I have time, I'll wait for your arrangements at any time." Principal Li said decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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