Chapter 2200 Thunderbolt
"I'm at your family home, come here!" Director Xiao hung up the phone as he spoke.

Director Xiao was in the family home of his unit, which made Principal Li's expression change.

For some unknown reason, his immediate boss suddenly appeared in the family courtyard of his school. This was not a pleasant thing.

Putting down the PHS, Principal Li pondered for a moment and asked the subordinates around him: "What do you think Director Xiao is doing in our family home?"

Upon hearing this question, the subordinates who had just gathered around Principal Li had doubts on their faces.

There is naturally a gap between their levels and Principal Li's.

But this does not mean that they are not smart.

Principal Li's words made them feel in their hearts that this matter was not simple.

So after looking at each other for a few times, no one spoke.

Principal Li said angrily: "Aren't you all very eloquent just now? What's wrong now, are you all mute?"

After hearing Principal Li's question, one of the subordinates said: "Principal, Director Xiao personally came to our family home to see you."

"This must be something I discussed with you, and it's a good thing."

After hearing this, Principal Li's face became a little gloomy, but he immediately felt better.

He was just panicked and didn't think about it in this direction.

Now that I think about it, it seems to make sense.

When Director Xiao came to see him, it was definitely not a work matter. If it wasn't work, it was a personal matter.

Personal things are fine.

"That makes sense. Let's do this. Lao Qi will follow me and everyone else will be busy with their own affairs."

While speaking, Principal Li waved to Lao Qi, who was standing next to him, and the two of them strode outside.

When Principal Li walked away, someone said: "Everyone, what is Director Xiao looking for Principal Li for?"

"What else can we do? It might be a good thing!" Someone said with a hint of expectation.

But some people said: "You still don't know what it is?"

"Do you think Director Xiao is looking for Principal Li because of Lao Xie's matter? After all, Lao Xie is holding a memorial service today."

This person's words were rejected by several colleagues.

"How is that possible? If Lao Xie could recruit Director Xiao, his relationship with Lao Li would have been very good a long time ago."

"No, if that's what you said, we are all helping at this time, so we don't have time to chat here."

"Haha, what a great idea..."

Principal Li didn't know what his subordinates were talking about. He was suspicious, but he walked very fast.

In just a few minutes, I arrived at the family home from the office.

Seeing the mourning hall in the family's courtyard, he felt a sense of irritation in his heart.

At this time, it was really unlucky for Director Xiao to see this.

But no matter how unlucky he was, he couldn't show it at this time.

After looking around twice, he walked towards Santana.

Santana's driver was smoking. When he saw Principal Li, without waiting for him to speak, he said in the direction of the mourning hall: "Principal Li, Director Xiao is over there."

Upon hearing this answer, Principal Li's expression changed.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally said carefully: "Brother, can you tell me why Director Xiao is here?"

"Brother, I will give you a big thank you later."

The driver did not embarrass Principal Li. He said in a deep voice: "Director Xiao is here because of this memorial service."

"I heard that this dead teacher was Director Shen's class teacher. If Director Shen comes over, how can Director Xiao and the others not come over?"

"Wait a minute, our Director Liu and the supervisors above are coming over?" Upon hearing this, Principal Li felt his head buzzing.

The reason why he excluded Lao Xie was not only because Lao Xie's unpleasant words prevented him from stepping down, and he needed to find someone to kill as a warning to others, but also because there was no one behind Lao Xie.

Even if people with no background are wronged, they can only endure it on their own in the end.

Instead of being like everyone else and making yourself miserable.

But I didn't expect that this old Xie, who was usually unassuming, turned out to be Director Shen's class teacher at that time. This... how could this be possible...

Director Shen did not attend junior high school at his home school.

By the way, Director Shen’s school seems to be in a children’s school.

Thinking of this result, Principal Li's heart began to sink.

At this time, he once again thought about Director Xiao's tone when he called him, and for a moment he felt cold in his heart.

"Principal Li, please hurry over. It's okay to wait here." The driver looked at Principal Li's dazed look and reminded him softly.

Principal Li hesitated for a moment and then said: "Okay, okay, okay!"

He slowly pulled away the mourning hall. At this time, many people had gathered in the mourning hall.

The first thing that caught Principal Li's eyes were two wreaths.

One of the wreaths has the words student Shen Lin written on it.

Looking at these, he felt his head buzzing.

He knew very well what was going on with MiKe Electronics. I'm afraid he wouldn't get any good results from what happened this time!

Just when all kinds of thoughts were surging in her heart, she saw Director Xiao walking over and said, "Old Li, why did you come here?"

The words were spoken in a low-pitched voice, but with a stern tone.

Upon hearing this, Principal Li hurriedly said: "Director Xiao, there are a lot of things going on in the school, so I'm late."

"I...I will definitely correct it in the future."

Director Xiao snorted and said, "You, you really can't distinguish between priorities."

These words made Principal Li sweat so much on his forehead.

"Let's go see Director Shen and talk about what's going on here." Director Xiao said solemnly: "Don't make Director Shen dissatisfied."

Principal Li did not say a word and came to the back of the mourning hall with Director Xiao.

At this time, Shen Lin was talking to people, his expression was very calm.

When Principal Li saw Shen Lin, a hint of complaint arose in his heart.

You and Lao Xie have such a good relationship, why didn't you tell me in advance that you had to test me?

"Director Shen, this is Principal Li." Director Xiao came to Shen Lin and said with a smile.

Shen Lin glanced at Principal Li, and then said calmly: "Director Xiao, I'm afraid I'm going to bother you with Teacher Xie's eulogy?"

"Director Shen, I have already communicated this matter with Director Liu. He said this eulogy and he will read it out."

Director Xiao said with a smile: "Originally, our leader was going to do this personally, but I think it would be more serious if Director Liu could represent our unit."

Shen Lin said: "Then I'll wait a moment and thank Director Liu properly."

Principal Li stood aside, listening to the conversation between Shen Lin and Director Xiao, and felt a chill in his heart.

At this moment, there was only one feeling in his heart, and that was that he was actually a superfluous person.

But even though he had this thought in his mind, he didn't dare to say anything more and just stood aside silently.

At this moment, there was another person standing aside, and that was He Xiaohui. His face was filled with excitement.

After all, I have lived up to my trust, and I believe that Lao Xie's spirit in heaven can rest in peace this time.

(End of this chapter)

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