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Chapter 2201 Good people do it to the end

Chapter 2201 Good people do it to the end

Past colleagues, current colleagues, past friends, current acquaintances...

Xie Yuting, who was very clear about her father's interpersonal relationships, suddenly discovered that her father had so many friends.

So much so that during the memorial service, the venue seemed overcrowded.

She listened to the eulogy with tears in her eyes, but her eyes fell on Shen Lin who was standing below.

Although she was only a recent graduate, she knew in her heart that if Shen Lin hadn't come over, her father's memorial service would never have been so glorious.

It can be said that everything is because of Shen Lin.

If it weren't for Shen Lin, others wouldn't be so generous.

Therefore, at the end of the memorial service, she came to Shen Lin with gratitude, wanting to express her gratitude to the man who had given her father the honor.

But just when she was about to express her gratitude according to the etiquette of her hometown, Shen Lin had already solemnly said: "Yuting, Teacher Xie is gone, you have to bear more of the burden of this family."

"I heard that you just graduated and haven't started working yet."

"If you are willing, you can consider our company."

While talking, Shen Lin handed over a business card and said, "If you have any difficulties, just call me."

"Thank you Shen...Dr. Shen."

After comforting Xie Yuting for a few words, someone came to Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, Mr. Cheng called and asked when you will return to the company."

"He has something he wants to report to you."

The person who reported to Shen Lin was the secretary Shen Lin hired temporarily from the office meeting. Shi Congyun was left in the capital by Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at the dark crowd and knew in his heart that if he left now, these people would probably leave soon.

The host prepared a banquet, but there were very few people eating it.

This kind of situation will also make the host's face look bad.

So he waved his hand and said, "Tell Mr. Cheng that I want to eat before leaving."

"If he has something urgent, come over and have dinner together, and I will pay for his meal on his behalf."

When the subordinate heard what Shen Lin said, he didn't dare to say anything and left quickly.

As the only member of the Xie family who could take action, He Xiaohui always stood by Shen Lin's side.

When I heard Shen Lin's words at this time, I couldn't help but evaluate Shen Lin a little more.

Shen Dong Renyi!
He knew that the current situation was all maintained by him. If he left, most people would probably not stay.

In that case, it will give people a feeling of anticlimactic.

Two hours later, when everyone had almost eaten the simple meal, Shen Lin said goodbye and left.

Returning to his office at MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin felt very tired.

Moreover, during lunch, he drank a few glasses of wine according to the rules, and Shen Lin felt drowsy for a while.

But after he rested for half an hour, Cheng Zhenyuan called again.

After Shen Lin washed up briefly, he made tea in the office and waited for Shen Lin's arrival.

"Director Shen." Cheng Zhenyuan looked at the somewhat lazy Shen Lin and said solemnly: "You don't need to do some things yourself. If someone else does it, the effect will be the same."

Shen Lin understood what Cheng Zhenyuan was referring to. He smiled and said, "Old Cheng, there are some things that others can do for you, but some things cannot."

As he spoke, he handed the tea cup to Cheng Zhenyuan and said, "My head teacher, if you want to say how much he pays attention to me, that's out of the question."

"After all, after going to school, teachers basically like children who study well."

"But, he didn't abandon people like me who were just messing around." "In order for me to study hard, he even came to my house and had a talk with my old man."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with lingering fear: "That afternoon, I had a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots!"

Cheng Zhenyuan couldn't help laughing when he heard Shen Lin's relaxed words.

At this time, he also had more respect for Teacher Xie in his heart.

After reporting on the recent work of MiKe Electronics, Cheng Zhenyuan pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen, now we have a lot of opinions on the position salary method we are planning to implement."

Hearing Cheng Zhenyuan talk about this matter, Shen Lin's expression became serious.

The salary method for this position was proposed by Lian Shaofeng and agreed by Shen Lin.

The purpose of this method is to increase the work enthusiasm of subordinates, so that those with strong abilities and high contributions can receive higher salaries.

Shen Lin had already been prepared for the resistance to this matter.

He said calmly: "What is the main opinion?"

"Director Shen, everyone's main opinion is that the proportion of academic qualifications here is a bit high."

"For the same position, the salary in a technical secondary school is 200 yuan lower than that in a junior college." Cheng Zhenyuan picked up his teacup and took a sip of water and said, "In fact, everyone's jobs are similar."

"Even in some things, employees who graduated from technical secondary schools do better."

"And this is obviously unfair."

Shen Lin looked at Cheng Zhenyuan who looked dissatisfied, smiled and said: "Old Cheng, all these phenomena you mentioned exist."

"But we still have to do it."

Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned when he heard this.

Shen Lin, what does this mean?

Things exist but they are not corrected?

Just when Cheng Zhenyuan felt dissatisfied, Shen Lin continued: "Mr. Cheng, with the growth of our Mihu Electronics, our skills are also constantly changing."

"If everyone doesn't learn, then most people will most likely be replaced in the end."

"I asked the manager to make this salary change. In fact, it is to urge some people to study and receive diplomas and skill certificates, so that they can adapt to the future development of our MiKe Electronics and not fall behind."

"200 yuan is not a big amount for us, but it can inspire those who want to settle down and continue to fight."

Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned by Shen Lin's words.

He only saw the unfairness here, but he didn't expect that Shen Lin's purpose was to urge employees to learn more.

For a moment, Cheng Zhenyuan felt that he had really come to the wrong place this time.

"So Mr. Cheng, you have to do a better job of explaining this matter." Shen Lin saw Cheng Zhenyuan's embarrassment, so he asked with a smile.

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, now that I understand what you mean, I will definitely explain it well."

"These guys only see the wage gap, but they don't see the way to catch up. If anyone has any objections, I will go back and give him a good beating."

After the two people reached an agreement on this matter, they shifted the topic of chat to the mobile phone.

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Director Shen, we have to produce mobile phones. Everything is almost ready. As long as the communication chip is in place, we can produce it immediately."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Cheng, please ask the people in charge of production to keep confidentiality, especially the source of our communication chips, which must not be exposed."

"This time they plotted against us, but they have prepared a big price."

"We can't let people down."

(End of this chapter)

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