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Chapter 2207 I take the initiative

Chapter 2207 I take the initiative
A silver plane was flying rapidly across the sky.

The interior of the aircraft is luxuriously decorated and full of luxury.

At this time, the young man sitting on the sofa in the living room was sleeping with his eyes closed. Although there were many people around him, no one dared to make too much noise.

The young man was thinking about his mission at this time.

During the negotiations with MiKe Electronics, not only did they reluctantly hand over the communication chip to MiKe Electronics, but they also asked MiKe Electronics to give up the LED energy-saving screen technology.

Of course, sharing is also acceptable.

If you can’t get LED energy-saving screen technology, you can also switch to MiKe Electronics’ battery technology.

This task was personally arranged for him by his father.

Therefore, he must complete the things in the mission. If he cannot complete it, he may have to face the reprimand of his father.

It might even cost him his position.

Although he is his father's only son, he knows very well that a father who dares to attack his father and brother will not be so scrupulous about family ties.

He is his father's son, and his sisters are also his father's flesh and blood.

"Vice president, what are your orders?" The moment he opened his eyes, someone quickly ran over and asked.

Hearing the title of vice president, the young man frowned.

Although the company he serves as vice president is a subsidiary of Qunxing Group, its influence is not that great. What's more, he is also the crown prince of the group.

However, according to regulations, subordinates can only call him vice president.

"When will we arrive?" The young man gently concealed the joy and anger in his heart, and then asked calmly.

"Vice president, we still have half an hour before we can land at Donghai Airport." The subordinate said respectfully.

At Donghai Airport, the young man frowned and said unhappily: "Why not Dongzhou?"

"Vice president, we also hope that our private plane will land in Dongzhou, but Dongzhou does not have an airport, so we can only land in Donghai."

The subordinate said with a hint of fear: "Please forgive me, Vice President."

"Hmph!" The young man's nose made a slow sound, and then he said: "There is no airport in Dongzhou, and I don't blame you."

"By the way, have we notified MiKe Electronics of our itinerary?"

"Before we set off, we had informed MiKe Electronics of our itinerary. I believe that the top management of MiKe Electronics is waiting for our arrival." The subordinate said still cautiously.

Although he did not work next to the prince, he knew very well that although the prince looked gentle and polite, he showed no mercy when he moved his hands.

The last person who worked with him has been assigned to be the person in charge of a branch near the equator.

The young man did not speak anymore, but waved his hand gently to signal his subordinates to get out of the way.

There was a hint of joy on the subordinate's face. No matter what, he had passed the test this time.

Half an hour later, the plane landed slowly.When they walked out of the terminal under the guidance of the airport service staff, Vice President Li curled his lips and said, "Is this the East China Sea? It's too far off."

Vice President Li's voice was not low when he said this, and he spoke in Mandarin.

As the heir to the Qunxing Group, Vice President Li is proficient in several languages. His words caused laughter from several subordinates.

The staff responsible for guiding them out of the terminal frowned, but ultimately said nothing.At this moment, a welcoming sign appeared in front of them.

Warmly welcome Vice President Li of Qunxing Company and his delegation!
Looking at the sign, Vice President Li frowned.

He glanced at his close subordinate who had been following him, and the subordinate quickly moved towards the welcoming person.In just one minute, a subordinate came over quickly and said, "The vice president is the welcome staff of MiKe Electronics, and the leader is a manager of MiKe Electronics."

A manager!
Vice President Li's expression changed and he said, "It's okay if Shen Lin doesn't come to greet me. Could it be that Cheng Zhenyuan and Lian Shaofeng don't come either? This is obviously looking down on us."

"Tell them that I will stay in Donghai for a few days. If they want to negotiate, come to Donghai to find us."

When the subordinates heard what Vice President Li said, they were immediately stunned.

He knew very well that the negotiation location agreed upon by both parties this time was Dongzhou.Now, it can be said that the sudden decision of his own prince has disrupted a lot of arrangements.

"Vice president, we are negotiating in Dongzhou because the president requested it. If you do this..."

Before the subordinate finished speaking, Vice President Li's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness and he said: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"No, I will convey your arrangement to MiKe Electronics."

As the subordinate spoke, he quickly walked towards Shen Lin and others.

In just one minute, the subordinate turned around again and said, "I have also informed them of your arrangement, and they said they would report it to their general manager."

"Whatever they want." Vice President Li said, "Let's go and stay in a hotel."

The group of people did not hesitate at all about Vice President Li's arrangements, and quickly contacted a car. They ignored the reception vehicle of MiKe Electronics and went directly to the largest hotel in the East China Sea.

In just half an hour, they had already checked in.

Vice President Li had just washed his face in the suite when the subordinate responsible for conveying his orders came in and said, "Vice President, we just got a call from the headquarters asking why we should stay in Donghai."

"Mr. Jin Zaixin, I wonder how you answered this question?" Vice President Li looked at his subordinates and asked with a smile.

This question was asked in a low voice, but it contained a trace of anger.

Upon hearing this question, Jin Zaixin quickly said: "Of course I will listen to you."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter. If they have any objections, let them call me."

Although Jin Zaixin felt that Vice President Li was a bit too arbitrary in doing so, he was the Vice President and the chairman's son after all, so he could only listen.

And the bosses at the headquarters can do anything to get Vice President Li.

After Jin Zaixin left his room, Vice President Li picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

After the call was connected, the look on his face became extremely serious.

"Father, I asked the team responsible for negotiating with MiKe Electronics to stay in Donghai, and asked the people from MiKe Electronics to come to Donghai to negotiate with us."

Vice President Li said in a deep voice: "I think this will allow us to take the initiative."

"What's more, this time we came to Dongzhou, MiKe Electronics just sent a manager to greet us. This is obviously disrespectful to us."

"We should take advantage of this opportunity and make a fuss about it."

The person on the other end of the phone listened to his report for a long time and then said: "You are the person in charge of this negotiation. You have the final say on how to do it."

"But you have to remember, what I need is results."

"I don't hope that you won't be able to give me any results by then."

"Father, please rest assured that this time, I will definitely exceed the task limit." Vice President Li's voice was full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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