Chapter 2206 Who are you
Seeing Shen Lin dressed casually, Mi Yuan's eyes flashed with excitement.

He still hasn't changed.

Still so graceful, still so...

Just when thoughts were surging in Mi Yuan's heart, she saw Li Qingbo and others standing up one by one.

"Director Shen, so many things of MiKe Electronics depend on you alone. We are very happy that you can come." Li Qingbo said with a smile: "Please sit down."

While speaking, Li Qingbo gave up his position.

Shen Lin glanced at Chen Heng, who was sitting between Li Qingbo and Mi Yuan, and realized that he did not recognize this person.

He did not sit down, but nodded towards Chen Heng and said, "Hello, I am Shen Lin."

Chen Heng felt his heart tremble when he looked at Shen Lin's calm smile.

Not only had he heard of Shen Lin, but he had also met Shen Lin.

It's just that when they met, he just stayed with him and was not even qualified to introduce Shen Lin.

If he had known earlier that this position was reserved for Shen Lin, he would not have stayed here at all.

But in this situation, it seems a little late for him to leave.

However, as a person who had worked for a long time, he quickly said: "Director Shen, I am Chen Heng. I work in the secretarial department. I opened the door for you when you came to our place last time."

"I just saw Director Li here and came here to say hello."

"Director Shen, I have other things to do. I wish you a pleasant meal."

While talking, Li Qingbo and others walked towards the door without waiting for others to speak.

Looking at Chen Heng who was about to leave, Li Qingbo showed a trace of disdain on his face.

This guy is really a typical bully and shy of the strong.

However, he felt that this seemed quite normal. After all, Chen Heng met Shen Lin, so he didn't say much.

As Chen Heng left, the atmosphere in the room suddenly improved a lot.

Shen Lin watched Chen Heng leave with some understanding in his heart, but Shen Lin did not ask about this matter in detail.

He smiled and said to Mi Yuan: "Mi Yuan, welcome back."

Hearing Shen Lin's calm greeting, Mi Yuan felt mixed feelings in her heart.

Although in her heart, she has decided to let Shen Lin become her ordinary friend.

But making a decision is one thing, but not being able to speak after seeing it is another thing entirely.

For a time, various thoughts surged rapidly in her mind.

But in the end, she stretched out her hand and said with a smile: "Dr. Shen, long time no see."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Our branch has achieved good results. Let's keep up the good work."

The conversation between the two people was very peaceful, as if they were strangers.

Sister Chen smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I want to give you a suggestion."

Li Qingbo just breathed a sigh of relief after Chen Heng left, but he didn't expect that he would be in a situation where he would give Shen Lin advice.

Although he knew that Sister Chen was definitely not ignorant and she would have her own reasons, he was still a little worried.

Shen Lin said with an unchanging expression: "Sister Chen, we are all friends. If you have any opinions, feel free to mention them."

Sister Chen smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, you just said that you haven't seen Mi Yuan for a long time, and we friends have also not seen Mi Yuan for a while."

"If you don't ask, the one among us who has not seen Mi Yuan for the longest time has been two years."

At this point, Sister Chen said loudly: "Director Shen, you are Mi Yuan's boss, and you don't want to ask her to come over and report on your work."

"Well, we can also use your help to meet Mi Yuan more often."

Sister Chen's words made everyone in the room laugh.

Shen Lin even said: "Sister Chen, I will accept your criticism seriously." "In the future, I will definitely find opportunities to let Mi Yuan come back more often."

"We old friends might as well take this opportunity to get together more often."

Mi Yuan felt a little more happy for some reason after listening to Shen Lin's words.

After Shen Lin sat down, he continued: "But I have to correct one thing. Mi Yuan's return this time was not decided by me."

"This is when Lu Dongsheng selected the negotiation team, he specifically wanted top talents from various departments."

Mi Yuan hurriedly said: "Director Shen, I am not considered a top talent. I am far from it."

"Mr. Lu transferred me here probably because we have known each other before and it is better to work together."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mi Yuan, you don't have to be modest about this."

"Your work over the years is obvious to everyone."

Sister Chen also smiled and said: "When Mi Yuan worked in our unit, her ability was obvious to all."

"If she hadn't left, I'm afraid she would be at least the deputy director now."

Li Qingbo nodded and said: "Sister Chen is right. If Mi Yuan stays in our unit, she will have to be promoted to at least two levels now."

"However, she also made full use of her advantages in MiKe Electronics."

"At the very least, in terms of salary, it is beyond the reach of those of us."

While a few people were chatting and joking, the food was already served.Li Qingbo took out the wine that he had prepared a long time ago, and several old friends started drinking from glass to glass.

After Shen Lin drank a few glasses of wine, his face turned red.

"Director Shen, how confident are you about this negotiation?" Li Qingbo asked softly after clinking wine glasses with Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled at Li Qingbo and said, "I can only say half and half about this negotiation."

"Qunxing wants to do business with us, but their conditions are definitely not low."

"So from our side, if the conditions are too high, it would be better not to cooperate."

"But if the conditions are too low, Qunxing, which cannot achieve its goals, may not be willing to sell communication chips to us."

Li Qingbo was a little disappointed when he heard this answer, but he felt that Shen Lin had not lied to him about this matter.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Dr. Shen, from your perspective, are you willing to promote this cooperation, or..."

"Of course I am willing to promote this cooperation. After all, we are preparing to produce mobile phones."

"It's just that we can't control what people think."

Shen Lin spread his hands and said, "In business, many things are difficult to be perfect."

Because when it came to negotiating with Qunxing Company, the atmosphere in the room suddenly seemed a bit depressing.

Fortunately, Li Qingbo was not an ordinary person. After sensing the awkward atmosphere, he raised his glass with a smile and said, "It depends on people. Let's raise a glass together and wish this negotiation can be successfully completed."


"Director Shen, I wish you all the best!"

Shen Lin drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and sat down again. However, just when he was about to pick up the vegetables, he saw a small bowl of soup in front of him.

Looking at Mi Yuan who was serving soup to others, Shen Lin knew that this bowl was specially given to him by Mi Yuan.

There was a little more excitement in his heart for a while.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, a knock on the door came.

Sister Chen, who was sitting at the door, quickly opened the door and saw Shi Congyun running over quickly.

"Director Shen, the negotiators from Qunxing Company have arrived. This is their information." Shi Congyun handed the information to Shen Lin as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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