Chapter 2205 A little arrogant

Listening to Chen Heng's uninvited words, Mi Yuan felt helpless in her heart.

Why is this person like this!
Just when she was thinking about how to refuse, a beep sounded on the other end of the phone.

Obviously, the other party hung up the phone.

Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment and then called Li Qingbo.

But just as the call was connected, Li Qingbo's urgent voice came from inside: "Mi Yuan, I have a temporary job to report, and I am busy now."

"If there's anything else, let's talk about it during dinner."

"Don't worry, I will be there on time."

Before Mi Yuan could say anything, Li Qingbo also hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping on the phone, Mi Yuan felt helpless.

The current situation was something she didn't want to see, but in this case, she could only wait honestly.

According to her past work experience, she knew that Li Qingbo should have encountered an important job, so she had to hang up the phone in such a hurry.

At 06:30 in the afternoon, Mi Yuan arrived at Ermei Hotel early.

This restaurant is much bigger than Mi Yuan's last visit, and people flocking to eat there.

"Mi Yuan!" When Mi Yuan came to the agreed room and opened the door, there was already a middle-aged woman sitting on one side of the table.

Hearing this greeting, Mi Yuan also showed a smile on her face and said: "Sister Chen, long time no see!"

"No, we haven't seen each other for two or three years."

"You haven't changed anything, but I have gray hair."

Listening to Sister Chen's emotion, Mi Yuan said: "Sister Chen, I have changed a lot. You also know that I have children now."

Listening to this, Sister Chen couldn't help but said: "I heard that you got divorced. Isn't that true?"

"It's true." Mi Yuan has never regretted her fake marriage.

So when he mentioned it, he didn't feel sad.

"Why?" As a middle-aged woman, they are already used to gossip.

Not to mention, things like divorce.

And it was the divorce of an acquaintance.

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "The reason is also very simple, it's just a personality incompatibility."

"No, it's as simple as that." Sister Chen said, "Mi Yuan, let me tell you, getting married is no small matter."

"If you divorce like this, then..."

Listening to Sister Chen's words of advice, Mi Yuan said: "Sister Chen, it's already too late. After our divorce, she has already found a new partner."

"I'm getting married in a few days."

After hearing this, Sister Chen ended her topic about family management.

But soon, she changed the subject and said, "Mi Yuan, did you know? In your unit, Brother Li, there is a deputy section chief who has just divorced."

"This person has good abilities, and..."

Listening to these words, Mi Yuan felt helpless in her heart.

If she hadn't had a good relationship with Sister Chen back then, and if Li Qingbo had organized this meal, she might have just left.

Just when Mi Yuan couldn't bear it any longer, the door was gently pushed open, and Li Qingbo and several other old colleagues walked in.

He smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, I have an impromptu meeting and I'm late."

"Director Li, I've just arrived." Mi Yuan stood up and said with a smile.

While talking, Mi Yuan greeted the person behind Li Qingbo again.

Everyone exchanged a few words and just sat down. Just when Mi Yuan was about to tell her about her encounter with Chen Heng, the door was pushed open again.

Chen Heng, who was dressed in a suit and seemed to have been dressed up, strode in. "Director Li, Mi Yuan and I are friends. She is back and I want to treat her to dinner. I heard from her that you are gathering here."

"It doesn't matter if you add me alone."

Although Chen Heng was asking Li Qingbo, he pulled out his chair and sat down on the only free main seat.

This chair is next to Li Qingbo on one side and Mi Yuan on the other.

Seeing Chen Heng's actions, Mi Yuan felt helpless.

This Chen Heng is a bit too arrogant.

I don’t even know how to be humble at this time.

Just when Mi Yuan was thinking about what to do, Li Qingbo already said: "Chief Chen, our old friends' gathering will naturally be more lively if there is one more."

"I'll ask the waiter to add another chair."

"There are already people here."

Chen Heng paused for a moment, but did not stop. Instead, he sat down directly and said, "Director Li, we are all friends. I believe that no one will have any objections when I sit here."

"What's more, people always come first, first served. Just let the person who comes later get an extra chair."

Li Qingbo's face suddenly became a little unhappy.

However, he was unwilling to offend Chen Heng. After all, this man was now seconded to the secretarial department. If he offended him too much, he might be in trouble in the future.

While he was thinking about it, Chen Heng had already sat down.

He smiled at Mi Yuan and said, "Mi Yuan, I was going to come early, but my boss is going to meet Director Shen tomorrow, and there are some things that I need to discuss with Director Shen in detail."

"As you know, Director Shen is very busy. If it weren't for my boss, no one else would be able to make an appointment with him. So my boss is quite strict about what we want to meet in this meeting."

"Director Li also knows that my boss is quite serious about his work."

Listening to Chen Heng's words, Mi Yuan understood somewhat in her heart that this Chen Heng must have taken a shortcut.

At this time, Sister Chen also said in Mi Yuan's ear: "This Chen Heng is now working in the secretarial department. Haha, I heard that he is very valued."

Mi Yuan smiled flatly.

She finished her recent work and was about to leave, so she wasn't going to have too much entanglement with this Chen Heng.

When she heard Chen Heng's words, she said calmly: "We just sat down."

"Director Li, have you ordered anything?" Chen Heng saw that Mi Yuan's performance was a little cold, so he said in a loud voice: "If you haven't ordered anything, I'll order it."

"I am here……"

Li Qingbo said: "We haven't ordered the main course yet, but we've almost ordered the other dishes."

"The fish heads here are very good. I heard they are all shipped from other places, so I want this." Chen Heng said: "Don't worry, Director Li, I'm treating you to Mi Yuan this time."

Li Qingbo said: "Chen Heng, I know how you feel, but our guests this time are not ordinary people."

"Let me see, let him have some of this main dish."

"As for the fish head, let's eat it later."

If it were in the past, Chen Heng would have just let it go after hearing Li Qingbo's words, but now, he was excited when he saw Mi Yuan.

He wanted to show his current glory in front of this woman who looked down on him in the past.

So after hearing this, he said calmly: "Director Li, I still don't believe it. There are still people who have opinions on the dishes I ordered."

"In this way, when he comes, I will tell him that I ordered the fish head and see if he has any objection."

Li Qingbo's face turned a little blue at this time. Although he didn't want to offend Chen Heng, this guy really didn't know how to advance or retreat.

What trouble would it be if such a person delayed one's important affairs?
Just when Li Qingbo gritted his teeth and was about to invite Chen Heng out, the door was suddenly pushed open.

A man stepped in and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, I'm late."

"This time, I punish myself with three cups."

(End of this chapter)

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