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Chapter 2204 Invitation from an old friend

Chapter 2204 Invitation from an old friend

Sitting in the car, neither Fang Xiaomei nor Mi Yuan had any interest in talking.

After admiring the scenery for a while, they began to close their eyes and relax.

Just as Xiaoli said, two hours passed by in a flash. When Mi Yuan woke up, the car had already arrived in Dongzhou.

After arranging food and accommodation, Xiaoli conveyed Lu Dongsheng's first arrangement, which was to prepare for a meeting in the small conference room at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

As for the current time, you can move freely.

"Sister Mi Yuan, what are your plans next?" Fang Xiaomei and Mi Yuan's dormitories are both single rooms, but they are next to each other.

After putting her luggage away, Fang Xiaomei asked Mi Yuan.

Mi Yuan said: "I worked in Dongzhou and have some old friends."

"I rarely come back because of work."

"Now that I'm back, I should go see them while I have time. Otherwise, I'll still have to complain."

Listening to Mi Yuan's words, Fang Xiaomei smiled and said, "I'm going to report to Director Shen."

"No matter what, I am Director Shen's former secretary. When I come to the headquarters, I have to meet the boss no matter what."

"By the way, Sister Mi Yuan, you and the boss are also acquaintances. Do you want to come together?"

Go see Shen Lin!

Mi Yuan's heart moved, but in the end, she suppressed this thought.

Since the marriage and divorce were arranged, her arrangement for Shen Lin was that of the most familiar stranger she observed from a distance.

As for the rest, she didn't want to go any further.

When she heard Fang Xiaomei's invitation, she felt an urge to see Shen Lin urgently.

But in the end, this impulse was suppressed by him.

"Haha, I won't go!"

"When you meet Director Shen, you should have a lot to say. I didn't say anything too casually to you in the past." Mi Yuan smiled and said, "I'll see Director Shen later."

After hearing what Mi Yuan said, Fang Xiaomei did not insist.

She said with a smile: "Sister Mi Yuan, I'll leave first."

Seeing Fang Xiaomei leaving happily, a trace of envy flashed in Mi Yuan's eyes.

Fang Xiaomei at this stage should be the most carefree.

Not only is the job good, but the future is promising, and there are no restrictions. It can be said that it is a good time to start a career.

Compared with Fang Xiaomei, there seems to be a big gap.

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Mi Yuan couldn't help but think of her old friends in Dongzhou.

The evasive words she had just said to Fang Xiaomei could not help but come into her mind.

It seems like these friends really want to get in touch.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to say something when we meet in the future.

Who to contact?

Mi Yuan picked up her PHS and was just about to open her address book when her PHS rang first.

"Director Li, I haven't seen you for a while, how good it is lately!" Mi Yuan said with a smile after answering the phone.

As the deputy manager of export trade of MiKe Electronics, Mi Yuan's contact with Li Qingbo not only did not decrease because of her resignation, but even increased.

Mi Yuan's heart has always been full of respect for this old leader.

Although she didn't plan to contact Li Qingbo first, but Li Qingbo took the initiative to call, she still said hello respectfully.

Li Qingbo heard Mi Yuan's greetings and said with a smile: "Mi Yuan, you came to Dongzhou and didn't take the initiative to contact your old friends. Do you think I can be in a good mood?"

"Director Li, what if I said that I just settled down and was giving you a report? Do you believe it?"

Mi Yuan said with a smile, the smile on her face was extremely bright.

Li Qingbo said: "If someone says this, I think he is trying to evade."

"But you are the one who said this, so I naturally believe it." "Mi Yuan, do you have any plans tonight? If there are no work arrangements, some of our old colleagues would like to catch you up."

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "Director Li, I'll treat you to this meal."

"I should be the one to report my whereabouts to everyone."

Li Qingbo said directly: "We, old friends, don't need to be so polite."

"I'll reserve a private room at Ermei's hotel, and we can have a nice chat."

"By the way, do you have any idea about this negotiation?"

Mi Yuan had no intention of declining Li Qingbo's invitation. After all, it was normal for old colleagues to meet and have a meal.

When she heard Li Qingbo ask about the negotiation, she hesitated for a moment and then said in a deep voice: "I just came here and I haven't met Lu Dongsheng yet."

"As for the negotiation, I don't know how to proceed."

"By the way, why do you care about this matter?"

Li Qingbo did not hide it: "I was not interested in this originally, but the superiors wanted to know the specific situation and were unwilling to ask Director Shen, so they asked me to inquire from the side."

"It seems that tonight, it would be best to ask Mr. Shen himself."

Mi Yuan was stunned when she heard what Li Qingbo said.

She said with a hint of trembling in her voice: "Does Director Shen also want to attend this dinner?"

"I want to invite him out. I haven't had the chance before. This time it's not you."

"I wanted to take the opportunity to sit down with him."

Speaking of this, Li Qingbo said: "Although Shen Lin was very concerned about the friendship between us people back then, you also know that he is quite busy."

"A lot of times, even if you want to date him, you can't."

"It just so happens that you are here this time, and it's just a good time for us old friends to get together."

"Wait for my call."

Li Qingbo hung up the phone without waiting for Mi Yuan to speak.

Listening to the beeping on the phone, Mi Yuan had several thoughts in her mind.

For this meal, she had expectations and some rejection.

I hope Shen Lin is free, and I hope Shen Lin is not.


Just when Mi Yuan was worrying about gains and losses, her PHS phone rang again. After answering the call, she heard a baritone voice inside: "Mi Yuan? I heard you are back."

Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment when she heard this voice. The voice was very distinctive, but she couldn't remember who this person was.

"I'm sorry, I lost my PHS phone some time ago, and many numbers were lost. Who are you?" Mi Yuan asked politely while guessing who this person was.

The man on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said a little loudly: "Mi Yuan, I am Chen Heng. I used to be Chen Heng from the Science and Technology Bureau!"

Hearing this name, a young man with glasses and a dull look appeared in Mi Yuan's mind.

This was one of my former suitors, but I had no idea about him at the time.

Naturally, there was no communication.

How could he call himself.

"Hello Chen Heng, long time no see. How are you doing?" Although she didn't know what the other party wanted to do with her, Mi Yuan had already developed the habit of not offending others easily.

Then Chen Heng said: "Mi Yuan, I heard that you have returned to Dongzhou, and I would like to treat you to a meal."

"We are old acquaintances, you won't even give me this face, right?"

Mi Yuan frowned. She really didn't want to have dinner with this Chen Heng, so she solemnly said: "I'm sorry, I have made an appointment with Director Li and his old colleagues to have dinner together tonight. How about we change another day."

"Director Li Qingbo?" Chen Heng said with a smile, "Then I will go too."

"Well, he's having a treat at Ermei's restaurant. Let's see you there."

(End of this chapter)

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