Chapter 2203 Untidy

The company's decision quickly reached Mi Yuan's hands.

Mi Yuan felt a little surprised that she was selected into this negotiation team.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems normal.

Because this negotiation was very important to the company, Director Shen gathered the best soldiers of the company.

Although I am not the person in charge of foreign exports, I still have advantages in this regard that many people do not have.

Therefore, it is very reasonable to allow yourself to participate in this negotiation team.

But do you want to participate?

Mi Yuan has a very ambivalent mentality about returning to Dongzhou.

When he returns to Dongzhou, he might be able to see Shen Lin, but when he returns to Dongzhou, he may also be exposed.

What's more, after returning to Dongzhou, he and his children will be separated from each other for a period of time.

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Mi Yuan made a decision in her heart.

She knew that if she accepted this negotiation, she would be just one member of the negotiating team.

Although striking, she doesn't stand out too much as one of many striking people.

But if you are the only employee who refuses to participate in negotiations, you will attract a lot of attention.

So Mi Yuan decided to participate.

Because it was a transfer from the head office and there was a time limit, Mi Yuan took a plane to the provincial capital on the day she made the decision.

As soon as she got off the plane, Mi Yuan saw a familiar figure walking from the opposite side.

Fang Xiaomei!
Mi Yuan is no stranger to Fang Xiaomei. After all, she is Shen Lin's former secretary and they have regular contact.

"Sister Mi!" Fang Xiaomei greeted Mi Yuan with a smile the moment she saw her.

After Mi Yuan and Fang Xiaomei exchanged pleasantries, Fang Xiaomei said: "Sister Mi, when we get to the exit, someone will pick us up."

"When everyone is gathered together, we will return to Dongzhou together."

Speaking of this, Fang Xiaomei sighed: "Compared with the provincial capital, Dongzhou is really a bit inconvenient!"

Mi Yuan said: "Yes, so many people now say that Dongzhou is no longer suitable to be the location of Mihu Electronics."

"What do they know? Although the transportation in Dongzhou is inconvenient, Dongzhou also has the greatest support for our MiKe Electronics."

Fang Xiaomei said: "If we move it out, it will be detrimental to the development of our MiKe Electronics."

Listening to Fang Xiaomei's confident words, Mi Yuan felt a little strange in her heart.

As Shen Lin's former secretary, Fang Xiaomei's tone of voice is really similar to Shen Lin's!

While the two were talking, they had already walked out of the airport.

Under the guidance of the waiting staff, the two people quickly arrived at a commercial vehicle waiting not far from the airport.

"Sister Xiaomei, Mr. Mi, and one member of the negotiation team are not here. You two should take a rest first. We should be able to set off in half an hour."

The person in charge of welcoming her was a young girl whom Mi Yuan didn't recognize, but she seemed to be familiar with Fang Xiaomei.

Fang Xiaomei smiled and said: "Xiao Li, go and do your business. I'm no stranger here either. If Sister Mi has anything to do, just leave it to me."

The young girl named Xiaoli said thank you to Fang Xiaomei and left quickly.

Looking at the smart and capable Fang Xiaomei, Mi Yuan felt a trace of emotion in her heart.

She and Fang Xiaomei were acquaintances, but they didn't meet often, but every time they met, Fang Xiaomei gave her a more mature feeling than usual.Although this is just a feeling, it is extremely clear.

"Xiaomei, are you still in Guokhu City in Jingli now?" After a brief tidying up, Mi Yuan started chatting with Fang Xiaomei.

Fang Xiaomei gave Mi Yuan the feeling of becoming more and more mature.

But Mi Yuan gave Fang Xiaomei the feeling that this woman was getting more and more beautiful.

Although I heard that she was divorced, Mi Yuan seems to be more intellectual now than before she got married.

Relying on her feelings, Fang Xiaomei felt that there seemed to be some relationship between Mi Yuan and Director Shen that she didn't know about.

It's just that she doesn't want to guess about this kind of thing, and she can't guess.

When Mi Yuan asked about her job, Fang Xiaomei said: "Yes, I am still working as the deputy manager of Mi Ke City in Beijing."

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "This is very good. Mi Ke City not only has many things, but also is relatively trivial. As long as you train well here, I believe that Director Shen will soon let you take charge of your own affairs."

When Fang Xiaomei and others talked about this issue, they were basically polite and modest.

However, she felt that if she and Mi Yuan said this, it would make her and Mi Yuan even more unfamiliar.

So she smiled bitterly and said: "Sister Mi Yuan, I also know that placing me in Mi Ke City is a test for me by Director Shen."

"But this test is really difficult to do."

"You don't know, there are a lot of things in it that make people scratch their heads."

"I really don't know how Mr. Shen can manage Mi Ke so easily."

At this point, she changed the subject and said: "Sister Mi Yuan, do you think we can make progress in this negotiation?"

Mi Yuan frowned and said: "Our company has not had much dealings with Qunxing in the past, but I have heard some acquaintances say that Qunxing Company is not easy to deal with."

"They... what do they say? When doing business cooperation with Europa and the United States, there is often a sense of flattery."

"But when cooperating with us, he likes to hold his head high and look aloof."

Listening to Mi Yuan's words, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help but smile and said: "Sister Mi Yuan, when you say this, they give me only one feeling, and that is that they need to be dealt with."

Mi Yuan said: "Yes, I feel the same way about them."

"It's just that this time, it's not easy to deal with them. After all, we are the ones who need communication chips now."

Just when the two were happily chatting, a receptionist named Xiaoli led a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 30s over.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment when he saw Mi Yuan and Fang Xiaomei, but then he smiled and said: "Hello, you two, I am Luo Yisheng from Mihu Wafer Factory. I am very happy to meet you two."

Mi Yuan and Fang Xiaomei both know the importance of the wafer fab.

Among them, Fang Xiaomei is more aware of its role in MiKe Electronics with the completion of the wafer fab.

However, the wafer fab cannot yet produce communication chips.

"Hello, Mr. Luo, I am Fang Xiaomei from Mi Ke City, and this is Mi Yuan from Mi Ke Foreign Trade." Fang Xiaomei took the initiative to shake hands with Luo Yisheng and said, "Nice to meet you."

Luo Yisheng smiled stiffly, then sat in his seat, took out a book and started reading.

Fang Xiaomei immediately labeled this new companion as not good at communicating.

But this is normal. After all, people who engage in research basically focus on research, and few people focus their main energy on making friends.

"Sister Xiaomei, the car will leave now. In two hours, we will reach Dongzhou."

"If you are tired, you can take a rest in the car. Maybe when you open your eyes, we will have arrived." Xiaoli took a seat in the passenger seat and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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