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Chapter 2211 Surprised to see your bones

Chapter 2211 Surprised to see your bones
Teacher Ma's eyes were fixed on Shen Lin.

Although he felt from Shen Lin's words that Shen Lin was not joking, at this time, he still didn't believe his ears.

If she was a beautiful woman, and if she had a huge background behind her, it would make sense for Shen Lin to support him so much.

But what do you have?
Teacher Ma thought quickly and realized that he really wanted nothing.

He couldn't provide anything to Shen Lin.

Under such circumstances, why should Shen Lin give himself such a good opportunity.

You know, this is a huge future!
After taking a deep breath, Teacher Ma finally asked just three words: "Why?"

Lu Dongsheng, who was accompanying the guest, was also a little confused at this time.

Director Shen valued this teacher Ma, and he understood in his heart.

After all, Teacher Ma is not an ordinary person. Whether it is speaking or other aspects, he feels that there is a big gap between himself and Teacher Ma.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Director Shen, who has always valued talents, to value Teacher Ma.

But there should be a limit to this kind of regard.

For example, you can give Teacher Ma extraordinary preferential treatment, such as drinking and chatting with Teacher Ma as usual.

However, the idea for this business was clearly thought up by Shen Lin. He asked Teacher Ma to do it and even supported Teacher Ma. This seemed a little unreasonable.

If Director Shen's energy is limited, but for this kind of thing, even if Director Shen is unwilling to come forward, doesn't he still have himself, Lian Shaofeng and many other subordinates?
Why does Director Shen use his useful subordinates without using them and insist on...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Lu Dongsheng also looked at Shen Lin with curious eyes.

"Teacher Ma, I see that you have an extraordinary skeleton and you are someone who can do great things, so I want to support you in doing this. Do you believe it?" Lin Lin looked at Teacher Ma and couldn't help but think of the later famous West Lake Theory. Jian, thinking of this nickname, couldn't help but joke.

The bones are amazing!

Do a great job!
Listening to Shen Lin's words, Teacher Ma felt like thunder was rolling from the sky.

Although deep down in his heart, Teacher Ma has always liked martial arts and wanted to be a hero one day.

But he knew very well that these were all dreams.

It is impossible to live in a dream.

Now, Shen Lin's words made him feel speechless.

"Dr. Shen, please stop joking. Haha, I still know how much I weigh."

When Shen Lin heard what Teacher Ma said, he stopped joking.

He smiled and said: "Teacher Ma, the reason why I don't choose to do it myself is because of the following reasons."

"The first reason is that a person's energy is limited. If I do a good job in this aspect, it will be difficult to go all out in other aspects."

Teacher Ma nodded. Teacher Ma believed in the reason Shen Lin said.

After all, everyone’s energy is limited.

But when his eyes passed over the somewhat dissatisfied Lu Dongsheng, he felt that what Shen Lin said was a bit far-fetched.

After all, Lu Dongsheng is also a talent.

Although he can't do big things, Lu Dongsheng can still complete some small things.

Shen Lin seemed to understand what Teacher Ma was thinking. He smiled and said, "Teacher Ma, although I have many subordinates, some of them have more important things to do, and some of them are not suitable for doing this."

"What's more, arranging them to do this is actually not much different from me doing it myself. What do you think?"

Teacher Ma pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Another point is that in this aspect, you have many of the same ideas as mine, and you are also enthusiastic and dare to fight, so you are more suitable for this matter."

Teacher Ma used to be very good at instilling some chicken soup into others, but now, listening to Shen Lin's words, he suddenly felt a burst of excitement in his heart.

Director Shen values ​​himself!

Director Shen feels that he is more capable and professional in this area, and this is all due to his importance.

I must not let Dong Shen down. "Thank you, Director Shen, for trusting me. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely try it. I hope that Director Shen can support me when the time comes."

Teacher Ma said sincerely: "I believe that with the support of Director Shen, we are more likely to succeed in this matter."

Shen Lin patted Teacher Ma on the shoulder and said, "Lao Ma, I keep my word. Since I said I want to support you, I will definitely support you."

Teacher Ma's hands trembled.

Shen Lin's two reasons made him excited.

After a slight hesitation, he picked up the wine glass in front of him, drank it in one gulp and said, "Director Shen, I respect you."

"From now on, if Director Shen has any errands to do, you can just speak."

"As long as I, Lao Ma, can do it, I'll do whatever it takes!"

Lu Dongsheng looked at Teacher Ma who raised his wine glass, and felt more admiration for Shen Lin in his heart. He didn't say anything more and raised his wine glass after Lao Ma.

As the three wine glasses clinked together, the wine became more lively for a while.

Teacher Ma was very drunk that day.

Shen Lin was drinking, but Vice President Li couldn't eat.

When he brought his subordinates to Jinling, his subordinates were very happy, but Vice President Li was a little confused.

According to his estimation, when he came to Jinling, Mi Ke Electronics, who was negotiating with him, would make some noise no matter what.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party seemed to have forgotten the negotiation, and no one paid attention to him at all.

As for contact, there is none.

On the first day, Vice President Li thought the other party was stalling for time. In his opinion, this was just a small trick and he didn't need to worry about it at all.

But as time passed by, he became more and more anxious.

Even at the end, his heart was trembling.

Because he felt that things seemed to be out of his control.


A burst of hearty laughter came from outside the door. Hearing this laughter, Vice President Li knew that this was a subordinate returning from shopping.

Normally, Vice President Li would laugh it off when he hears this kind of laughter.

But at this time, he was extremely anxious.

He would even hit someone if he could.

So at this moment, he frowned, and then said to Jin Zaixin who was standing next to him: "When I get back, fire the guy who laughed."

Hearing this arrangement, Jin Zaixin's heart tightened.

He knows that firing someone is equivalent to putting an end to that person's career.

But at this time, facing the gloomy expression of his vice president, he did not dare to persuade him at all.

After all, talking too much would do him no good.

Just when all kinds of thoughts were surging in his mind, he heard Vice President Li suddenly say: "Jin Zaixin, why is there no movement from MiKe Electronics now?"

"What are they waiting for?"

Jin Zaixin pondered for a moment and then said: "Vice president, I think if Mihu Electronics wants to produce mobile phones, it must get our communication chips."

"Without this chip, they can't build a phone."

"And they see no other option but to rely on us."

"So now, they have either given up their plans to make mobile phones, or they are deliberately waiting for us to bow our heads first."

(End of this chapter)

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