Chapter 2212
Vice President Li nodded gently.

He wholeheartedly agreed with Jin Zaixin's judgment.

In his opinion, the possibility of MiKu Electronics giving up is not high. After all, Shen Lin, the person in charge of MiKu Electronics, has already said that MiKu Electronics will build mobile phones.

If they give up, it will have a big blow to the reputation of MiKe Electronics and Shen Lin.

What's more, the profits from manufacturing mobile phones are not small, and Mihu Electronics will not give up so easily.

"I think MiKe Electronics is deliberately trying to make us bow our heads."

Vice President Li waved his hand and said: "Okay, tell our employees and let them continue to play and relax!"

"As for the others, ignore them."

Jin Zaixin complimented: "Vice President, I believe that under your leadership, we will be able to win against MiKe Electronics this time."

"Not only will MiKe Electronics not take any advantage because of their actions this time, I think they will have to pay the price for their stupidity."

Vice President Li nodded and said, "Mr. Jin Zaixin, I very much agree with what you said."

"Mike Electronics, this time they have to pay the price for their stupid behavior."

As Jinzai New District conveyed the decision, the subordinates following Vice President Li naturally burst into cheers.

For these subordinates, it is great to be able to continue playing.

This is what they dream of.

"Boom boom boom!"

A crisp knock on the door broke the silence of Vice President Li's room.

Vice President Li said come in and saw a young man walking in with a smile on his face.

Vice President Li is no stranger to this young man and is one of their negotiators this time.

Although this man is about the same age as Vice President Li, their status is completely different.

So in normal times, Vice President Li rarely talks to this young man.

Seeing him walking in at this time, Vice President Li's face suddenly showed a hint of strangeness.

He said in a deep voice: "Vice President, I just heard Team Leader Jin convey your decision. I am so excited."

"To be honest, I have always admired you very much."

"I have always regarded you as a role model for me to learn from."

"What I want most is that one day I can reach half of your level."

"But now, after hearing your decision, I know that even such a dream is very difficult to realize."

"Because your ability is really too strong."

After hearing these words, the smile on Vice President Li's face became even brighter.

He couldn't help but patted the visitor on the shoulder and said: "Pu Jun, please believe in your own abilities."

"As long as you keep studying, I think you will be able to reach my level one day."

Having said this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't worry, all this is very easy to achieve."

After sending the flatterer away, Vice President Li smiled even more.

Although he felt that what this subordinate said was mainly a compliment, there was always some truth in the compliment.

And just as she was quietly savoring the feeling of being respected and admired, there was another knock on the door.

Vice President Li hesitated for a moment and then opened the door.

This time, a young woman appeared at the door of Vice President Li. When she saw Vice President Li, she said in an extremely respectful voice: "Vice President, after hearing your decision, I was extremely moved." admiration."

"What I admire is your judgment and courage."

"Even if there are people who can catch up with you in terms of judgment, I feel that there is still a big gap between these people and you in terms of courage."

"People without courage would not dare to make such a decision." Listening to this compliment, Vice President Li's lips raised slightly.

In just half an hour, almost everyone who followed Vice President Li out to play praised Vice President Li's decision.

Some people even praised Vice President Li for being a good son of his father and having the ability to outdo others. This situation made Vice President Li very happy.

But just as Vice President Li was sending away the last complimenter, Kim Jae-shin hurried in.

"Vice president, there is information from the president's office."

As he spoke, Jin Zaixin handed what he was holding to Vice President Li.

Vice President Li took what Jin Zaixin handed over and his expression changed.

Because it was clearly a fax, and it was a fax from MiKe Electronics to Qunxing Group.

The content of the fax was that MiKe Electronics accused Qunxing Group of failing to implement the agreement as agreed. MiKe Electronics had been waiting for five days but had not seen the inspection and negotiators who came in accordance with the agreement.

At the end of the fax from MiKe Electronics, he very unceremoniously accused Qunxing Company, saying that as a large company, they did not even have any integrity and would be difficult to cooperate with in the future.

Seeing these contents, Vice President Li's nose was so angry that he couldn't help but feel angry.

When he arrived, MiKe Electronics sent someone to pick up the plane, but he felt that the other party's level was not high enough, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But he didn't expect that if he didn't go there, someone would accuse him.

This made him feel extremely aggrieved in his heart.

"You tell the president's office that we have already arrived and have contacted MiKe Electronics."

"The one who didn't come to negotiate was MiKe Electronics."

Jin Zaixin pondered for a moment and said: "Vice President Li, the president's office asked us to explain to MiKe Electronics why we did not carry out the things as agreed."

"He also said that the credibility of our Qunxing Group is very important."

"No matter who it is, they are not allowed to throw away the credibility of our company."

Hearing this, Jin Zaixin suddenly didn't know what to say.

After all, a company's reputation cannot be settled just by talking about it.

He came to Jinling to play as if he was in their company, and he did not abide by the agreement.

But he really doesn't want to suffer this loss.

"Jin Zaixin, tell the president's office and tell us about our schedule. MiKe Electronics has always known about it."

"They can come to us anytime they want to negotiate."

"It's not that we don't want to talk, it's that MiKe Electronics doesn't abide by the agreement and is unwilling to talk."

At this point, Vice President Li's voice was a little cold and he said, "Just answer like this and don't worry about the rest."

Although Jin Zaixin felt something was wrong in his heart, looking at Vice President Li who looked angry, he finally chose to remain silent.

After all, his immediate superior has already made a decision on this matter.

If he disobeys, he will be the one to blame.

After agreeing, Jin Zaixin left quickly.

Vice President Li looked at the closed door with a gloomy expression.

What happened this time was very important to him.

Now, MiKe Electronics filed a lawsuit with the group company and told his father.

Although he felt that he could ignore MiKe Electronics' complaint, what MiKe Electronics was doing now made him feel a little disgusted in his heart.

"Vice president, the president's office said that our explanation is not enough and asked us to communicate with MiKe Electronics as soon as possible." Jin Zaixin walked in quickly and said hurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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