Chapter 2213 I have to come
Vice President Li's face was as cold as ice!
He looked at Jin Zaixin coldly, as if he wanted to eat it.

At this time, Jin Zaixin, although he was very anxious on the surface, he was actually extremely calm in his heart.

He knew clearly in his heart that Vice President Li was just angry in his heart at this time. In fact, he should not dare to do anything to him at this time?
After all, not only is he his capable subordinate, but also Vice President Li is currently riding a tiger and must find a way to deal with this matter.

So he remained silent, as if waiting for Vice President Li to deal with it.

After taking a deep breath, Vice President Li said: "Jin Zaixin, what do you think I should do?"

Jin Zaixin pondered for a moment, and then said: "Vice President, I think you should explain it to MiKe Electronics no matter what."

"Because this is the president's order."

After hearing the president's order, Vice President Li's expression, originally full of anger, slowly calmed down.

He knew very well that Jin Zaixin was right about this.

Now, he has no room for resistance at all, because the person who made this decision is his father.

So he must obey.

"Yeah, I should explain it to Mi Ke Electronics first."

After taking a breath, he said to Jin Zaixin: "Mr. Jin Zaixin, the explanation this time depends entirely on you."

Speaking of this, he said with a hint of coldness in his voice: "I hope your explanation will not disappoint me."

Allowing yourself to explain is actually letting yourself take the blame.

For such a situation, Jin Zaixin had no excuse at all.

As a subordinate, he had to do this kind of work, so he said cheerfully: "Yes, Vice President."

After agreeing, Jin Zaixin continued: "Vice president, do you think I can explain it this way?"

"I just said, it's not that we didn't arrive, it's that you didn't come to pick us up."

Vice President Li pondered for a moment, then waved his arm and said, "Okay, let's tell them this."

After Jin Zaixin got the order, he didn't stop at the moment and took action quickly.

But soon, he came over with a strange look on his face.

"Vice President, MiKe Electronics said that they always thought we were a tourist group." Jin Zaixin said: "Also, they said that if we are a negotiating group, please go to Dongzhou as soon as possible as agreed."

"If we don't arrive, they will still urge the group to send new negotiators."

When Vice President Li heard this, he felt like his heart was blocked by something.

At this moment, he felt that his powerful means, under the operation of Mi Ke Electronics, turned out to be a clown's trick.

This situation made him feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

There is even an urge to be angry.

I won't go there and see who is the anxious person.

But when he thought that if he didn't go there, the other party would continue to send faxes to the group, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Vice president, I don't think we can afford to lose the big for the small."

"Now the president is promoting the integrity image of our group. If we disappoint him in this aspect, then the president will definitely be very angry."

"When the time comes, maybe the president will have some objections to you."

Vice President Li knew very well what kind of person his father was.

To be honest, he really didn't want his score to drop in his father's heart. In that case, his status as heir might be shaken.

"Then let's go there." Vice President Li made up his mind after pondering for a while.

Although this is embarrassing, it is much better than losing his position as heir.

Jin Zaixin was greatly relieved when he heard Vice President Li's determination.

Although it seems very satisfying to ignore MiKe Electronics, if the group company receives more supervision, I am afraid that the president will be dissatisfied with the prince.In that case, he might become the target of anger.

"Vice president, when we arrive in Dongzhou, they will have no excuses."

"When the time comes, we can continue to delay."

Although Vice President Li agreed in his heart, on the surface, he still said calmly: "You can arrange such small things."

In the afternoon, Vice President Li took his subordinates and rented a car towards Dongzhou.

Compared with the joy and laughter when they went to Jinling, everyone's expressions at this time were extremely ugly.

They all knew very well that this time they were forced to go to Dongzhou.

Vice President Li, who had made the decision to travel, was holding back a lot of resentment. If they talked too much at this time, they might become a punching bag.

That's really not worth it.

In just half a day, Vice President Li and others had arrived in Dongzhou.

"Vice president, should we notify MiKe Electronics to pick us up?" Jin Zaixin, who is in charge of communication, asked cautiously.

Vice President Li, who had already adjusted his mood, said calmly: "Inform them, it will save people from thinking that we are not acting in accordance with the agreement."

"Okay, I'll let you know."

Jin Zaixin quickly completed the communication task and told Vice President Li that MiKe Electronics had arranged a hotel for them.

"Vice President, Lu Dongsheng, who is in charge of negotiations at MiKe Electronics, hopes to meet with you today."

Vice President Li naturally knew the information about Lu Dongsheng.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Tell Lu Dongsheng that I'm not feeling well today, so I don't have time to meet with him."

Jin Zaixin's expression changed, but he finally said, "Okay, I'll inform the other party right away."

Vice President Li looked at Jin Zaixin leaving and smiled softly.

The car soon arrived in Dongzhou, and Vice President Li's eyes fell on the streets of Dongzhou.

His interest in Dongzhou was entirely because of Shen Lin.

The place where Shen Lin rose is Dongzhou, and Shen Lin’s foundation is in Dongzhou. It can be said that Dongzhou is the witness of Shen Lin’s rise.

He really wanted to see what kind of place gave birth to a person like Shen Lin.

The streets in Dongzhou are very clean!

The streets in Dongzhou are very spacious!

Pedestrians were coming and going on the road in Dongzhou, and most people’s faces were full of happy smiles!

Regardless of whether it was in the streets or alleys, wherever he saw, there were basically traces of rice shells.

MiKe City, MiKe Road, MiKe Factory...

Such landmark locations can be seen everywhere.

Seeing this situation, President Li's eyes flashed with a hint of complexity.

Although he felt that his Qunxing Group was big enough, his company was not as deep as MiKe Electronics in leaving its mark on a city.

As thoughts flashed, the car had stopped steadily in front of a rather simple-looking hotel.

"Hello, President Li, I am Fang Xiaomei from MiKe Electronics. I will be responsible for your reception. If you have any needs during your stay in Dongzhou, just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy you as soon as possible. requirements.”

A woman who looked to be in her 20s said to Vice President Li with a smile.

This woman is not old, but she gives people a very majestic feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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