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Chapter 2214 What is water flowing downwards?

Chapter 2214 What is water flowing downwards?

Fang Xiaomei!
This name seems a bit familiar.

After thinking for a moment, Vice President Li immediately thought of the origin of this person.

Shen Lin's former secretary has now become the deputy manager of Mihu City. He came to provide food and accommodation for himself and others. It seems that Shen Lin really values ​​​​him and other legal persons.

"Okay, thank you Secretary Fang for the arrangement." Vice President Li said solemnly: "I will trouble Secretary Fang in the future."

"Vice President Li is too kind. It is my job to serve your negotiating team."

Having said this, Fang Xiaomei continued: "But from now on, Vice President Li would best call me Ms. Fang, or Manager Fang."

"Because now, I am no longer Director Shen's secretary."

Looking at the relaxed and confident Fang Xiaomei, Vice President Li smiled and said: "Ms. Fang Xiaomei, although this is our first time meeting you, I have to say that I admire your ability."

"If Ms. Fang is willing to work at Qunxing Company, I am willing to give Ms. Fang the top treatment."

"For example, your salary will be doubled, for example, you can work in any branch of Qunxing Company, for example..."

Before Vice President Li finished speaking, Fang Xiaomei said with a smile: "Vice President Li, I am very touched by your regard for me."

"But I am a person who still wants to work in a familiar place."

As for Fang Xiaomei, the reason why Vice President Li recruited her as soon as he came up was because his intention was actually to gain a head start on MiKe Electronics.

Now, Fang Xiaomei's clean refusal made him feel more competitive.

He smiled and said: "Miss Fang, even if you stay in a place you are familiar with, you can have a lot of pleasant responses."

"But there is also a saying here that people go to higher places, and water flows to lower places."

"Everyone has the right to choose a better future. Am I right?"

Jin Zaixin stood beside Vice President Li, thoughts rushing through his mind.

He felt that Vice President Li's words were a bit too reckless.

After all, Fang Xiaomei is Shen Lin's confidant, so the possibility of success for such a straightforward recruitment is really not very high.

However, what his Vice President Li said about people going to higher places made him somewhat admired.

In this way, even if Fang Xiaomei cannot be recruited, it is not too important.

After all, this has given Qunxing Group an advantage in negotiations with MiKe Electronics.

"Vice President Li, when I rejected you just now, I was actually showing mercy."

After listening to Vice President Li's unabashed words, Fang Xiaomei pondered for a moment and acted like I didn't want to say this, but I was forced to say this.

"As a person, I have always very much agreed that people should go to higher places and water should flow to lower places."

"But in my eyes, I'm on top now."

I'm already on top!
Upon hearing these words, Vice President Li's face couldn't help but twitch.

He stared at Fang Xiaomei with wide eyes, wanting to imprint the speaker's appearance deeply in his heart.

If looks could kill, there was no doubt that Fang Xiaomei would have died several times.

Fang Xiaomei didn't care at all about Vice President Li's aggressive gaze.

She still looked at Vice President Li with a smile on her face, as if looking at an ordinary friend.

"Ms. Fang Xiaomei, as far as I know, MiKe Electronics ranks over 400 among the world's top [-] companies. If you are not careful, you can fall out of the world's top [-] companies."

Jin Zaixin took the initiative to stand up and said in a deep voice: "And our Qunxing Group ranks more than 120th among the top [-]."

"This alone can explain who is higher and who is lower."

"I don't know if I'm right?" Vice President Li smiled softly. Although he was embarrassed this time, Jin Zaixin regained a lot of face for himself.

He felt more and more satisfied with the subordinate his father sent to him.

After all, this subordinate can do it.

At critical moments, he can also rush forward on his behalf.

Fang Xiaomei chuckled and said, "Mr. Jin, what you said seems reasonable, but in fact, it is a bit biased!"

Speaking of this, Fang Xiaomei said with a smile: "In terms of the ranking of the world's top [-] companies, there is some gap between MiKe Electronics and Qunxing Company."

"But Qunxing Company has gone through two generations and decades of hard work to achieve its current results."

"We, MiKe Electronics, were founded by Director Shen in less than ten years. Today, we are developing rapidly at a speed that is difficult for ordinary companies to match."

"Perhaps within five years, our rankings on the Fortune [-] will be reversed."

"A vibrant company and a sluggish company, let's judge each other!"

Jin Zaixin didn't know what to say for a while.

Although he was standing on the side of Qunxing Company, he had to admit that the recent development speed of Mihu Electronics was too fast.

It can even be said that the success of MiKe Electronics is a miracle.

Under such circumstances, my own company seems a bit difficult to compete with.

"Well, since Miss Fang is unwilling now, I can only express my regrets."

"But there is one thing I want to tell Miss Fang, that is, no matter when Miss Fang wants to come to our Qunxing Company, we will welcome her."

After Vice President Li interrupted Fang Xiaomei's words, he said with a hint of smile in his voice.

However, many people can tell that Vice President Li's smile is a bit far-fetched.

Fang Xiaomei smiled and said nothing more.

After arranging for Vice President Li and others to move in, Fang Xiaomei came to Shen Lin's home.

At this time, not only Shen Lin and Lu Dongsheng were at Shen Lin's home, but also several Mihu Electronics elites in charge of negotiations were gathered here.

Everyone was drinking tea and chatting, and from time to time, bursts of laughter could be heard.

Seeing Fang Xiaomei walking in, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Xiaomei, what do you think of the prince of Qunxing Company?"

Fang Xiaomei said: "Dr. Shen, this person looks very capable, but in fact he lacks the overall situation."

"I feel that if the Star Group can be handed over to his hands, it will be barely able to survive at best."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Being able to maintain success is considered a good ability."

Lu Dongsheng said: "Xiaomei, what is their attitude towards negotiations? Have they told me a time to meet with me?"

"Mr. Lu, although they were forced to come here, I feel that they still want to delay us until we give in."

Fang Xiaomei said: "As for the time to meet with you? It has not been determined yet. The reason given is that Vice President Li is not feeling well and needs to rest more."

Lu Dongsheng cursed: "There are really a lot of things going on."

After saying this, Lu Dongsheng looked at Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, what should we do?"

"Just put it off, we are not the ones who are really anxious anyway."

Having said this, he said to Fang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, since they say you are not feeling well, you should find an old Chinese medicine doctor to help you take a look."

"Let the old Chinese medicine doctor tell Vice President Li that young people must take care of themselves and pay attention to moderation."

(End of this chapter)

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