Chapter 2221 Another option
Li Qiaozhen's question stunned Shen Lin.

After all, the two of them don't have much friendship. Li Qiaozhen asked this, which is obviously a superficial friendship!
"Qiaozhen, this is our first time meeting!"

Although Li Qiaozhen is a rare beauty, Shen Lin has no idea of ​​developing a relationship with her, so he said without hesitation: "What opinions can I offer on this matter of your own?"

Li Qiaozhen smiled softly, as if she was not surprised by Shen Lin's refusal.

She chuckled and said: "Dr. Shen, I have always known that you have unique opinions on many things.

If it weren't for this, you wouldn't be where you are now. "

"Of course I know the taboo of knowing something shallow and speaking something profound."

"And I still come to ask you this matter even though I know it clearly, just because I believe you."

"I feel that you will definitely lend a helping hand to a seeker like me."

Looking at Li Qiaozhen who looked calm, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "Qiaozhen, do you not want to be a tool for marriage, or do you not want to leave the Stars Group?"

"Is there any difference between the two?" Li Qiaozhen asked gently.

"Of course there is a difference. Only by telling you which one to choose between the two can I give you some advice." Shen Lin said calmly.

Li Qiaozhen hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Director Shen, I don't want to leave the Star Group."

Not leaving the stars, but not wanting to be a tool for marriage.

A hint of understanding arose in Shen Lin's heart, and then he said lightly: "Qiaozhen, as far as I know, your Qunxing Group does not require you to get married."

"You can pursue your own love."

"Of course, my suggestion is that the person you choose to love is an ordinary person with no family background."

What Shen Lin was talking about was actually an experience he knew in his previous life.

After Li Qiaozhen heard Shen Lin's thoughts, a trace of shock flashed in her eyes.

She has always thought about her life-long events, after all, they are related to her future development.

But no matter how much she thought about it, it seemed that there was only one way she could not complete it.

That is to find an ordinary person to get married in the name of love.

In this way, she doesn't have to leave the Star Group.

As long as she can hold a position among the stars, and as long as her brother continues to make mistakes, then she has a very good chance of becoming the person in charge of the stars group.

But this method that she had been thinking about for a long time was suggested by Shen Lin's words.

This made her feel a little bit frustrated.

Is the gap between myself and Shen Lin really that big?
"Director Shen, thank you for your suggestion. I will consider it carefully." Li Qiaozhen pondered for a moment and said, "I hope that I can rely on Director Shen's wisdom more in the future."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Qiaozhen, you're welcome, we are friends, and I believe we will remain friends in the future."

Having said this, Shen Lin looked at his watch, then stood up with a hint of apology and said, "I'm sorry Qiaozhen, I have something else to do and I need to say goodbye first."

"If anything happens to you, feel free to contact me, Lu Dongsheng."

"He'll always tell me."

Seeing Shen Lin leaving without looking back, Li Qiaozhen felt a sense of frustration in her heart.

In the Star Group, both her identity and her appearance are the focus of countless people's attention.

So she had never encountered a situation like Shen Lin's where he didn't take her into his heart at all.

An unconvinced mentality instantly arose in his heart.

However, in this state of mind, an idea also appeared in her mind.

"Director Shen, maybe you don't know, actually, I have another choice." "Although this choice seems more difficult, sometimes, this choice is not impossible!"

Li Qiaozhen, who was talking softly to herself, had a trace of determination flashing in her eyes.

With the arrival of Li Qiaozhen, negotiations between MiKe Electronics and Qunxing Group officially started.

Although the main negotiators were Li Qiaozhen and Lu Dongsheng, it was Shen Lin and Chairman Li who actually controlled the pace of the negotiations.

Although Li Qiaozhen was extremely well-behaved when talking to Shen Lin, when she asked for conditions, she also opened her mouth like a lion.

Her first request was to share LED energy-saving screen and battery technology with MiKe, and to license the use of DVDs for free.

Lu Dongsheng directly denied such a request without even reporting it to Shen Lin.

These three things are the foundation of MiKe Electronics. If they are given to Qunxing Group, it will be equivalent to digging up the foundation of MiKe Electronics itself.

Li Qiaozhen was not angry at Lu Dongsheng's denial, but continued to talk.

As for Lu Dongsheng, according to Shen Lin's arrangement, they were just talking about money.

Apart from money, technology and other things, MiKe Electronics doesn’t agree with anything.

For a time, the two sides fell into a tug of war.

It was at this time that motorcycle companies began preparing to launch their new mobile phones.

Although their mobile phone launch conference has not yet started, their person in charge has already said that not only the quality of their mobile phones is very good, but the size has also changed.

It can completely crush newcomers who have never made a mobile phone but want to make a difference in this area.

This last sentence was obviously addressed to MiKe Electronics.

With the words of the person in charge of the motorcycle company, Qunxing Company's attitude became tougher, but Mihu Electronics has been insisting on this aspect.

"Sister Mi Yuan, has Miss Li's attitude changed now?" A young man wearing glasses asked Mi Yuan when he saw Mi Yuan coming back.

Mi Yuan was a member of the negotiation team. I don't know if it was because of her appearance. After she met Li Qiaozhen, Li Qiaozhen asked her to be the person responsible for communication.

And usually, the two of them occasionally go out for shopping.

This caused many people to ask Mi Yuan about the negotiations.

Mi Yuan shook her head and said, "Miss Li's attitude remains the same."

"Besides, Miss Li, the person in charge, is just a puppet holding strings. The final outcome of the negotiation still depends on Qunxing Company."

The young man who asked Mi Yuan the question smiled and said, "Sister Mi Yuan, this is actually similar to us."

"Although we are said to be in charge of negotiations, in fact, it is Director Shen and other big bosses who are in charge of making the final decision."

When the young man said this, he said with emotion: "Motorcycle companies don't promote their new products at other times, but they are talking about new products at this time. It really makes people doubt whether the two of them have made an appointment."

Hearing this, Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment.

She had never thought about it in this regard.

But at this time, after the young man reminded her, a bad thought suddenly arose in her heart.

If it was an appointment, then this matter might not be that simple.

"Xiao Ming, you...where did you come from with this judgment?"

Xiao Ming looked at Mi Yuan who was serious and couldn't help but said: "Sister Mi Yuan, this is just a guess. Don't take it seriously!"

"No, let's just talk casually. I think what you said makes sense. Please tell me the reasons why they might unite." Mi Yuan asked solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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