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Chapter 2222 I have a chapter to tell you

Chapter 2222 I have something to tell you
Xiao Ming looked at Mi Yuan who looked persistent, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Sister Mi Yuan, this is also my feeling."

"Look, if the motorcycle company doesn't sell us communication chips, Qunxing Company says it will sell us communication chips."

"Also, while we were discussing the anxious situation with Qunxing Company, the motorcycle company suddenly released a new machine. Also, in the past, the motorcycle company and Qunxing Company seemed to have had a lot of cooperation..."

In one breath, Xiao Ming gave four or five reasons.

Among these reasons, two or three were random guesses, but there were also two that Mi Yuan agreed with.

She hesitated and said: "Xiao Ming, since you have already seen it, why don't you tell Mr. Lu?"

Xiao Ming chuckled and said: "Sister, I mentioned this matter to Mr. Lu, but as soon as I mentioned it, Mr. Lu accused me and said I was talking nonsense."

Having said this, Xiao Ming scratched his head again and said: "Sometimes, even I don't really believe in my own judgment."

How can you make others believe something that you don’t really believe in yourself?

Looking at Xiao Ming who looked distressed and sighing, a trace of hesitation flashed in Mi Yuan's eyes.

What should you do in this situation?

I don't care, after all, there is no evidence, and it is not my responsibility, but if there is a problem, it will be troublesome.

But if you want to take care of it...

Just when Mi Yuan was extremely confused, Xiao Ming said: "Sister Mi Yuan, what I just said was nonsense, don't worry about it!"

Mi Yuan said: "Xiao Ming, I want to use this matter to remind Mr. Lu, do you want to go with me?"

"Sister Mi Yuan, if you want to remind me, just go ahead by yourself. I really don't want to participate in this matter."

"Because even I feel that this is a matter without a shadow." Xiao Ming waved his hands, looking unwilling to participate.

Mi Yuan looked at Xiao Ming's appearance and finally said: "Xiao Ming, since you said so, then I will go find Lu Dongsheng."

"If there is any merit, I will never forget your share."

Xiao Ming looked at Mi Yuan leaving and couldn't help but shook his head.Although he is full of pride in his identity as an employee of MiKe Electronics, he is still unwilling to participate in this matter that is not true or false.

After all, he felt it was not a good thing to get involved.

Mi Yuan soon arrived at Lu Dongsheng's office.Lu Dongsheng was reading the materials. When he saw Mi Yuan walking in, a smile appeared on Lu Dongsheng's face.

Lu Dongsheng has always respected Mi Yuan.

But I don’t know if it’s because Mi Yuan is so beautiful, so Lu Dongsheng rarely looks at Mi Yuan.In daily work, we always keep a certain distance.

"Mi Yuan, please sit down quickly." Lu Dongsheng was about to pour water as he spoke.

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "Mr. Lu, the two of us don't have to go through the trouble of pouring water."

"I came here this time because I have something I want to report to Mr. Lu."

Lu Dongsheng smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, if you have anything to say, you're welcome. We are all friends."

Mi Yuan said immediately: "Mr. Lu, did you hear what the motorcycle company said about their new machine this time?"

"I heard it, motorcycle companies are not a good thing. His remarks are actually because he is afraid that we will enter the mobile phone industry."

"Haha, actually, they are really afraid of competing with us."

Having said this, Lu Dongsheng's eyes flashed with pride and he said: "Being able to make a company like Motorcycle fear us is actually something to be proud of."

Looking at Lu Dongsheng who looked like he was sending a message, Mi Yuan said: "Mr. Lu, I feel like there is an intention to help Qunxing Company here."

While talking, Mi Yuan told Lu Dongsheng about the doubts Xiao Ming told her.

Lu Dongsheng looked at Mi Yuan, his expression slowly becoming serious.

In fact, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

As the person in charge of this negotiation, Shen Lin has slowly handed him some details.Let him understand that this negotiation with Qunxing Company is not that important to the company.

It can be said that the company has been prepared for this matter for a long time.

The reason why he was taken seriously at this time was also due to Shen Lin's smoke bomb.

Thinking of Shen Lin's instructions, Lu Dongsheng, who pondered for a moment, already made a decision in his heart.

"Sister Mi Yuan, what you said is actually just speculation in your mind, and you don't have the slightest evidence on this matter."

Mi Yuan looked at Lu Dongsheng, whose face turned serious, and already had some guesses in her mind.

She looked at Lu Dongsheng and said, "Mr. Lu, although it's just some speculation on my part, I think we have to pay attention to this matter."

"after all……"

"Mi Yuan, I know it's important to be on guard against others, but you have to understand that what you said is just your own suspicion."

"What do you want me to report to Director Shen, what can you use to prove Qunxing Group, and what can you use to deny this negotiation."

Lu Dongsheng waved his arm and said: "Mi Yuan, I very much agree with you that you can think about the company."

"Of course, I will also give you positive comments in future evaluations."

"But, I still say that, in the future, when talking about things, you must provide evidence."

"Don't make random guesses about things without evidence. This is not good."

Having said this, he waved towards Mi Yuan and said, "Okay, Mi Yuan, go and do your work."

"I still have things to deal with, so I won't send you off."

Mi Yuan originally wanted to argue a few words, but Lu Dongsheng came directly to see off the guests, so she had to leave.

After walking out of Lu Dongsheng's office, Mi Yuan suddenly thought of Xiao Ming's words just now.

Xiao Ming told Lu Dongsheng this, but Lu Dongsheng didn't believe it.

Lu Dongsheng also didn't believe what he said.

Will Lu Dongsheng betray MiKe Electronics?
It seems unlikely, after all, he has already become a senior executive of MiKe Electronics at a young age.

The future is even more limitless.

The possibility of him leaving the rice shell electron is very small.

If it's not betrayal, then there's something wrong with his eyes, that's why...

Sitting at her desk, Mi Yuan thought about this matter quietly, and according to Xiao Ming's suggestion, she felt more and more that there was something going on here.

In the end, Mi Yuan picked up her PHS and dialed the number that she had kept forever but rarely dialed.

"Beep beep..."

The call tone on the PHS kept ringing, and every beep made Mi Yuan's heart feel a little trembling.

Why doesn't Shen Lin answer the phone?
Is it because he doesn't want to answer his phone, or is it because he is too busy now, so he doesn't have time to answer his phone, or...

Just when various thoughts were surging in Mi Yuan's heart, she heard a familiar voice: "Mi Yuan, what's the matter?"

Hearing these words, Mi Yuan felt relaxed for a moment, but also a little nervous.

In the end, she calmed herself down and said, "Director Shen, I have something I want to report to you. When will you have time?"

After a moment of hesitation, Shen Lin's voice came over again: "I'm in the office, come here."

(End of this chapter)

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