Chapter 2223 Is the child okay?

Go to Shen Lin's office?
As the person in charge of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin can be said to have attracted the attention of countless people in Dongzhou.

As long as Shen Lin's actions are mentioned, it will spread throughout Dongzhou.

Although it was not a big deal to report to Shen Lin's office, it would definitely reach Lu Dongsheng's ears.

The relationship between myself and Lu Dongsheng was originally good, but if this incident happened, then the two of us would...

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Mi Yuan said in a deep voice: "Dr. Shen, can you change the place where we two meet?"

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Mi Yuan would make such a request.

Although he didn't know what Mi Yuan was doing, Shen Lin still treated Mi Yuan differently.

No matter what, Mi Yuan is the mother of her other child.

Although Mi Yuan didn't tell herself about this matter, and she was pretending to be confused about this matter, but some things can't be treated as if they don't exist just by pretending.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for you at home, and you can come with Fang Xiaomei."

Fang Xiaomei is Shen Lin's former secretary and is loyal to Shen Lin.

And she was extremely clear about the situation at Shen Lin's family.

Following Fang Xiaomei seems to be able to solve a lot of things.

"Okay, I'll go find Fang Xiaomei right now." Mi Yuan agreed and was about to put down the phone.

However, Shen Lin said: "It's a little inconvenient for you to talk to Fang Xiaomei. I'll just arrange for her to go find you for this matter."

While talking, Shen Lin hung up the phone without waiting for Mi Yuan's consent.

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Mi Yuan frowned slightly.

This Shen Lin is still so willing to make decisions.

But what he said is not bad. It seems to be much easier to let Fang Xiaomei find him than to find Fang Xiaomei by himself.

In just 5 minutes, Fang Xiaomei had arrived at Mi Yuan's office.

She said with a smile: "Sister Mi Yuan, Director Shen has something for me to handle, but I can't handle it by myself. Can you help me?"

Hearing Fang Xiaomei's words, Mi Yuan reacted immediately.

Shen Lin did this because he was afraid that he would feel rushed.

She immediately said: "Okay, I can go there at any time."

"Let's go, my car is downstairs." As Fang Xiaomei spoke, she led Mi Yuan downstairs.

Under the leadership of Fang Xiaomei, the two people went downstairs generously and soon got into a red Santana.

In this era, private cars are standard equipment for wealthy people.

Although Mi Yuan's income is enough for her to buy a car, she has many things to deal with, such as her children, her sick mother, and...

"Xiaomei, is this the car you bought?" Mi Yuan asked curiously, sitting on the passenger seat of Santana.

Fang Xiaomei smiled and said: "I bought a second-hand car."

"Once, Director Shen and I attended the opening ceremony of a car dealership. The boss released some half-priced second-hand cars as gifts for the guests who came to choose from."

Fang Xiaomei said with a smile: "I didn't want to buy it at the time, but Director Shen said it was a good opportunity and the car was pretty good, so he helped me buy one."

"Hey, you still owe Dong Shen more than 1 yuan for the car payment?"

Although Fang Xiaomei said this, the pride in her expression could not be concealed.

Although Shen Lin didn't pay for the car, Shen Lin helped choose it and lent her money. More importantly, it was Shen Lin's honor that she was able to buy the car.

Speaking of these, it would be an extremely shameless thing.

Mi Yuan is a smart person. When she heard Fang Xiaomei's words, she smiled and said, "Xiaomei, Director Shen really values ​​you."

"I heard from many people that Director Shen has no sister, but he has always treated you as his sister." Fang Xiaomei said with a smile: "Sister Mi Yuan, don't listen to those people's nonsense."

"Director Shen treats every staff member around him well. It's an honor for me that he values ​​me. I dare not say that he is Director Shen's sister."

While the two were chatting, they had already arrived at the Rice Shell Garden.

The lively Mihu Garden is still the best residential area in Dongzhou.

Whether it is the employees of MiKe Electronics or others, they all hope to have a house in MiKe Garden.

Fang Xiaomei drove her car and soon arrived outside Shen Lin's villa.

She knocked on the door and someone opened the door.Fang Xiaomei greeted the person who opened the door familiarly and took Mi Yuan to the first floor of the villa.

Shen Lin was sitting in the living room of the villa reading a book. On the coffee table, a pot of tea was exuding fragrance.

"Mi Yuan is here, sit down quickly." Shen Lin saw Mi Yuan and stood up with a smile to say hello.

Mi Yuan has been to Shen Lin's home before, but her impression was not too deep.

Now looking at this beautifully decorated house, countless emotions rise in my heart.

Although she and Shen Lin have a child, Shen Lin doesn't know about this child, and she doesn't want Shen Lin to know about it.

And here, it belongs to Lu Xiaorong, a person who truly lives with Shen Lin and can only let himself look up to him.

"Hello, Chairman Shen."

Fang Xiaomei didn't feel unfamiliar at all. After Mi Yuan sat down, she quickly poured tea for the two of them.

Afterwards, Fang Xiaomei turned around and left.

Mi Yuan looked at Fang Xiaomei who was about to leave, hesitated for a moment and said: "Dr. Shen, Xiaomei should actually have some experience with what I'm asking you to talk about. Why don't you let her stay and give her opinions?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, then Xiaomei can stay."

While speaking, Shen Lin turned to Mi Yuan and said, "Mi Yuan, how do you feel about coming back? Is everything okay at home?"

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "I feel like the changes have been really big since I came back."

"The most direct thing is housing prices. Our housing prices here have increased a lot."

"I've just been back for two days, and many people have asked me if my house is for sale."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Now that there are more rich people, there are more people who want to improve their living environment."

"This is normal."

While the two were talking, Mi Yuan continued: "My family is doing well. My mother's health is recovering well. The doctor said that as long as she insists on taking medicine, there will be no major adverse reactions."

Shen Lin said: "That's good. If there's anything difficult to handle, just tell me."

"Here in Dongzhou, I still have some abilities."

After chatting for a while, Shen Lin said casually, "The child is fine, right? Is he in Dongzhou or Yangcheng now?"

Mi Yuan had just talked a lot, but she just didn't want to hear Shen Lin mention children.

At this time, hearing Shen Lin suddenly mention it, her heart suddenly started beating hard for some reason.

But at this time, she calmed down and said: "The child is doing well, but he is still a little unclear when talking. When I came back this time, I didn't want to take him with me, but because the negotiations took a long time, my mother Brought him here.”

"He's getting more and more playful now."

When Shen Lin listened to Mi Yuan's words, he felt a little dazed in his mind.

Although Mi Yuan didn't say it, this was his child after all!

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he smiled and said, "It's good that the child is healthy!"

"By the way, what do you want from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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