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Chapter 2224 They are very similar

Chapter 2224 They are very similar

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin whose expression changed, and a trace of doubt arose in her heart.

Why did he become so focused when he heard about the child? Has he discovered something?
But as soon as this idea arose in her mind, she was rejected by Mi Yuan.

She felt that she had done a very good job, and the possibility of Shen Lin discovering it was very small.

Not even that!
So after clearing her throat, she said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, what happened this time is really a coincidence, so my colleagues and I all felt that there might be some conspiracy in it."

Speaking of this, Mi Yuan repeated what Xiao Ming said.

Shen Lin listened to Mi Yuan's words quietly, and couldn't help but think more highly of Mi Yuan.

Being able to see problems from clues and make bold doubts is an ability that exceeds that of ordinary people.

Various thoughts surged in Shen Lin's heart, but on the surface he still looked at Mi Yuan quietly, waiting for her to finish her question.

"Director Shen, I reported this issue to Mr. Lu Dongsheng, but Mr. Lu thought we were a little fanciful, so he didn't take our suspicions seriously."

Mi Yuan said: "I believe in Mr. Lu's ability, but I'm afraid that if what I suspect turns out to be true, it will cause huge losses to our company. For the sake of insurance, I decided to report this to you." Something.”

Shen Lin tapped his fingers lightly on the table, but he did not speak. Instead, he looked at Fang Xiaomei, who looked shocked.

This was the first time that Fang Xiaomei heard about this matter, but when he thought about what Mi Yuan said, a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

She felt that Mi Yuan's words were not unfounded suspicions.

There seems to be some connection here.

But as Mi Yuan and the others suspected, it was not a small matter.

So when Shen Lin looked at him, she said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I think this is not a small matter."

"You should investigate this matter carefully."

"After all, once this kind of thing is true, it will cause us huge losses."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Xiaomei, you are right. Once this kind of thing is true, the loss to us will be very great."

"In fact, Mi Yuan and the others' suspicions are not only reasonable, but the things they suspect also really exist."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin glanced at Mi Yuan and said, "Not only did I know about this matter before, but Lu Dongsheng also knew about it."

"It's just that he has concerns in his heart, so he doesn't dare to tell you."

"Now that Mi Yuan has reported the problem to me, let me solve this matter."

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin with a smile on his face, and felt a sense of shame in her heart.

It seemed that he had ruined one of Shen Lin's plans.

After all, Shen Lin knew about this matter, which meant that Shen Lin must have some plans for the Qunxing Group.

But his own reaction broke Shen Lin's plan.

This seems to be a disservice!

Shen Lin seemed to see Mi Yuan's shame clearly. He smiled and said, "Mi Yuan, you don't have to be ashamed in this matter."

"I would say that your performance in this matter was very good. Not only did you see through the other party's tricks, but you also responded to me persistently."

"This shows that you are not only capable, but also have a huge sense of identification with the company."

"For this, I will definitely look back..."

Just when Shen Lin was praising her, Mi Yuan's PHS suddenly rang.

Mi Yuan glanced at the PHS and immediately hung up the call.

And Shen Lin continued: "Look back, I..." Just as Shen Lin continued, Mi Yuan's PHS rang again.

Seeing the PHS number, Mi Yuan hesitated.

The phone is your home phone. If you just hung up for the first time, your family should know that something is wrong with you. In this case, they will basically not disturb you.

But now, my family is constantly calling, which means something is wrong.

For a moment, Mi Yuan's heart was filled with hesitation.

"Mi Yuan, answer the phone first. There must be something urgent to call you like this." Shen Lin smiled and said, "We are not in a hurry."

Mi Yuan glanced at Shen Lin gratefully, then answered the phone and said, "Mom, what's the matter? I'm reporting on work now. If you're not in a hurry, we'll talk later."

"Mi Yuan, Xiao Mili suddenly has a fever, and the fever has reached over 39 degrees. Come back quickly, and we will take the child to the hospital together."

On the other end of the phone, my mother's urgent voice came over.

The child's fever suddenly reached over 39 degrees, which made Mi Yuan anxious.

If Shen Lin is very important to her, then her children are everything to her.

So she immediately said: "Dr. Shen, the child is sick. I want to go home."

"If you have anything, just ask Xiaomei to convey it to me tomorrow."

As she spoke, Mi Yuan was about to rush out.

Looking at Mi Yuan in a hurry, Shen Lin said: "Mi Yuan, don't be anxious yet."

"The child's matter is a big deal, let's go over there together."

"I'm familiar with Dongzhou and have many acquaintances, so it's easy to get things done."

While speaking, Shen Lin glanced at Fang Xiaomei, who was standing aside, and said thoughtfully, "Xiaomei, let's go too."

Fang Xiaomei originally wanted to tell Shen Lin that she was equally familiar with Dongzhou and she could handle many things.

But seeing Shen Lin walking forward without any doubt, she swallowed what was in her heart and just followed Shen Lin out of the house.

Fang Xiaomei was driving, and Shen Lin was riding in her second-hand Santana.

While sitting in the car, Shen Lin had already called the director of Dongzhou No. [-] Hospital and quickly arranged everything.

Ten minutes later, the car arrived at Mi Yuan's residence.

Mi Yuan's parents didn't know what to do. After seeing Mi Yuan and others coming back, they said eagerly: "Mi Yuan, Xiao Mi Li suddenly has a fever for some reason. Please take him to see him quickly. "

Mi Yuan didn't care to talk to her mother and reached out to touch the forehead of Xiao Mi Li who was lying on the bed.

Shen Lin also stared closely at the millet grains on the bed. Although he had seen photos of the child, this was the first time for him to have such close contact.

Although Xiaomi Li had her eyes closed, she could still see that she looked very much like Mi Yuan, very handsome.

However, Shen Lin also saw a lot of himself in this handsome man.

He said to the anxious Mi Yuan: "Mi Yuan, let's go to the hospital first. The doctor has a way to lower the child's body temperature."

"As long as the temperature comes down, everything will be fine."

Mi Yuan glanced at Shen Lin and didn't say anything else. She picked up the child and walked out while saying to her parents: "Mom and Dad, please wait at home. My colleagues and I will take the millet grains to the hospital." .”

"Don't worry, the hospital has been contacted and everything will be fine."

When Mi Yuan, Shen Lin and others walked out of the house, Mi Yuan's mother hesitated for a moment and suddenly said to her wife: "Did you notice that Xiao Mi Li looks a bit like the man who followed Mi Yuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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