Chapter 2225 Who Is He?

Although Mi Yuan's father, Lao Mi, is retired, he is still very experienced.

After hearing his wife's words, he immediately calmed down from the panic that his grandson had a fever.

He had long known that his daughter and the teacher were just a fake marriage, mainly to give the child an identity.

He asked Mi Yuan several times about the origin of this child, but Mi Yuan refused every time.

If the question is urgent, just leave.

In the end, Lao Mi and his wife did not dare to ask about this matter again. After all, although Mi Yuan is divorced now, her life seems to be very good.

Instead of pursuing this matter, it would be better to let her daughter live happily.

But now, after hearing his wife's words and thinking about the man who had just left, he really felt that this man was very similar to his grandson.

"They just said to go to the No. [-] Hospital, so I went over to take a look."

Lao Mi said to his wife: "You are not in good health. Please rest at home for the time being."

"Take a taxi and let's go there together." Mi Yuan's mother was worried about her grandson's health. Second, she also wanted to see what the relationship between Mi Yuan and Shen Lin was.

So she insisted: "It's not like I can't go out. So, you can take a taxi and we can go there together."

Looking at his insistent wife, Lao Mi finally said: "Okay, let's go there together."

In just a few minutes, Lao Mi and his wife arrived at the No. [-] Hospital.

"Mi Yuan, where are you guys?" Lao Mi dialed Mi Yuan's PHS and asked.

At this time, Mi Yuan had calmed down. She said softly: "Mom, am I in the ward?"

"What happened to the millet grains in the ward?" Lao Mi asked with a hint of urgency.

In his opinion, if a cold or fever is diagnosed, it is usually treated in an outpatient clinic.

This enters the ward, which means hospitalization.

Mi Yuan felt her father's urgency, and she said quickly: "Dad, Xiaomi is fine."

"The reason why I'm in the ward is because it's convenient for treatment."

"Your mother and I have arrived at the No. [-] Hospital. Which ward are you in?" Lao Mi asked in a deep voice while breathing a sigh of relief.

When Mi Yuan heard that her parents were coming, although she was a little reluctant, she did not complain.

However, it is not convenient for her to pick up her parents now. After all, her hand is now held by Xiaomi Li and she cannot move away at all.

Just when she was hesitating, Shen Lin already said: "Let uncle and aunt tell me a place, and I'll ask Xiaomei to pick it up."

Regarding Shen Lin's arrangement, Mi Yuan did not refuse. She immediately said: "Mom, this place is hard to find. Tell me where you are and my friend will pick you up."

Lao Mi took a look at the new inpatient building under construction in the hospital, and finally told Mi Yuan his location.

In just 5 minutes, a young man wearing a white coat and looking very energetic came to Lao Mi's side.

"Are you Miss Mi Yuan's parents?" the young man's doctor asked with great respect.

As his wife became ill, Lao Mi became in awe of the doctor profession.

When he heard the words of the visitor, he said in a deep voice: "I am Mi Yuan's father. May I ask who you are..."

"My name is Hao Yuan. I am a doctor in our hospital. Our director asked me to pick you two up. Please come with me." As Hao Yuan spoke, he made an inviting gesture to the right.

The dean asked to pick up his wife. Is there any misunderstanding here?

Lao Mi is still very clear about the situation of his husband and wife.Although it was not a bad situation before he retired, with his wife's illness, the family's life began to deteriorate.

It is now possible to maintain the original level and have a tendency to reach a higher level, all because of Mi Yuan's efforts.

If it weren't for Mi Yuan, who knows what his life would have been like?

And even when his status was at its highest, it was difficult for the president of a large hospital to send someone to greet him.

But since they had already sent someone, they had no choice but to follow.

After walking through the noisy clinic building, following Hao Yuan, they soon came to a quiet small building.

The small building is in a separate courtyard. Not only is there a special security guard at the door, but inside the small courtyard, there are even more flowers, giving people a feeling of tranquility amidst the chaos.

This place doesn't look like a hospital, but more like a sanatorium.

Just when Lao Mi felt something in his heart, they soon arrived at a ward with three bedrooms and two living rooms.

When talking about a ward, it seems more like a family.

Not only are TVs and washing machines available, but even the sofa furniture is very high-end.

On the hospital bed, the millet grains that had been covered with fever-reducing patches were waving their little hands and playing with Mi Yuan. On the sofa in the ward, the male colleague who had followed Mi Yuan was chatting with several middle-aged people in white coats. The man spoke.

Although he didn't know what they were talking about, Lao Mi could feel from their positions that the conversation was mainly about his daughter's colleagues.

"Mom, the millet grains are reducing the fever. Doctor Li said that the fever can basically be reduced in half an hour, so we don't have to worry." Mi Yuan saw her parents coming in and hurriedly explained the child's condition.

Mi Yuan's parents were immediately relieved when they heard that their child would be well soon.

When they came this time, in addition to paying attention to their grandson's condition, they also wanted to ask who Mi Yuan's colleague, who looked like Xiaomi Li, was.

But seeing that he was talking to a few middle-aged people, it was difficult for him to interrupt.

At this moment, a doctor in his 30s standing next to Mi Yuan said: "Uncle, don't worry, the child only catches cold and has a fever occasionally, it's not a big deal."

"Stay here for one day today, and you can go home to rest tomorrow."

In fact, Dr. Li knows very well that in his situation, he can just go back today.

It's just that the director of his family was afraid that treating the doctor like this would easily make Director Shen uncomfortable, and that he and others would not do their best in this matter, so he asked him to say more.

After Dr. Li spoke, Mi Yuan introduced Dr. Li's identity, which made Lao Mi and his wife completely relieved.

"Hello, Uncle Mi, don't worry. Dr. Li is the best pediatrician here. His judgment is basically not wrong." Shen Lin saw Lao Mi and others coming over and said hello.

Lao Mi has actually been looking at Shen Lin.

In addition to Shen Lin making him feel very similar to his grandson, the more he looked at Shen Lin, the more familiar he felt.

But he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

When he heard Shen Lin speak, he was ready to ask about Shen Lin's identity after thanking him.

Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment and introduced immediately: "Dad, this is Director Shen Lin and Shen. I was reporting to him just now. You called to say that Xiao Mili was not feeling well."

"Thanks to Director Shen this time, if it weren't for him, Xiaomi Li wouldn't be able to recover so quickly."

Shen Lin, the person in front of me is Shen Lin!
Hearing this name, Lao Mi was completely stunned.

Although he had no contact with Shen Lin, he had heard Shen Lin's name too much.

Not to mention the achievements of MiKe Electronics, just the fact that his daughter works in MiKe makes him like Shen Lin like a thunderbolt!
(End of this chapter)

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