Chapter 2227 The Past
Shen Lin felt inexplicably panicked!
Didn't Lao Mi see something?
Shen Lin felt a little clear when he thought that Xiao Mili looked very similar to himself.

However, he knew that the more he was in this situation, the less he could panic, because panic would not only be of no use to him, but would ruin his plan.

So he smiled and said: "Uncle Mi, it's too early for Mi Yuan and I to know each other."

Having said this, he pondered for a moment and said: "Our Mihu products are famous through the Yangcheng trade fair."

"At that time, I had just contracted a light bulb factory and was preparing to build MiKe Electronics' own company, but the product's reputation had not yet been established."

Everyone present was very concerned about the story of Shen Lin's business venture.

They are all familiar with MiKe Electronics, and they all know that Mr. Shen founded MiKe Electronics on his own.

But they don’t know much about the development history of MiKe Electronics.

Especially the journey of Director Shen’s first pot of gold.

When Director Ma followed Shen Lin to see the child with Mi Yuan, he originally thought that Mi Yuan and Director Shen had some other relationship?

Although he didn't say it on the surface, he actually thought so in his heart.

After all, Dong Shen's identity and Mi Yuan's appearance can easily make people think of this, not to mention the appearance of the injured little boy also supports this.

But now, he felt that the relationship between this woman named Mi Yuan and Director Shen was unusual.

So he listened carefully.

As for Lao Mi, although he knew that his daughter and Shen Lin had known each other for a long time, he was also unclear about how they met.

This time, he originally wanted to ask about the relationship between his daughter and the trial, but he did not expect that Shen Lin would actually tell the story.

This made him feel a trace of expectation in his heart.

"At that time, I felt that if my products were exported to earn foreign exchange, I would have a great chance of success."

“And once you can earn foreign exchange through exports, it will be very helpful in increasing the visibility of your products.”

"So at that time, I was only thinking about letting my factory export to earn foreign exchange, but what? At that time, exports required qualifications."

"Mike Electronics undoubtedly did not have such qualifications at that time..."

After listening to Shen Lin's words, everyone present looked solemn.

They know very well that starting a business is difficult, especially finding a way to start a business is not easy.

"At that time, I didn't know Director Li Qingbo, but my wife and Mi Yuan were former classmates. It was with Mi Yuan's support that our company was qualified to participate in the trade fair that year."

When Shen Lin said this, he raised his wine glass and said to Lao Mi: "Uncle Mi, let me toast you."

Looking at Shen Lin raising his glass, Lao Mi quickly raised his glass and said, "Dr. Shen, Mi Yuan's support for you back then was just a matter of friendship."

"To say that MiKe Electronics has been able to develop to its current level, I think the most important thing is still your own efforts, Mr. Shen."

"It doesn't have much to do with other people."

After listening to Lao Mi's words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Uncle Mi, opportunity is very important in starting a business."

"Sometimes if you miss one opportunity, you may lose many opportunities."

The two people seemed to be getting closer as they talked.

After finishing a bottle of wine, Dean Ma said with a smile: "Dr. Shen, all aspects are now beginning to support the transformation. Some bold brother hospitals have even begun to outsource some unimportant departments."

"Although our hospital is firmly opposed to such a situation, there are some situations that we cannot but consider."

"For example, now that prices are starting to get higher and higher, it will be difficult to retain talented people if we don't increase doctors' salary levels."

Dean Ma seemed to be deeply touched by these words. When he said this, his voice became even lower.Shen Lin understands this situation very well. After all, as people go to higher places, the more capable they are, the more willing they are to live by their own abilities.

Shen Lin said: "Dean Ma, under your leadership, the First Hospital is booming now."

"I believe that it won't take long for the First Hospital to not only be the number one in Dongzhou, but also have a considerable impact even in the provincial capital."

Dean Ma held the wine glass and said, "Director Shen, of course I hope everything is as you said."

"But this is not easy to do."

At this point, Dean Ma said in a difficult tone: "For example, the wards in our hospital are too small to accommodate too many patients. For example, there are many advanced instruments that are very important to our work, but we don't have the money to buy them. For example, the size of our hospital..."

After listening to Dean Ma's words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dean Ma, you should go to Lao Feng for this kind of matter."

"He is your supervisor. Ask him to help you solve it. There is no use in looking for me."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Lao Ma said helplessly: "Director Shen, I asked Director Feng, but before I finished speaking, he started crying."

"He said that the health center below could not pay wages, that several other hospitals were in dire straits, and that..."

When Dean Ma said this, he spread his hands and said, "At that time, I felt that if I hadn't run so fast, I would have been stripped of my skin by Director Feng."

Shen Lin couldn't help laughing when he heard what Dean Ma said was interesting.

"Director Shen, it was not in vain when I went to see Lao Feng. He gave me a proposal, which was to use a flexible method to attract investment."

Dean Ma said: "For example, our hospital can be regarded as a company and is allowed to invest in shares."

Speaking of this, Dean Ma looked at Shen Lin expectantly and said, "After I got this permission, I was thinking about when to go see you, Director Shen."

"In Dongzhou, apart from steel mills, the only company that can invest in our hospital is Mihu Electronics."

"You also know the situation in the steel mills. Although their production is still prosperous, there is still a big gap compared with your Mihu Electronics."

When Shen Lin was asked to invest in the hospital, Lao Mi did not expect that such a thing would happen to him while he was having a meal with him.

But things like this seem to be normal.

After all, hospitals are not insular, they also need support.

Shen Lin didn't have much objection to this investment.

As the profits of various business units of MiKe Electronics have generally increased, Shen Lin has already spent a lot of money for investment.

After all, there are too many businesses that can make money, and it is impossible for him to participate in them all.

So investment is a very good direction.

In the future, medical care will definitely be a profitable business.

What's more, MiKe Electronics' huge number of employees also requires support in this regard.

As soon as he thought about it, he said to Dean Ma: "Old Ma, your idea is good, I can consider it."

"I just don't know, how much are you prepared to let me invest?"

Dean Ma prepared carefully today just to make Shen Lin spit.

Hearing Shen Lin's words at this time, he was extremely excited.In the past, MiKe Electronics did not have no support for their hospital, but it was just a small matter.

Now, if MiKe Electronics really invests, it will be an opportunity to take off.

Therefore, he must grasp it.

(End of this chapter)

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